Heckling of Biden Reflects a New, Coarser Normal for House G.O.P.

WASHINGTON — The House floor has been no stranger to rowdy spectacle in 2023, but the eruptions of Republican vitriol against President Biden during his State of the Union address on Tuesday night underscored a new and notably coarse normal in Congress, where members of the G.O.P. majority tossed aside rules of decorum and turned the annual speech into a showcase for partisan hostility.

The raucous peals of “liar,” “that’s not true” and at least one expletive lobbed at Mr. Biden during his 73-minute address dwarfed outbursts during previous such speeches, most of which have been interrupted by a single disturbance, if at all.


This was unprecedented and uncalled for, especially by the speaker who sits behind the president.

Precedent set for future unruliness.
At least McCarty didn't tear up Biden's speech...

Interesting. Tearing a piece of paper is the same as screeching like a diseased monkey in heat? Seriously?

That didn't happen during Trump's SOTU speeches.

You truly are nuts.

So you don't remember the HR3 chants in 2020? Or when they scoffed booed, groaned during the address in 2018 when he mentioned chain migration in particular?

Leftists have what parents call "selective memory" when it comes to their own actions...
So you don't remember the HR3 chants in 2020? Or when they scoffed booed, groaned during the address in 2018 when he mentioned chain migration in particular?

Leftists have what parents call "selective memory" when it comes to their own actions...

So show me a video and refresh my memory.
I suspect the Nazi leftists here understand at best, 1 in 5 posts I make.

That's much of the fun, watching the moron drones flail around with no clue what fools they make of themselves.

Keep an eye out. You've said "Nazi" 3 times. twump's going to appear next to you in your mom's basement! Boo! LOL :)
So you don't remember the HR3 chants in 2020? Or when they scoffed booed, groaned during the address in 2018 when he mentioned chain migration in particular?

Leftists have what parents call "selective memory" when it comes to their own actions...

So what's next from your side, Storming the Capitol building with TRUMPTARDED IDIOTS AGAIN?

How low will you BUTT HURT people go?

No Sir, you seem to have a selective memory?

So you don't remember the HR3 chants in 2020? Or when they scoffed booed, groaned during the address in 2018 when he mentioned chain migration in particular?

Leftists have what parents call "selective memory" when it comes to their own actions...

Chain migration? Do you mean what brought Trump's mother to America?
Chain migration? Do you mean what brought Trump's mother to America?

The point was the interruptions, not what I think of the "reason" they did it. Just pointing out that this is 100% a "both sides do it" thing. Watching the Speaker tear up a copy of a speech like a child throwing a tantrum and pointing out that democrats interrupted the SOTU speeches while Trump was in office when responding to a post saying that the democrats "never have" is pretty much the correct response to such an absurd claim.

Have the democrats done the same thing? Yes. Even you remember it, your first response was defending the "why" not saying they didn't do it. Your defense is: "But they (the democrats) did it for a reason I like!"