Heartwarming bi-partisan effort to save dogs

The article says nothing about actually experimenting on children, nor could I find any article that did.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

How do you think vaccine safety is established?

The article also says that Fauci says the vaccines are "safe for children" even though the studies are ongoing.

You know what that means, right?
That's a different topic.

Some puppy mills supply animals for research.

16. Puppy mills also produce animals that are used in labs for animal testing.

Facts on puppy mills state that many people don’t even realize that they also produce animals for animal testing in labs. Such facilities depend almost entirely on puppy mills for their supply of dogs (and sometimes cats) needed for testing.


How do you think vaccine safety is established?

The article also says that Fauci says the vaccines are "safe for children" even though the studies are ongoing.

You know what that means, right?

I'm saying that a lot of studying and research goes on before human clinical trials, and haven't seen anything where this is happening with children.

But sooner or later it will happen, just like it did for the polio vax and others.
I'm saying that a lot of studying and research goes on before human clinical trials, and haven't seen anything where this is happening with children. But sooner or later it will happen, just like it did for the polio vax and others.

Yet Fauci says children should be injected with the juju juice now. :pke:
I'm donating $10 to Planned Parenthood for every instance the virtue-signaling phony mentions Betty White or tells ppl to donate to dog shelters. McRocket's point about homeless vets get an honorable mention -- and a donation -- as well.

So you say.

A Story for Every Occasion™.

According to McSuckit's "logic", if you don't start a thread about something, you don't care about it.

Get busy, Fuck Face. :laugh:
I'm saying that a lot of studying and research goes on before human clinical trials, and haven't seen anything where this is happening with children.

But sooner or later it will happen, just like it did for the polio vax and others.

Parents of children with rare or fatal illnesses may be offered opportunities to sign them up for clinical trials at times. These treatments/medications are usually tested on laboratory animals before moving to human trials.

This is NOT the same as "experimenting on children," which makes them sound involuntary. All clinical trials are strictly voluntary and all participants are told of all possible issues before granting permission to be included.
Yet Fauci says children should be injected with the juju juice now. :pke:

Not for kids five and under. :nono:

  • Dr. Fauci says children from 6 months to 5 years old may be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by the spring of 2022.
  • Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine seems like the likely frontrunner for FDA authorization in that age group.
  • "Can't guarantee it, you've got to do the clinical trial," Fauci said of his predicted timeline.

Kids younger than 5 years old are the only people in the US who still can't get any COVID-19 vaccines.
But Dr. Anthony Fauci says they (and their parents) shouldn't have to wait too much longer.

"Hopefully within a reasonably short period of time, likely the beginning of next year in 2022, in the first quarter of 2022, it will be available to them," Fauci told Insider, though he quickly acknowledged there's really no way to know that for sure.

"Can't guarantee it, you've got to do the clinical trial," he said.

Parents of children with rare or fatal illnesses may be offered opportunities to sign them up for clinical trials at times. This is NOT the same as "experimenting on children," which makes them sound involuntary. All clinical trials are strictly voluntary and all participants are told of all possible issues before granting permission to be included.

Yet Fauci says children should be injected with the juju juice now, despite the fact that the studies are "ongoing".

Since minors cannot legally consent to be injected with an unproven substance, what does that make Fauci?
I didn't bring it up. Y O U did.

Not in connection with Fauci.

Btw guess which PA political party is putting money before animal lives?

HARRISBURG — Partisan divides are stymying legislation to boost funding for the Pennsylvania bureau tasked with exposing puppy mills and handling dangerous dogs, potentially endangering the state’s ability to enforce tougher animal cruelty laws.

The legislature departed for the summer without voting on bills that would have raised dog licensing fees from $6.50 to $10 per year, an increase advocates say is critical to address insufficient staffing and a dire funding shortfall within the state’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement. Without a new and permanent stream of revenue, they say, the bureau will soon be unable to carry out its basic functions.

In an interview this week, state Rep. Dan Moul (R., Adams), who chairs the House committee where one of the bills has languished, said fee increases are politically unpopular. He and other House Republicans fear a public backlash if they were to approve a fee hike — Moul noted that he still receives angry calls from constituents about an unrelated gas tax hike he voted for nearly a decade ago."

Not for kids five and under Dr. Fauci says children from 6 months to 5 years old may be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by the spring of 2022. Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine seems like the likely frontrunner for FDA authorization in that age group. "Can't guarantee it, you've got to do the clinical trial," Fauci said of his predicted timeline. Kids younger than 5 years old are the only people in the US who still can't get any COVID-19 vaccines. But Dr. Anthony Fauci says they (and their parents) shouldn't have to wait too much longer. "Hopefully within a reasonably short period of time, likely the beginning of next year in 2022, in the first quarter of 2022, it will be available to them," Fauci told Insider, though he quickly acknowledged there's really no way to know that for sure. "Can't guarantee it, you've got to do the clinical trial," he said.

So, let's summarize. Fauci's agency authorized torturing animals to death, advocates injecting children with a substance that hasn't been rigorously tested (and says he "expects" to be able to shoot up babies with it by springtime), and you see nothing wrong with that?
