He who laughs last laughs longest...Crow Pie

Take away all the illegal aliens that voted across this nation and The Donald cleaned house. I'm still in Menifee California and when I go to the DMV, I see all these illegals there getting their driver licenses. It used to be necessary to show a certified birth birth certificate obtained in Bellflower California, butt not now thanks to our lib governor jerry brown. I would bet that there were at least ten million illegals voting. I would bet you Zappy, butt you still owe from our last bet.

Every night i am laughing my ass off at how the Libs on CNN are trying everything to "hurt" The Donald all because Wikileaks showed The People how the Libs cheat at every turn. The People have finally seen what crooks the Libs are, especially the media which they controlled ever since Cronkite, who we all assumed was honest. Then there was that lying dan rather. You Libs are finished, the chickens have reallly come home to roost this time around, thanks to Wikileaks and that stupid Hillary who has got to be one of the biggest jackasses that God has ever created. On election night, the Libs on CNN purposely counted the state areas that The Hillary won to the point that even I began to think The Donald was going to to lose, "butt" the Libs had to come to terms with "realiteee" and they have been bitching about The Donald's whipeout win ever since..,,truly pathetic.
Trump didn't lose by anything. He won in a landslide in the only thing that matters.

Bringing up the popular vote is a fools errand. It is 100% irrelevant.

Landslide? Out of 58 elections, only 12 had a closer EC votes.

Did Mommy skip math in homeschool or are you just plain stupid? Both, huh?
Take away all the illegal aliens that voted across this nation and The Donald cleaned house. I'm still in Menifee California and when I go to the DMV, I see all these illegals there getting their driver licenses. It used to be necessary to show a certified birth birth certificate obtained in Bellflower California, butt not now thanks to our lib governor jerry brown. I would bet that there were at least ten million illegals voting. I would bet you Zappy, butt you still owe from our last bet.

Pulling numbers straight out of your asshole, I see
Pulling numbers straight out of your asshole, I see
You need to accept The Donald as your boss because none of your whining will help. The 20th will be called "D" Day, "Donald Day" and all your bitching and complaining will not help you pathetic Libs. Blame the Hillary and podesta for being as dumb as a rock for using the word "password" as their actual password spelling, what a couple of dumb jackasses. I will be posting on the 20th, butt of course most of you Libs will stay away. This will be The greatest Conservative victory in USA history.....I knew that my time would come after dumb sheet Romney lost to Barack Hussein Obama. Congressman Lewis is a fool, he needs to un-fool himself by grauvelling at the feet of The Donald at Trump Tower....haha hehe hoho
:rofl2: gotta love it when someone comes in from the cold, a couple months late to take a victory lap for a victory they had absolutely nothing to do w/...:rofl2:
:rofl2: gotta love it when someone comes in from the cold, a couple months late to take a victory lap for a victory they had absolutely nothing to do w/...:rofl2:
I voted for The Donald, therefore I am celebrating our victory. If the Hillary would have won, you Libs would be strutting all over this forum, "butt" thank God you all lost. I have patiently been waiting for this ultimate victory which should lead to the demise of the democrat party as we know it. President Reagans Democrats voted for The Donald and you lib fools and your phony election poles along with emails showing how crooked you libs were revealed to the American People that they were being brainwashed by the lib controlled media and schools, "butt" this actually started the demise of the radical socialist element of the democrap party. I laugh every night while watching CNN and their obvious bias, it is truly sickening while being hilarious. I laugh so hard that I have to switch channels in order to catch my breath. I knew that a Conservative victory would eventually prevail because God is on our side, not with you cheating leftists.
I was wondering where you've been; because the crying by the JPP snowflakes, ever since Hillary's loss, has been monumental. :D

Been busy playing Texas holder at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula Ca, taking care of my horse which unfortunately has recently collicked and died. Every time a business tries to screw The Donald, the People hear about ,through The Donald's Tweets, what happened and they blackball those businesses, i.e. Macy's which is slowly sinking and also Hollywood which is losing its ass on most of their overly violent movies. I saw 13 hours in Byengazi which was Hollywoodized with the overly violent scenes, my opinion of course. Every movie that they previewed(6) at that theater were too violent, also just my opinion. I also play golf a lot.
You need to accept The Donald as your boss because none of your whining will help. The 20th will be called "D" Day, "Donald Day" and all your bitching and complaining will not help you pathetic Libs. Blame the Hillary and podesta for being as dumb as a rock for using the word "password" as their actual password spelling, what a couple of dumb jackasses. I will be posting on the 20th, butt of course most of you Libs will stay away. This will be The greatest Conservative victory in USA history.....I knew that my time would come after dumb sheet Romney lost to Barack Hussein Obama. Congressman Lewis is a fool, he needs to un-fool himself by grauvelling at the feet of The Donald at Trump Tower....haha hehe hoho

Try to follow you moronic cocksucker. Trump won the electoral college. Nobody disputes that, cretin. He lost the popular vote by 3 million and has a 37% approval rate. People recognize he's a piece of shit.

