Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

I assumed that's what it meant to everybody!!!

Another way to put it: they have a more complicated 23 and Me readout than I do.:cool::laugh:

Sorry, but calling a mixed-race person a "mongrel" is racist. Not quite the same as calling a white person from a collection of various nationalities the same thing, eh?
"Faith Journey."

Is that actually a thing?

Does one partake in a pilgrimage to enhance one's faith in something or other?

Considering the expense of travelling,

my own pilgrimages were all designed to have a few laughs.

If anything, I lost my faith in roulette

and concentrated on the sports book instead.

I was usually too well oiled to be trying to count cards at blackjack.
Yes, but it varies among individuals. I call it a "spiritual journey". I was an atheist in my teens then had a NDE in my HS Junior year which put me on a spiritual journey.

People's experiences vary. My interest is in comparing people's avowed beliefs with their behavior. Notice that most of the Trumpers here claim to be Christians, but never act like one.
Agreed. "Mongrel" is a crude term for the racist term miscegenation.

Of course it is, just like "thug" is nothing more than a dog whistle term for the n-word. It's interesting that one of the racists here thanks those posts, even though that bigot allegedly has a mixed-race progeny.
Yep. At least "pussy posse" isn't as blatantly anti-someone-else's-religion as what he used to use all the time (along with his other "Christian" gossip grrrls): The "coven."
A misogynist or any other hater isn't acting like a Christian.

I like to compare a person's claims to their behavior. We hall have our moods and "bad hair days", but overall, people exhibit a pattern of behavior. I have not seen a single JPP Trumper who conducted themselves as a Christian. A lot claim to be Christians, but their actions and words quickly prove they are not just like Arbie does with his attacks on those he hates.
Of course it is, just like "thug" is nothing more than a dog whistle term for the n-word. It's interesting that one of the racists here thanks those posts, even though that bigot allegedly has a mixed-race progeny.

Can you and Doc take your "complaining about other posters" show elsewhere? Or try to stick to the topic of the thread. Thanks!

Matthew 19:18 Context

15And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence. 16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

It's endlessly amusing to watch someone use the Bible to justify whatever bad thing it is they wish to justify, particularly when that same person is one of the least representative of the religion they claim to follow.
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?

On this forum, it seems atheists start more threads about Christianity, than self professed christians start about atheism.

But my theory is that atheists are percieved as to marginal and to insignificant to worry about.

What rightwing Christians really get twisted off about are Muslims and Jews. There was a period of time on this forum when you couldn't log in without seeing threads complaining about the Quran, Sharia law, fantasies about nuking Mecca, and diatribes about 'Islamofascists'. Several rightwing christians here have also been notorious antisemites.
An admitted adulterer and Trump-supporting white supremacist preaching the Bible is expected from a known liar and oath-breaking traitor.

Really. We were always told in Sunday School and church that your sins will be forgiven if you ask Jesus and sincerely repent -- and don't keep repeating them, or bragging about them.
Of course it is, just like "thug" is nothing more than a dog whistle term for the n-word.

It's interesting that one of the racists here thanks those posts, even though that bigot allegedly has a mixed-race progeny.

Agreed. It's pretty easy to pick out the haters on JPP. They consistently attack people who are not White, Male and Alt-Right. The ones that claim to be Christians are clearly either liars or irrational. At least Gullie is semi-honest about being a Satanist with his homage to Lucifer, the Lightbringer. LOL

Agreed on interesting. The behavior of most Trumpers on JPP is often irrational and inconsistent except for their hatred of anyone who isn't supportive of the Alt-Right, Euro-American male agenda.
Yes, but it varies among individuals. I call it a "spiritual journey". I was an atheist in my teens then had a NDE in my HS Junior year which put me on a spiritual journey.

People's experiences vary. My interest is in comparing people's avowed beliefs with their behavior. Notice that most of the Trumpers here claim to be Christians, but never act like one.

Interesting. I might need some help with "NDE"
since I don't text
and thus don't know all of the abbreviations.
Really. We were always told in Sunday School and church that your sins will be forgiven if you ask Jesus and sincerely repent -- and don't keep repeating them, or bragging about them.

Agreed 100%. The "repent on Sunday, Sin all week" mentality isn't repentance.
Interesting. I might need some help with "NDE"
since I don't text
and thus don't know all of the abbreviations.

Near Death Experience. It was a powerful experience after an accident that I sought to replicate and could never do. It put me on a spiritual journey where I concluded that not all is as it seems.

OTOH, I did hit my head really, really hard and had partial amnesia for a few days. LOL
You are born, you live, you die, that's it. But if it gives you the warm fuzzies to believe that the creator of the universe is your special friend, knock yourself out. It's a shame that the major religions all teach that this life is just a waste of time waiting for the next one. It's a con. You give your life away in pursuit of it.