Heartwarming bi-partisan effort to save dogs

This isn't about his disastrous handling of the 'rona....but he deserves those criticisms as well...

Disastrous to treasonous depending upon the degree to which this pandemic has been weaponized against us, which I argue is substantial.
You know whoever takes over from him is likely to be his hand-picked successor, don't you?
No one can be that bad-can they? And everyone will be watching very, very closely from now on....relentlessly....
Why, yes, yes they could.

Why should they?
I hear you...and you're (sadly) correct...but people won't give up on this...so we'll see.... There are new tougher laws and restrictions happening everywhere when it come to animals and abuse...
I hear you...and you're (sadly) correct...but people won't give up on this...so we'll see.... There are new tougher laws and restrictions happening everywhere when it come to animals and abuse...

I wish I could believe that, but a lot of awful things that are illegal and/or prohibited happen when the left is in charge.
Animal abusers are just about at the same level as those who abuse children in my book. LOWEST form of humanity. In fact, many child abusers are also animal abusers. They like to have ultimate power over the smallest and the weak who cannot defend themselves. If it were up to me they would all get the living shit kicked out of them. Make them see first hand what they are doing to the the small and defenseless. And to do it to a dog of all things. A dog only wants 2 things,....to love and to be loved. Do that and they will be loyal to the end. Like I keep repeating over and over because I have found it to be SO TRUE...... Evil will ALWAYS use our own goodness against us.
Animal abusers are just about at the same level as those who abuse children in my book. LOWEST form of humanity. In fact, many child abusers are also animal abusers. They like to have ultimate power over the smallest and the weak who cannot defend themselves. If it were up to me they would all get the living shit kicked out of them. Make them see first hand what they are doing to the the small and defenseless. And to do it to a dog of all things. A dog only wants 2 things,....to love and to be loved. Do that and they will be loyal to the end. Like I keep repeating over and over because I have found it to be SO TRUE...... Evil will ALWAYS use our own goodness against us.

Fauci is an evil man.
I despise cruelty to animals.

But I find it odd that you people FREAK OUT about dogs being treated horrible (and rightly so).
But don't give a fuck that over 580,000 American's are homeless.
Including tens of thousands of veterans.

But Gordon Gekko was right.

"That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people."
Who gave you the impression that that no one cares about the homeless? Including veterans? Gordon Geeko is incorrect, btw...
Animal abusers are just about at the same level as those who abuse children in my book. LOWEST form of humanity. In fact, many child abusers are also animal abusers. They like to have ultimate power over the smallest and the weak who cannot defend themselves. If it were up to me they would all get the living shit kicked out of them. Make them see first hand what they are doing to the the small and defenseless. And to do it to a dog of all things. A dog only wants 2 things,....to love and to be loved. Do that and they will be loyal to the end. Like I keep repeating over and over because I have found it to be SO TRUE...... Evil will ALWAYS use our own goodness against us.
Well said...So many evil people, especially these days...we won't let them win, though....
LOL...the fact that there IS 580K homeless in America is proof positive.
And that's unacceptable...but you blamed the people here (you people) speaking out against theses dog atrocities...how did you decide we're not caring or doing anything about the homeless situation?
Don't forget the Betty White challenge, everyone....Jan.17th...Stone you're covered...;)
And that's unacceptable...but you blamed the people here (you people) speaking out against theses dog atrocities...how did you decide we're not caring or doing anything about the homeless situation?

Because you are.

I have not seen one thread about homeless people.

I just searched it...nothing.

Yet this is - if memory served - at least the second thread about animals I have seen in just over the month I have been here. And there have been LOTS of fucking threads about the environment. But NOTHING about the homeless or people starving to death.

I have brought it up in threads numerous times.
And very few have said anything about it.
One asshole had the idiocy to claim that 'the homeless like to be homeless'.

It is fucking obvious.
Most people on this board clearly care more about fucking animals than the homeless.
Same with most people...period.

And if that offends you...FUCKING GREAT!!!

Maybe that will get you off your lazy selfish ass and do something to help the homeless - for once.

Now piss off you thin-skinned piece of shit who gets more worked up about his precious ego than he does about his fellow humans whom are homeless and/or starving.


And thank you for proving what Gekko said was 100% right.

"That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people."
Because you are.

I have not seen one thread about homeless people.

I just searched it...nothing.

Yet this is - if memory served - at least the second thread about animals I have seen in just over the month I have been here. And there have been LOTS of fucking threads about the environment. But NOTHING about the homeless or people starving to death.

I have brought it up in threads numerous times.
And very few have said anything about it.
One asshole had the idiocy to claim that 'the homeless like to be homeless'.

I am not guessing - I FUCKING KNOW IT.
Most people on this board clearly care more about fucking animals than the homeless. Same with most people...period.

And if that offends you...FUCKING GOOD!!!

Maybe that will get you off your lazy selfish ass and do something to help the homeless - for once.

Now piss off you thin-skinned piece of shit who gets more worked up about his precious ego than he does about his fellow humans whom are homeless and/or starving.



Gordon Gekko was 100% RIGHT!!!

"That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people."
You don't offend me...not sure why you would think that....and you and Gordon are 100% wrong.....(though if there is no specific thread you might be right... so I'll give you that...why don't you start one instead of whining that there isn't one? Then we'll talk about it... If not, I'll understand...
But I'll wait...;)