Headline news over at LP.org


Oh the horrror!


Washington, D.C. - Among the regulations packed into the newest energy bill that just passed Congress this week, a ban on the incandescent light bulb will officially end what Edison started 130 years ago. "If you outlaw light bulbs, then only outlaws will have light bulbs," says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane Cory.

"The ban on incandescent light bulbs may seem almost comical," says Cory, "but it raises several red flags on the level of government intrusion in people's lives. From the toilets in your bathroom to the lights in your ceiling, there are very few consumer products free from some form of government regulation. I seriously doubt regulating light bulbs was intended to be a necessary-and-proper role of the federal government."

Incandescent light bulbs will begin to be phased out in 2012, with a complete ban finalized in 2014. Manufacturers will be forced to switch to compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, which can cost more than six times as much as the common incandescent bulb. While CFL bulbs are much more energy efficient, to maintain the bulb's longevity and achieve maximum efficiency, consumers must adhere to proper operating suggestions made by Congress, such as leaving the bulb turned on for at least 15 minutes.

"Not only do consumers have to alter how they use light in their houses, they must also take a number of precautions with CFL bulbs that were unnecessary when using incandescent bulbs," says Libertarian Party Media Coordinator Andrew Davis. "Because of the toxic levels of mercury in CFL bulbs, consumers will need to check with their waste management providers for proper disposal methods, and consumers will also have to research how to clean up broken bulbs. These bulbs may save energy in the long run, but at a great inconvenience to the consumer."

The Libertarian Party believes in free market solutions to environmental problems, and vehemently opposes government regulation that interferes with private business and personal liberty. The Libertarian Party also maintains that solutions cannot come from America's biggest polluter: the federal government.

"How many Americans does it take to change a light bulb?" Davis asks jokingly. "I guess we'll have to wait for next year's energy bill to find out."

The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting www.lp.org. The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

Slow news day. :rolleyes:
This just shows the kind of stupid crap they choose to focus on.

Are they right? Yes.

Is it important? Absofuckinglutely not.
This just shows the kind of stupid crap they choose to focus on.

Are they right? Yes.

Is it important? Absofuckinglutely not.

They slipped it into a bill Warren. It's not like it was the only thing in the bill. If the legislature individually debated every single measure in every bill they were going to pass they'd have to congregate until the end of time.
I think they should make a new libertarian party called the "Earth Libertarian" party, to contrast it with the other libertarians, who live on the moon.
I mean, this is what really makes the libertarians seem crazy. How is the free market supposed to protect the enviroment?

I've always argued for some measure of government-regulated environmental protection. Corporations have only one responsibility: delivering a profitable return to their shareholders. It is out of place to think that they will voluntarily take expensive steps just for the sake of the environment.

Exactly where to draw the line on those regulations, however, should be a matter of vigorous, case-by-case debate.
Congress should have been more concerned with setting up a program for CF disposal. We already have ridiculous levels of mercury in our waterways, thanks to lax regulations on coal fired power-plants. How much worse will it get when we start seeing a steady waste stream of CF bulbs?
The lights cost more but last longer so it may work itself out in the end costwise. BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GOVERNMENT REGULATING IT FOR!!!! Jeezus fucking Cheeeerist. When the dems get control of shit they get retarded. They don't have the guts to just cut the funding for the Debacle in Iraq and MAKE Bush keep the soldiers there without funding or bring them home but they pass a ban on light bulbs. I am voting for WHOEVER the republicans run so I can insure gridlock.
Congress should have been more concerned with setting up a program for CF disposal. We already have ridiculous levels of mercury in our waterways, thanks to lax regulations on coal fired power-plants. How much worse will it get when we start seeing a steady waste stream of CF bulbs?

I know in Mississippi I really have no idea of how to dispose of the bulbs. I honestly think I'd have to drive to Jackson or New Orleans to properly dispose of them. We have no government run waste management programs, and our privately owned ones pretty much don't talk to people. There is no recycling program in the state.

But, we replaced all of our bulbs with incanescents back in 2000. We've had no need to replace any of them since that time. So I guess it isn't a big issue.
The lights cost more but last longer so it may work itself out in the end costwise. BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GOVERNMENT REGULATING IT FOR!!!! Jeezus fucking Cheeeerist. When the dems get control of shit they get retarded. They don't have the guts to just cut the funding for the Debacle in Iraq and MAKE Bush keep the soldiers there without funding or bring them home but they pass a ban on light bulbs. I am voting for WHOEVER the republicans run so I can insure gridlock.

Gridlock would be great if we didn't have troops stuck there. I normally am a huge fan of divided, obstructed government, but I think we need to sort this whole "Iraq" business out first.
The lights cost more but last longer so it may work itself out in the end costwise. BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GOVERNMENT REGULATING IT FOR!!!! Jeezus fucking Cheeeerist. When the dems get control of shit they get retarded. They don't have the guts to just cut the funding for the Debacle in Iraq and MAKE Bush keep the soldiers there without funding or bring them home but they pass a ban on light bulbs. I am voting for WHOEVER the republicans run so I can insure gridlock.

They're regulating it to speed along the transition. If everyone in the nation used them, the nation as a whole would be better off. Some people don't know about the advantages and just go for the cheaper incandescents.