Heartwarming bi-partisan effort to save dogs

I despise cruelty to animals.

But I find it odd that you people FREAK OUT about dogs being treated horrible (and rightly so).
But don't give a fuck that over 580,000 American's are homeless.
Including tens of thousands of veterans.

But Gordon Gekko was right.

"That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people."

You mentioned in another post that there were no threads about the homeless. There have been and sometimes they're hard to find. Mostly those threads are critical and blame the victims for their homelessness. Here are two examples.

A PETA investigation into cruel “sound localization” experiments at the University of Wisconsin–Madison revealed that experimenters drill holes into cats’ skulls, implant electrodes in their brains, and implant steel coils in their eyes.

The cats are intentionally deafened and then killed.

At Michigan State University, experimenters cut into cats’ faces, crushed their optic nerves, removed their eyes, and then killed them.

In auditory studies, cats have their ears cut off and are locked in restraint chairs so that their brain activity can be measured in response to different sounds.

In stroke experiments, blood flow to the cats’ brains or eyes is blocked, causing a stroke.

In vision experiments, cats are raised in darkness, have one or both eyes sewn shut, or have their eyes removed.

At a contract testing laboratory called Professional Laboratory and Research Services (PLRS), where PETA conducted an undercover investigation, cats suffered seizures and bled from the nose and mouth after an experimental chemical was applied to their skin. In spite of this severe reaction, the chemical was administered to the cats a second time the very same day.

You mentioned in another post that there were no threads about the homeless. There have been and sometimes they're hard to find. Mostly those threads are critical and blame the victims for their homelessness. Here are two examples.


How dare you?


Your Queen approved his illogical post. :D

McRocket's point about homeless vets get an honorable mention -- and a donation -- as well.
A reminder to everyone not to forget the Betty White challenge... A donation to your local shelter or rescue will make such a difference in be a wonderful tribute to her memory...TIA :)

You're desperate. Postponing dog licensing fees = animal genocide?

You're desperate in singling out Fauci as a representative for all the animal cruelty in the country.

The dog license increase was to fund research into puppy mills in PA, ergo it concerns the health and well-being of dogs. Note the headline of the article, Prince of Prevarication. :D

[h=1]Why a funding boost for the office that exposes Pa. puppy mills stalled again[/h]
You're desperate in singling out Fauci as a representative for all the animal cruelty in the country.

As you already knew, I didn't "single out Fauci".

Ridiculous. I don't support experimenting with animals either, but am not going to put this all on Fauci.

I'm not putting "all this on Fauci".

Fauci is a monster. But he's not the only one.

The fact is that he was a major customer for Envigo.
The dog license increase was to fund research into puppy mills in PA, ergo it concerns the health and well-being of dogs.

I guess that's a bad thing. Say, why don't you spring into action and expose them yourself, since you care so much about dogs (all of a sudden)?


Good idea.
I'm going to remind everyone!!!...So many loved her and she was such aHuge voice for animals....It's a wonderful gesture.... and even if everyone just contributed a dollar it would be helpful... She's smiling down seeing the tremendous support for this nationwide Challenge....
I'm going to remind everyone!!!...So many loved her and she was such aHuge voice for animals....It's a wonderful gesture.... and even if everyone just contributed a dollar it would be helpful... She's smiling down seeing the tremendous support for this nationwide Challenge....

Freedom911 abused his dog and you were silent!
Once a steaming piece of shit,always a piece of shit!