Heartwarming bi-partisan effort to save dogs


Oderint dum metuant

Lawmakers are pursuing legislation to improve conditions and oversight of dogs bred for medical research.

Ten bills — three in the House and seven in the Senate — have been introduced with the aim of securing the improvements.

One of the bills, proposed by Sen. William Stanley Jr., would prohibit a dealer or breeder from “importing for sale … a dog or cat bred by a person” who has received “certain citations pursuant to the federal Animal Welfare Act.”

Another bill in the House, sponsored by Kelly K. Convirs-Fowler would require any person or business that breeds cats and dogs for animal testing facilities to report on a monthly basis such information as “birth, acquisition, death, sale, transfer, or other disposition” of the animal.

The legislative proposals come after officials conducted unannounced inspections this summer of a large beagle-breeding facility and found dozens of animal welfare violations.

The officials also raised concerns about infrequent cleaning in areas where dogs nursing puppies could face possible disease and sickness. Flies, beetles and ants were found on self-feeders in some of the kennels. At least a dozen dogs had problems including eye conditions, “severe dental disease” and inflamed paws, according to the inspection reports.

Beagles are bred for use in research because they are small and docile, according to animal welfare experts.

PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — launched its own, roughly seven-month undercover investigation of the facility. The group said its investigator found workers with no veterinary credentials sticking needles into puppies’ heads to drain hematomas without any pain relief for the animal, and cases in which puppies “fell through holes in the cages and ended up in drains, soaked with water, feces and other waste.”

Yesterday, I sent a letter to Dr. Fauci regarding cruel, taxpayer-funded experiments on puppies; debarking before drugging and killing them. Thankful to my 23 democrat and republican colleagues who signed on. This is disgusting. What say you @NIH https://t.co/c54SXipD9Q

Fauci is a monster. But he's not the only one.

These creatures are being bred - for profit - to be subjected to hideously cruel abuse.

Oh, absolutely not....but, yes, he's horrible...
I've signed more than on petition to stop these experiments....everyone should....
Thanks for posting this, Legion....I'll be sure to share it with our rescue and animal advocate groups....
I was reading that so many of the experiments are trivial, that we are harming dogs often for no good reason, and that is a problem. I am not against animal research in theory, I am against irresponsible animal research.

This thread reminds me of a tag that I use a lot now:

We have been betrayed.
Oh, absolutely not....but, yes, he's horrible...I've signed more than on petition to stop these experiments....everyone should....Thanks for posting this, Legion....I'll be sure to share it with our rescue and animal advocate groups....

Envigo’s accreditation should be yanked

The Envigo dog breeding facility in Cumberland, already at the center of a major scandal for hundreds of illegal animal deaths, is now the subject of a call to revoke the breeder’s national accreditation by a national research watchdog.

Dual U.S. Dept. of Agriculture inspection reports for the Virginia dog breeding facility resulted in seven direct, three critical and eight non-critical violations, all of which are extremely serious, said SAEN (Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!), a non-profit, Ohio-based non-governmental watchdog that monitors US research facilities for illegal behavior.

After the USDA inspection recorded 18 total code section violations discussing more than 1,700 dogs, including hundreds of puppies, SAEN is now urging AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) to yank Envigo’s national accreditation.

Veterinary records for the dead puppies did not even disclose a cause of death, a release from SAEN stated. The USDA inspection also noted more than 150 puppies were found “autolyzed.”

SAEN explained this means that the deceased puppies were not noticed until they had begun to decompose.

“Envigo Global Services could not possibly be further out of compliance with AAALAC standards,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., SAEN’s executive director, in a letter to AAALAC CEO Kathryn A. Bayne.

Budkie added, “It almost appears as though the goal of the staff of this lab/breeder facility was to intentionally violate AAALAC standards as often as they possibly could. If so, they have succeeded admirably.”

SAEN’s AAALAC letter is posted at: https://saenonline.org/news-media-n...Accreditation-Revocation-Letter-12-13-21.html

The inspection discusses many seriously ill animals who went untreated, noting dog enclosures are damaged and feed is riddled with insects.

An excerpt from a report states “Records show that during the time frame January 1, 2021 to July 22, 2021, 71 dogs were injured when a body part (such as an ear or tail) was pulled through the wall of the kennel by a dog in an adjacent kennel and bitten. The exact injury varied in each case, however substantial or minor, the dogs were subsequently euthanized.”

USDA cites dog-breeding facility for mistreating animals


Officials making unannounced inspections this summer of a large beagle-breeding facility in Virginia found dozens of animal welfare violations: records indicating that hundreds of puppies had died of “unknown causes” over a span of months; dogs’ food dispensers teeming with insects; and reeking kennels with piles of feces, urine and food underneath them.

Based on the routine inspections conducted in July, officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture cited Envigo — an Indianapolis-based firm that breeds dogs and sells them as research animals — for mistreatment of beagles and poor conditions at the facility in Cumberland, Va., about 50 miles west of Richmond.

Officials said records at the facility showed that in a seven-month period, more than 300 puppies died of “unknown causes.” There were incomplete records on the deaths.

According to inspection reports posted online on Nov. 15, authorities found more than 500 puppies and dogs kept inside a building and experiencing “discomfort, lethargy or stress” because the temperature was above 85 degrees for at least five hours, and there was no air conditioning.

The officials from the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service also raised concerns about infrequent cleaning in areas where dogs nursing puppies could face possible disease and sickness. Flies, beetles and ants were found on self-feeders in some of the kennels. At least a dozen dogs had problems including eye conditions, “severe dental disease” and inflamed paws, according to the inspection reports.