I commented on your numbers of 10 million illegals voting. You pulled those numbers out of your ass, just like any bullshitter. A lying fuck like you would make Trump proud.

God isn't on your side, prick. Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.
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Been busy playing Texas holder at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula Ca, taking care of my horse which unfortunately has recently collicked and died. Every time a business tries to screw The Donald, the People hear about ,through The Donald's Tweets, what happened and they blackball those businesses, i.e. Macy's which is slowly sinking and also Hollywood which is losing its ass on most of their overly violent movies. I saw 13 hours in Byengazi which was Hollywoodized with the overly violent scenes, my opinion of course. Every movie that they previewed(6) at that theater were too violent, also just my opinion. I also play golf a lot.

Speaking of tweets. Here's another tweeted Trump lie from Thursday. Notice how almost everything Trump says is a lie?

James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated," Trump tweeted. "Made up, phony facts. Too bad!"

Try to follow you moronic cocksucker. Trump won the electoral college. Nobody disputes that, cretin. He lost the popular vote by 3 million and has a 37% approval rate. People recognize he's a piece of shit.

I commented on your numbers of 10 million illegals voting. You pulled those numbers out of your ass, just like any bullshitter. Avlying fuck like you would make Trump proud.
Keep exposing your lib lies, your lib poles numbers were way off the day of the election. You Libs had The Hillary way ahead of The Donald, you jackass fool of a fool...lol. I am just like Rush Limbaugh, I am a lib expert, I know all their tricks and I will expose them one by one on this Forum just like I used to in the past. Of course you are such a dumb sheet, you may not understand my extreme gravitas while telling it like it is.....ha ha he he ho ho

God isn't on your side, prick. Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.
I have encountered many "stupit" lib jackasses in the past while on this Forum, "butt" you take the cake...lol
Take away all the illegal aliens that voted across this nation and The Donald cleaned house. I'm still in Menifee California and when I go to the DMV, I see all these illegals there getting their driver licenses. It used to be necessary to show a certified birth birth certificate obtained in Bellflower California, butt not now thanks to our lib governor jerry brown. I would bet that there were at least ten million illegals voting. I would bet you Zappy, butt you still owe from our last bet.

That disproven talking point?

Sadly, you've got NO PROOF...just more baseless assumptions.
Been busy playing Texas holder at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula Ca, taking care of my horse which unfortunately has recently collicked and died. Every time a business tries to screw The Donald, the People hear about ,through The Donald's Tweets, what happened and they blackball those businesses, i.e. Macy's which is slowly sinking and also Hollywood which is losing its ass on most of their overly violent movies. I saw 13 hours in Byengazi which was Hollywoodized with the overly violent scenes, my opinion of course. Every movie that they previewed(6) at that theater were too violent, also just my opinion. I also play golf a lot.

I bet your horse really died from the stink of the moronic shit you spew.
(laughing) Hey, lying dumbfuck. Where did you get those 10 million votes? That's right weaselcunt. Your rectum

After our President Trump is sworn in on Friday, I hope that he investigate all those illegal aliens who illegally voted for The Hillary. All the those alien crooks need to be deported for breaking our voting laws concerning illegal aliens voting. The Hillary is a two time loser who needs to be put out to pasture like my old horse basically was. You Libs need to shut the fluck up because you are a sheet hashmark on a pair of underwear, a stain of society that needs to be washed out like a dirty cumstain because The People now know about all your lib conniving tricks in the media, thanks to Wikileaks. I knew that the chickens would eventually come home to roost and they have, what a glorious day this Friday will be. I bet that 200 million Folks will be watching this changing of the "guard", omyasss.
(laughing) Hey, lying dumbfuck. Where did you get those 10 million votes? That's right weaselcunt. Your rectum

After our President Trump is sworn in on Friday, I hope that he investigate all those illegal aliens who illegally voted for The Hillary. All the those alien crooks need to be deported for breaking our voting laws concerning illegal aliens voting. The Hillary is a two time loser who needs to be put out to pasture like my old horse basically was. You Libs need to shut the fluck up because you are a sheet hashmark on a pair of underwear, a stain of society that needs to be washed out like a dirty cumstain because The People now know about all your lib conniving tricks in the media, thanks to Wikileaks. I knew that the chickens would eventually come home to roost and they have, what a glorious day this Friday will be. I bet that 200 million Folks will be watching this changing of the "guard", omyasss.