

the observer
Why does wine cause the most wretched headaches when liquor doesn't seem to? I could google or wiki it but staring at the screen any longer will only make it worse.
Why does wine cause the most wretched headaches when liquor doesn't seem to? I could google or wiki it but staring at the screen any longer will only make it worse.

With all due respect you haven't drinkin' enough liquor if you think it doesn't give you a headache.
Cheap wine especially has many sulfates, this will add to your hangover, as well as the fact that the drink has far more sugar in it than other choices in alcohol.
Other drinks to avoid... Brandy, Red Wine, Rum, Whiskey, White Wine, Gin, then Vodka...

In that order.

If you drink one glass of water per drink you will lessen your hangovers, unless you are effected by the sulfates then I would suggest avoiding Brandy and Red Wine altogether.
Everclear is clearly the best.

Funny story, my uncle was out drinking one night (he's an alcoholic) and he had some Everclear stashed away. So he pulls it out, starts drinking it, and in his drunken stupor finds it the best drink ever. So next time he goes out and buys liquor (which is often) he gets a ton of everclear, goes back home, drinks it, and doesn't ever take another sip because it tastes so horrible.

The moral is... there is no moral. I make it a point to make stories specifically without a moral, to reflect my value and meaningless life.
Damo nailed it. Its the sugar. Water does help.

Or aleve at bedtime.
could be an allergy. I developed an allergy to beer in my 40's. One beer and a splitting headache.
Not a problem as I never was overly fond of beer anyway.
could be an allergy. I developed an allergy to beer in my 40's. One beer and a splitting headache.
Not a problem as I never was overly fond of beer anyway.

I am so very sorry, USC.

Personally, I agree with Ben Franklin's quote "Beer is proof God loves us and wants us happy"
I am so very sorry, USC.

Personally, I agree with Ben Franklin's quote "Beer is proof God loves us and wants us happy"

The beer is ok, but alcohol tastes terrible. the only thing I can ifgure is that most people cannot really taste alcohol very much.

I actually liked near beer better.

But then I only drank for the buzz.

I have most of a gallon of shine for that purpose.
Well, if getting drunk is your goal, shine is the shortest route. Thats for certain.
Try "Chasers" its a pill you can buy over the counter at most drug stores.

It works wonders for my hangovers. You have to take it while drinking is the only trick.

Two or three while in the process of drinking makes for no headache in the morning.
Try "Chasers" its a pill you can buy over the counter at most drug stores.

It works wonders for my hangovers. You have to take it while drinking is the only trick.

Two or three while in the process of drinking makes for no headache in the morning.

yeah but your liver may never forgive you.
What is in those things ?

Active Ingredients Purpose
Cinchona off. 12X
Throbbing head, noise sensitivity

Lobelia inf. 12X
Nausea, dizziness, headache

Nux vomica 12X
Headache, light sensitivity

Quercus spir glan 6X
Dry mouth and throat

Ranunculus bulb 12X
Headache, fatigue

Zincum met. 30X
Fatigue, headache, nausea
The nitrites in red wine have been implicated in migraine headaches. People who are susceptible should, unfortunately, avoid red wines. Wine coolers apparently are high in nitrites as well (I've never had one though, so don't know anything more about them).

Do you have a similar problem with mixed drinks? If not, that would probably rule out ingredients like sugar, which has been suggested as a possible culprit.

This definitely sounds like a sensitivity, not a hangover. Too bad! I love a good red wine so you have my sympathy!