

Willin to be Chillin
Marijuana is not a bad drug. And let's not get into the whole alcohol vs Marijuana.

A good and close friend of mine just called me in the middle of the night, last night, telling me he is on meth.

Short story : I told him to never ever do coke or meth. I did a wee bit of meth in HS and it nearly fucked my life. Evil drug. Pure evil.

Back to the present.... He is calling me, high af, driving around Hawaii and all I can say to him is, pull the fuck over and take a long walk. He won't even listen to me because he is ground on the evil.

WTF am I supposed to do?
from what I have read about meth, it actually fucks up your brain specifically the amygdala which starts making you afraid and terrified all the time. If he's super addicted to meth, he's in for a rough time.
About all you can do short of a quick trip to Hawaii is:
A. Pray for him
B. Call up Hawaii PD and rat him out. At least he will get cut off for a bit.
I'll pray for him, thanks.

I will too. I was hooked on that shit as a young man. The only way I quit was to move literally thousands of miles away. The only way I could sleep for the first couple of weeks, was to drink cups of tea with five or six tea bags. Nasty drug.
I will too. I was hooked on that shit as a young man. The only way I quit was to move literally thousands of miles away. The only way I could sleep for the first couple of weeks, was to drink cups of tea with five or six tea bags. Nasty drug.

Quite the story.It's good you beat it,most don't.
I will too. I was hooked on that shit as a young man. The only way I quit was to move literally thousands of miles away. The only way I could sleep for the first couple of weeks, was to drink cups of tea with five or six tea bags. Nasty drug.

I don't want to turn him in. He already did time for some other nonsense, however, I don't know what to tell him. He is not my biological brother, well, I we have the same father, but didn't grow up together. I don't know what to tell him.

And he begged me to not tell dad.

Maybe I should forward your advice to him....
I don't want to turn him in. He already did time for some other nonsense, however, I don't know what to tell him. He is not my biological brother, well, I we have the same father, but didn't grow up together. I don't know what to tell him.

And he begged me to not tell dad.

Tell his Dad,he needs rehab. or he could go under,Meth heads don't last long.
I don't want to turn him in. He already did time for some other nonsense, however, I don't know what to tell him. He is not my biological brother, well, I we have the same father, but didn't grow up together. I don't know what to tell him.

And he begged me to not tell dad.

Maybe I should forward your advice to him....

Someone else suggested turning him in, that wasn't me.
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. Addicts have to want to quit.

So, anything I say to him won't make a difference? I'm in CA and I guess I could buy a plane ticket to Hawaii, other than that..... Phone call is my only option.