Envigo said the use of animals for research is “essential for developing lifesaving medicines, medical devices and biologics, such as vaccines.”

Envigo’s accreditation should be yanked

The Envigo dog breeding facility in Cumberland, already at the center of a major scandal for hundreds of illegal animal deaths, is now the subject of a call to revoke the breeder’s national accreditation by a national research watchdog.

Dual U.S. Dept. of Agriculture inspection reports for the Virginia dog breeding facility resulted in seven direct, three critical and eight non-critical violations, all of which are extremely serious, said SAEN (Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!), a non-profit, Ohio-based non-governmental watchdog that monitors US research facilities for illegal behavior.

After the USDA inspection recorded 18 total code section violations discussing more than 1,700 dogs, including hundreds of puppies, SAEN is now urging AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) to yank Envigo’s national accreditation.

Veterinary records for the dead puppies did not even disclose a cause of death, a release from SAEN stated. The USDA inspection also noted more than 150 puppies were found “autolyzed.”

SAEN explained this means that the deceased puppies were not noticed until they had begun to decompose.

“Envigo Global Services could not possibly be further out of compliance with AAALAC standards,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., SAEN’s executive director, in a letter to AAALAC CEO Kathryn A. Bayne.

Budkie added, “It almost appears as though the goal of the staff of this lab/breeder facility was to intentionally violate AAALAC standards as often as they possibly could. If so, they have succeeded admirably.”

SAEN’s AAALAC letter is posted at: https://saenonline.org/news-media-n...Accreditation-Revocation-Letter-12-13-21.html

The inspection discusses many seriously ill animals who went untreated, noting dog enclosures are damaged and feed is riddled with insects.

An excerpt from a report states “Records show that during the time frame January 1, 2021 to July 22, 2021, 71 dogs were injured when a body part (such as an ear or tail) was pulled through the wall of the kennel by a dog in an adjacent kennel and bitten. The exact injury varied in each case, however substantial or minor, the dogs were subsequently euthanized.”

Thank you again for the post...I'll forward this as well...How heartbreaking.... Sounds puppy mill-ish---and there's not much more disgusting than those....


USDA inspectors found other issues that violated the Animal Welfare Act at Envigo’s facility in Virginia:

  1. Nearly 50 dogs had fight wounds.
  2. Food was withheld for 42 hours from roughly a dozen female dogs that were nursing 78 pups. Officials at Envigo said it was the facility’s “standard operating procedure for weaning which they believe reduces the risk of mastitis” — inflammation of the mammary glands.
Envigo and its predecessor, Covance, had more than a dozen contracts potentially worth around $1.2 million with the National Institutes of Health to sell the agency dogs that were allegedly used in medical research, according to PETA.

A spokeswoman at NIH said the agency has purchased dogs from Envigo’s Cumberland facility.


Thank you again for the post...I'll forward this as well...How heartbreaking.... Sounds puppy mill-ish---and there's not much more disgusting than those....

It's worse - they are bred to be tortured to death for profit.

What could be more upsetting than learning of the horrific neglect and cruelty that thousands of gentle beagles and their puppies are subjected to at Envigo’s massive breeding warehouses?

Only knowing that our tax dollars are funding this heinous suffering.

The National Institutes of Health spends taxpayers’ dollars to torment and kill animals in cruel tests every year, and it has bought dogs from Envigo.

  • These dogs feel pain and fear.
  • They yearn for love and companionship just like the treasured dogs who share our homes.
  • Yet they are treated like puppy-producing factories and test tubes with tails.
  • Dogs who survive the horrific conditions at Envigo will endure a lifetime of constant caging, punctuated only by painful, terrifying procedures during which they’re infected with diseases, cut open, injected with chemicals or violated in other ways before they are killed. Experimenting on animals causes massive suffering and death, but it rarely results in cures or effective treatments for humans.
This must stop.

Tax dollars should not be used to torment animals.

Funds should be redirected to modern, human-relevant research methods instead.

"Oh there is a law against it or the American people dont like it, easy, we'll just do it overseas and not talk about it".
Our shit leaders.
It's worse - they are bred to be tortured to death for profit.

What could be more upsetting than learning of the horrific neglect and cruelty that thousands of gentle beagles and their puppies are subjected to at Envigo’s massive breeding warehouses?

Only knowing that our tax dollars are funding this heinous suffering.

The National Institutes of Health spends taxpayers’ dollars to torment and kill animals in cruel tests every year, and it has bought dogs from Envigo.

  • These dogs feel pain and fear.
  • They yearn for love and companionship just like the treasured dogs who share our homes.
  • Yet they are treated like puppy-producing factories and test tubes with tails.
  • Dogs who survive the horrific conditions at Envigo will endure a lifetime of constant caging, punctuated only by painful, terrifying procedures during which they’re infected with diseases, cut open, injected with chemicals or violated in other ways before they are killed. Experimenting on animals causes massive suffering and death, but it rarely results in cures or effective treatments for humans.
This must stop.

Tax dollars should not be used to torment animals.

Funds should be redirected to modern, human-relevant research methods instead.

It truly does need to stop...what does Joe have to say about this?...Of course he gave his dog up for a new puppy....Thank God Collins is gone....
Who wouln't "attack" mad, puppy killing "scientists"?

But attacking him is like attacking science. He says so.

‘Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science’

But attacking him is like attacking science. He says so.

‘Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science’

This isn't about his disastrous handling of the 'rona....but he deserves those criticisms as well...