APP - Healthcare chances better?


Well-known member
From what I am seeing, this Congressional break has been good for healthcare's chances.

The attitude and mood seems to have shifted to a better place for the passage of a meaningfull Obama backed bill.

Lets hope I am right, we will see when Congress comes back.

When do they come back?
Considering Obama's dropping poll numbers and the supposive dropping of the public option I think the argument can me made things definitely aren't at their high point for Obama from a health care perspective right now. Things can and do change though so we're not done yet.
I am starting to wonder if the Public Option is once again a realistic possability. I hope so.
I am starting to wonder if the Public Option is once again a realistic possability. I hope so.

Naah the sheeple have been misled by the corporate right once again.
The sheeple are convinced the public option will ruin our country.
I am starting to wonder if the Public Option is once again a realistic possability. I hope so.

Considering they talked again about dropping it you better raise your level of hopping.
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Congress should be swapped over to the public option. They are paid with our tax dollars, why do they deserve better healthcare than the citizens they represent?
Congress should be swapped over to the public option. They are paid with our tax dollars, why do they deserve better healthcare than the citizens they represent?

because dickhead morons like you vote the same people into office that pass laws like that. Then you call other people the problem-- when you are real problem.

Like this gem from earlier in the thread

Naah the sheeple have been misled by the corporate right once again.
The sheeple are convinced the public option will ruin our country.

Yeah, dumbass, it's the sheeple who pointed out the flaws. It's sheeple who read the fucking bill and posted the details(which you obviously ignored)

You and your fellow supporters are the sheeple.
The deal is not Obama's approval ratings, its what Americans belive about health care.

The fraud about DEATH PANNELS perpertrated by Palin and some other Republicans has been exposed and Americans are pissed.
The deal is not Obama's approval ratings, its what Americans belive about health care.

The fraud about DEATH PANNELS perpertrated by Palin and some other Republicans has been exposed and Americans are pissed.
Right. Which is why he is desperate to rebrand and make a second attempt at it.
Congress should be swapped over to the public option. They are paid with our tax dollars, why do they deserve better healthcare than the citizens they represent?
Congress will never subject themselves to the system that they want for the non-ruling classes.
1) Its not unprecedented.

2) I dont see it as a sign of depseration.
It is quite unprecedented for a new President to be addressing Congress in this fashion. Yeah, not quite the norm. Even the need for such an action shows that this horse is nearly already dead... I don't think whipping it some more is going to make it live again either.