Heather Heyer: One down millions more to go!


Heather Heyer was a typical ANTIFA member, a hater of decent humans. She traveled To Charlottesville to spoon out her fair share of left wing hate and violence. It got her killed, live by the sword die by the sword. Taking out female ANTIFA members are worth more points because they are the breaders.
Heather Heyer was a typical ANTIFA member, a hater of decent humans. She traveled To Charlottesville to spoon out her fair share of left wing hate and violence. It got her killed, live by the sword die by the sword. Taking out female ANTIFA members are worth more points because they are the breaders.

Just kill yourself, loser.
She is anything but a typical antifa member. She was a local not a mercenary and thought it would be cool to join the 2 minute hate.
Sadly for her she did not have access to the script, did something stupid and got herself killed. (Funny how a madman drives into a crowd at 40mph but only one dead.)
Pretty funny coming from you. Using a screen name like "I hate racists and Nazis" while at the same time bashing Heyer.

You lie. I did not call myself that.
Go get the quotes of mine that prove your claim.

I noticed you can't explain your obvious double standards. Soiled Knickers gets a lecture (deservedly) and Antifa gets a pass for his vile posts.
That depends on who you think "the haters" are.

Well, I've never known anyone either than a left wing, liberal, progressives to be haters.

Seriously, why post a thread like this unless you're a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad?

Conservatives are immune to looking bad. One day the terrorist organization known as ANTIFA will be eliminated and America will return to being great again.
Well, I've never known anyone either than a left wing, liberal, progressives to be haters.
Conservatives are immune to looking bad. One day the terrorist organization known as ANTIFA will be eliminated and America will return to being great again.

You are wrong on all 3.

Quit pretending to be a conservative.