Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

I'm still trying to figure out the "fake Jew" insult. As if those haters have the first idea of Judaism and its teachings. But Minty "knows real Jews" and guno isn't a "real Jew." It's sad and pathetic.

Like the "mongrel" insult is racist, the "fake Jew" accusations are a form of antisemitism. Arbie, Earl, Stone and the rest are all white supremacists. Guno being African-American and Jewish is a double reason why they hate and lie about him.
Yet you judge them as if YOU were God. Notice that even as Nifty mocked me I treated him fairly and with respect,...nor did I judge him. In fact I even said that it is my sincere hope he proves me wrong.
You judge me, Fat Boy. You judge Guno. You judge TOW. The list goes on.

Which is the bigger sin, Fat Boy: Being non-Christian or being a hypocrite and hater while paying lip-service to Christianity?
If you go back to the board's inception, I think way more threads were started complaining about Muslims than were ever created complaining about Christians.

That was around the same time that Obama was elected? Or was it political at all?

My observation has been that for the most part, a thread about Christians is more likely to occur when some prominent Xtian -- like Joel Osteen, for example -- makes the news for some non-Xtian behavior. In his case, when he at first refused to open his megachurch to storm refugees. The threads tend to be more about a particular person/event than about bashing Christians across the board, despite what our tender buttercup RB believes.

My favorite "Anti-Christian" event:

The more some of you post the more you PROVE some of the points talked about in the Bible. Thanks..... :thinking: :)

The more you post, Fat Boy, the more you prove you are not a Christian except in name only.

Jesus wept.
I'm still trying to figure out the "fake Jew" insult. As if those haters have the first idea of Judaism and its teachings. But Minty "knows real Jews" and guno isn't a "real Jew." It's sad and pathetic.

I thought is was reprehensible for rightwing Christians to hate an entire religion and it's one billion adherents.
What is your evidence that it was created? Perhaps it has always existed.
You are starting with a presumption and then pretending that presumption is fact.

Is this how you spend every Saturday morning?

Well as far as we know nothing creates itself. A painting suggests a painter and a novel suggests an author. What's your evidence it may have always existed?



Only if I spend them with fucking douche bags.
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I have been scolded by holy rollers here that I am hell bound if I don't conform to their ways of thinking.

Yep. There are very few of us non-Christians who haven't been informed that we are hell-bound if we don't accept their particular religious path, in real life.
Well as far as we know nothing creates itself. A painting suggests a painter and a novel suggests an author. What's your evidence it may have always existed?

Only if I spend them with fucking douche bags.


I'm still trying to figure out the "fake Jew" insult. As if those haters have the first idea of Judaism and its teachings. But Minty "knows real Jews" and guno isn't a "real Jew." It's sad and pathetic.

And very, very bigoted. Apparently Guno can't be both a mixed-race and a Jewish person at the same time. Haters always reveal themselves by their insults, then cry when it's turned back on them.
Yet you judge them as if YOU were God. Notice that even as Nifty mocked me I treated him fairly and with respect,...nor did I judge him. In fact I even said that it is my sincere hope he proves me wrong.

Nope, I don't judge anyone as though I were "God," not having the power to put you all in the Hell where you belong. :rofl2:

I do judge you all by your words here, the only criteria we all have. Those who virtue-signal their Christian faith, and then post scurrilous slander and lies contrary to the teachings of Christ, will be called out. If you (group you) don't like it, then stop posting lies, racist crap, hate speech, personal attacks, and gossip. It's not that hard, is it now?
EXACTLY. Murder is the killing of someone for nefarious reasons. If some crazed nut breaks into my home with a gun with the aim of harming my family and I end up killing him in defense of my family then that is not Murder. God gave us brains for a reason,.... the ability to THINK. But some people like Owl would instead choose to twist things instead of just going with the true intentions as written.

Nope, you killed someone. Full stop. It is our secular law that saves your bacon here, as it allows for self-defense and other legally-justified killing, like capital punishment. You are trying to use the Bible to wiggle out of the commandment against killing.
Nope, you killed someone. Full stop. It is our secular law that saves your bacon here, as it allows for self-defense and other legally-justified killing, like capital punishment. You are trying to use the Bible to wiggle out of the commandment against killing.

So what about what it says in Strong's Concordance? The original Hebrew word seems to be especially focused on "murder" as opposed to general killing. It looks like it might also have included "killing" in general.

But it is poor exegesis to simply assume ONE definition among several is controlling in a setting where you have no additional information. For instance we are now looking at how the word "gender" can be utilized for the social construct as opposed to the biological sex. Our language has subtleties within it.
Nope, you killed someone. Full stop. It is our secular law that saves your bacon here, as it allows for self-defense and other legally-justified killing, like capital punishment. You are trying to use the Bible to wiggle out of the commandment against killing.

Have you noticed that Stone boy is long on talk, short on facts and usually full of violent shit?
Historically that has been one of the jobs of religion.
Disagreed, Perry.

Historically, it's been a job of religion to defend the religion, but not go on the offensive. Leaders have weaponized religion to attack such as the Crusades or Brigham Young at the Mountain Meadows massacre, but that's not the purpose of the religion nor in most religious tenets.
The Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Daoist, and Confucian canon I have read give a lot of wisdom and guidance on how best to live a genuine and ethical human life in this world.

But they also say that your 'reward' is heaven. When you die. If they didn't add that suicide clause Christians would be lining up for euthanasia. Lots of books have wisdom and guidance on how to lead a genuine and ethical life. Most of them don't demand fealty to a monster.
Disagreed, Perry.

Historically, it's been a job of religion to defend the religion, but not go on the offensive. Leaders have weaponized religion to attack such as the Crusades or Brigham Young at the Mountain Meadows massacre, but that's not the purpose of the religion nor in most religious tenets.

I'd say the Crusades were "going on the offensive". But also just look at the Book of Joshua in the Bible. God helped the Israelites displace (murder and kill and utterly destroy) the Canaanites so they could have the land. Saul was even ordered to commit a genocide on the Amalekites.

Christians in the Middle Ages went out of their way to murder jews wholesale.

You can make the "no True Scotsman" argument that religion was "weaponized" and used by leaders. But at the end of the day the Believers had to put blade to body and draw some blood.

That's what history shows.
The Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Daoist, and Confucian canon I have read give a lot of wisdom and guidance on how best to live a genuine and ethical human life in this world.

Yes, this is true. The Bible has a lot of good stuff in it. A great set of ways to live a good life. But it's needlessly muddled with a bunch (BUNCH) of bad stuff as well.
But they also say that your 'reward' is heaven. When you die. If they didn't add that suicide clause Christians would be lining up for euthanasia. Lots of books have wisdom and guidance on how to lead a genuine and ethical life. Most of them don't demand fealty to a monster.

Yes, they all of a concept of something greater than this life.

Most of the popular culture books available on Amazon, written on ethics and the virtuous life are mostly just taking what was written by the ancient sages, repackaging it, and stripping it of any religious context -->

My project was to get down to the original sources written by the sages of the Axial Age. That was just a personal interest of mine.