APP - Healthcare chances better?

It is quite unprecedented for a new President to be addressing Congress in this fashion. Yeah, not quite the norm. Even the need for such an action shows that this horse is nearly already dead... I don't think whipping it some more is going to make it live again either.

I disagree, I guess you could call it unprecidented for a black president to be addressing congress this way also... but thats not the relevant part.
Are you all saying we are not going to get healthcare reform in any shape or size?
Are you all saying we are not going to get healthcare reform in any shape or size?

Dilly-dally a la 1994, one way or the other, that is the object. There is no plan with the name Obama or a 'D' on it that the GOP wants or will vote for in this year or any other, whether good for the country, its people, or not.
Only what benefits the for-profit private sector will be considered by the bought and paid for GOP.
Bravery? Strategy?
Necessity. If his plan is to have any hope he must do some serious CPR to bring it back into life. It isn't bravery to desperately try to revive failing legislation that you had already urged people to vote on before it was ever debated.
Damo are you saying all healthcare reform is all but dead, or just the public option?
Ok, jeesh...

Damo said it was unprecidented for a "new" president to address a joint session of congress.

I compared that to my statement that it was also unprecidented for a black president to address a joint session of congress.

My point is that him being a "new" president is illrelevant, just like him being a "black" president is illrelevant and thus it does not make it unprecidented for the purpose of the point we were discussing.
Ok, jeesh...

Damo said it was unprecidented for a "new" president to address a joint session of congress.

I compared that to my statement that it was also unprecidented for a black president to address a joint session of congress.

My point is that him being a "new" president is illrelevant, just like him being a "black" president is illrelevant and thus it does not make it unprecidented for the purpose of the point we were discussing.
This early in a President's term it is unprecedented for them to need to appear before a joint session in this manner, usually their popularity carries their first large legislation, even Bush was able to pass the Pill Bill and other "reform" that normally wouldn't pass with the Congress he had.. This honeymoon is ending quickly.

You are just clueless as to what I mean so you make crap up that you want to argue. It's called the straw man fallacy, you seem to be more blatant at it daily.
This early in a President's term it is unprecedented for them to appear before a joint session in this manner, usually their popularity carries their first large legislation, even Bush was able to pass the Pill Bill and other "reform" that normally wouldn't pass with the Congress he had..

You are just clueless as to what I mean so you make crap up that you want to argue. It's called the straw man fallacy, you seem to be more blatant at it daily.

No, I was merely pointing out that its not unprecidented. Bill Clinton did it with health care also. Now you want to bring in that its early in his term... I just dont see why that is relevant. He is trying to pass something that has a LOT of special interests against it, its hard to do. The timing in his presidency is just about as relevant as him being black.
I disagree, I guess you could call it unprecidented for a black president to be addressing congress this way also... but thats not the relevant part.

Why is it that whenever someone questions a move by Obama someone on the left spouts off about Obama being black????
No, I was merely pointing out that its not unprecidented. Bill Clinton did it with health care also. Now you want to bring in that its early in his term... I just dont see why that is relevant. He is trying to pass something that has a LOT of special interests against it, its hard to do. The timing in his presidency is just about as relevant as him being black.
Ah, well if that were the case I should have said "rare" rather than unprecedented, but in actuality Bill Clinton did it more than a year after he took office so... you are full of it.