
Ihave always been a dry white wine drinker. I love the lightness, and subtle flavors.

Kendall Jackson's Sauvignon Blanc is tasty without spending a fortune
Actually yes I do. I love chocolate too but often get headaches after...especially the darks...which I enjoy with my single malts.

And I don't think it has to do with the quality. I stick with the wines that I have always loved...Ravenswood has a nice zin (not vintners tho) and the Hess Collection Cabernet (96) is my absolute favorite.


Sometimes people sympathize with my seafood allergy; I don't! Knowing what it does to me (the reaction is identical to a really nasty food poisoning) I don't feel deprived at all. It's taste aversion at its finest.

Sometimes people sympathize with my seafood allergy; I don't! Knowing what it does to me (the reaction is identical to a really nasty food poisoning) I don't feel deprived at all. It's taste aversion at its finest.

You wanna hear something funny?

I'm not allergic to shellfish, but I am allergic to bony fish. Isn't that weirdest thing.

I wish I could eat fish though. Even though it would close up my throat swell my face and kill me. Looks divine.

Sometimes people sympathize with my seafood allergy; I don't! Knowing what it does to me (the reaction is identical to a really nasty food poisoning) I don't feel deprived at all. It's taste aversion at its finest.

No seafood? Oh I am sorry. I can see where the aversion would hit hard, but.....

Seafood is about my favorite type of food.
You wanna hear something funny?

I'm not allergic to shellfish, but I am allergic to bony fish. Isn't that weirdest thing.

I wish I could eat fish though. Even though it would close up my throat swell my face and kill me. Looks divine.

A nice broiled flounder with a side order of epinephrine?

Maybe a grouper filet basted with benadryl?

Sometimes people sympathize with my seafood allergy; I don't! Knowing what it does to me (the reaction is identical to a really nasty food poisoning) I don't feel deprived at all. It's taste aversion at its finest.

Ohhh I do sympathize with your seafood allergy. It's also one of my favorite foods, next to a nice filet. I can still have wine understanding that I will have a headache later, but I'd be heartbroken if I could not ever have seafood.
No seafood? Oh I am sorry. I can see where the aversion would hit hard, but.....

Seafood is about my favorite type of food.

Well, here's the ironic twist to all that: I grew up in Nova Scotia. (Right where the hurricane hit last week, in fact). About 17 miles from one of the largest lobster fishing regions in the world. I learned very, very early that the smallest taste would have me sick, really, really sick, for hours. Even the smell has become so aversive that I can't sit in a restaurant where shellfish is served to any great extent. So I don't feel that I'm missing anything. I grew up eating steak when everybody else feasted on lobsters and clams.
Well, here's the ironic twist to all that: I grew up in Nova Scotia. (Right where the hurricane hit last week, in fact). About 17 miles from one of the largest lobster fishing regions in the world. I learned very, very early that the smallest taste would have me sick, really, really sick, for hours. Even the smell has become so aversive that I can't sit in a restaurant where shellfish is served to any great extent. So I don't feel that I'm missing anything. I grew up eating steak when everybody else feasted on lobsters and clams.

LOL, I was telling someone about that last week!
I have allergy to sulfates and get raging headaches, red blotchy, and hot as hell if i drink the wrong stuff.

I can drink chardonnay or sauvignon but not all of them. I found that I do well with Australian wine for some reason.

For booze i can only drink certain white colored like vodka and gin but again not all brands. Sky works absolute doesn't.

Beer same thing its all brand dependent.

Sucks when my favorite beer or brand suddenly affects me and i have to go to a new one.
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Orgasms cure headaches. Medical fact. A doctor told this to me.

Why does it not surprise me that you know this? But yes, the release of endophins helps a lot of headaches. It can even help some migraines.
Why does it not surprise me that you know this? But yes, the release of endophins helps a lot of headaches. It can even help some migraines.

Frankly, I think that this is only speculation. I haven't heard of any actual tests done on this. (Endogenous opioids are a specialty of mine). I find it disturbing that the media in particular, and sports commentators especially, have latched onto the endorphin bandwagon, (and the adrenaline bandwagon, for that matter), when there is in reality no real evidence to back up their claims. It sort of falls into the same category as the confusion between schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. Drives me nuts.
Frankly, I think that this is only speculation. I haven't heard of any actual tests done on this. (Endogenous opioids are a specialty of mine). I find it disturbing that the media in particular, and sports commentators especially, have latched onto the endorphin bandwagon, (and the adrenaline bandwagon, for that matter), when there is in reality no real evidence to back up their claims. It sort of falls into the same category as the confusion between schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. Drives me nuts.

Ok. Sorry, I might have overstated when I said “medical fact”.
But a doctor did tell me that, in a bar, once, after I said I had a headache.
Frankly, I think that this is only speculation. I haven't heard of any actual tests done on this. (Endogenous opioids are a specialty of mine). I find it disturbing that the media in particular, and sports commentators especially, have latched onto the endorphin bandwagon, (and the adrenaline bandwagon, for that matter), when there is in reality no real evidence to back up their claims. It sort of falls into the same category as the confusion between schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. Drives me nuts.

I guess I was basing my info on speculation rather than scientific expertise.

Although, I would think the general effects of orgasm on the body would be great for any stress related pain. Also, the distraction from the headache would be another plus. And the general elevation of the mood would certainly make the headache SEEM less severe.
Ok. Sorry, I might have overstated when I said “medical fact”.
But a doctor did tell me that, in a bar, once, after I said I had a headache.

LOL! You mean about sex being good for headaches? Well, let's see -- it can be a vigorous activity, increase cardiovascular activity, therefore increasing oxygen to the blood and brain ... So there could be something to it :D

On the other hand, a walk in the fresh air might do as well. :rolleyes:
I guess I was basing my info on speculation rather than scientific expertise.

Although, I would think the general effects of orgasm on the body would be great for any stress related pain. Also, the distraction from the headache would be another plus. And the general elevation of the mood would certainly make the headache SEEM less severe.

I was thinking more in physiological terms, but we mostly agree. :p
Ok. Sorry, I might have overstated when I said “medical fact”.
But a doctor did tell me that, in a bar, once, after I said I had a headache.
Does your boyfriend ever hand you a glass of water and a couple painkillers before you complain, almost as if he's psychic?