Heather Heyer: One down millions more to go!

You lie. I did not call myself that.
Go get the quotes of mine that prove your claim.

I noticed you can't explain your obvious double standards. Soiled Knickers gets a lecture (deservedly) and Antifa gets a pass for his vile posts.

Oh excuse me you're right, "I condemn racists & Nazis " You wrote post after post calling her "heffer" so you have no moral high ground here.
Why do you hate conservatives so much? Accusing a conservative of being any thing other than a conservative should be a hate crime.

You aren't what I recognize as a conservative, and liberals are normally associated with someone who posts a thread title like your OP.

Check out Antifa (who Christiefan915 refuses to chastise). https://www.justplainpolitics.com/member.php?17-Antifa

In fact, I suspect that you are Antifa posting under another name.
Everybody in the crowd was in and around antifa, it was a demonstration. You'll have to do better than that. Where is your proof?

ANTIFA members broke the barriers allotted them by their permit. If she was not one of the ANTIFA terrorist barrier breakers than she was on the side of those leading a peaceful march in favor of free speach.
ANTIFA members broke the barriers allotted them by their permit. If she was not one of the ANTIFA terrorist barrier breakers than she was on the side of those leading a peaceful march in favor of free speach.

Antifa had no permit as far as I'm aware. I heard Antifa were being moved after the assembly was declared illegal by police.

I have to wonder if poor Heather would be alive if the cops had escorted the marchers or blocked the cross streets.

But then Christiefa Antifa wouldn't have a martyr to shed crocodile tears over online.
You lie.

I was clearly practicing ebonics. All my posts were full of phonetic spelling.

Why do you hate ebonics?

You lie.

A cursory glance at the bulk of my posts reveals that I habitually use ebonics.

I welcome anyone who might be inclined to believe your slander to look at my post history and judge your falsehood accordingly.

I understand that you don't seem very diligent in pursuing research when the results are embarrassing.

Your fictional hunt for Zappacrite's missing evidence is proof of that.
If I'm not a conservative, then why would I be making so many great points on behalf of conservatives.

The point you are making is that conservatives are happy that a woman was killed and you are eagerly looking forward to "millions more" deaths.

That's not a great point. This conservative does not share your ghoulish glee.

So I suspect you are a liberal troll.
You lie.

A cursory glance at the bulk of my posts reveals that I habitually use ebonics.

I welcome anyone who might be inclined to believe your slander to look at my post history and judge your falsehood accordingly.

I understand that you don't seem very diligent in pursuing research when the results are embarrassing.

Your fictional hunt for Zappacrite's missing evidence is proof of that.

Are you also practicing superciliousness when you're not doing phonyebonics?
The point you are making is that conservatives are happy that a woman was killed and you are eagerly looking forward to "millions more" deaths.

That's not a great point. This conservative does not share your ghoulish glee.

So I suspect you are a liberal troll.

Only a liberal would accuse a conservative of making this about the ANTIFA terrorist being a woman! I never mentioned the ANTIFA terrorist members gender! I'm guessing that you're not a conservative at all! I think that you're a ANTIFA member out to make conservatives sound like morons! Well, it's not working!
Only a liberal would accuse a conservative of making this about the ANTIFA terrorist being a woman! I never mentioned the ANTIFA terrorist members gender! I'm guessing that you're not a conservative at all! I think that you're a ANTIFA member out to make conservatives sound like morons! Well, it's not working!

You don't need any help from Antifa to look like a moron.

Your false flag is what's not working, lib.
You don't need any help from Antifa to look like a moron.

Your false flag is what's not working, lib.

When did I ever mention the deceased terrorist ANTIFA members gender? Only a far left, limp wrist would make this about gender. Remember, if it was for us heterosexuals you liberals wouldn't exist! VIVA LA STRAIGHT PEOPLE!
When did I ever mention the deceased terrorist ANTIFA members gender? Only a far left, limp wrist would make this about gender. Remember, if it was for us heterosexuals you liberals wouldn't exist! VIVA LA STRAIGHT PEOPLE!

Yep. You're a false flag liberal troll all right. Confirmed.

Your vile thread title is on the left.

There's nothing liberals won't stoop to, apparently.