It is so sad that you lefties get so offended and upset and hurt. Do you not have a backbone? Are you not capable of strong forceful argument?Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”
“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”
*[To an African American female caller]:*“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”
“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”
“You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.”
Simply put, Rush was a racist through and through. I will say this: At least he didn't hide it like the racist cowards on JPP try doing every day.
These have all been verified. That you're too lazy a cunt to know that isn't our problem.
Back in 2006
Lush limbaugh was caught dr shopping to get drugs from multiple drs
He got off easy
While all his life he talked shit about going hard on drug addicts
The right forgives all hypocrisy from their own
One day, maybe, you'll let go of your love of Satan and embrace the love of Jesus. Until then, you're just a fucked up liar.
Rush called a 12 year old girl (chelsea) the White House dog
The fat fuck was an evil racist addict who took viagra vacations to places known for trafficking children for sex
Damo the 14 year old was not messed with , It was obvious that letterman meant that joke about the one who was obviously having sex because she was pregnant.
There was reason to believe the daughter was the real parent of the down baby because everyone said they were surprized Palin was even pregnant when the child was born and the teen looked post pregger. It turns out she was real preggers huh?
As soon as the facts were in place the rumor stopped huh?
How long is it now the right insists Obama is a kenyan, muslim, socialist antichrist?
Trump was buddies with Epstein idiot
He was caught with in prescribed viagra at another point
lush Limpballs thought laws were for OTHER people
Yes, that was after one of his infamous trips to Sexy Island.
Welly you are lying or are easily duped by a lying hostile agitating media. then there is this:
Clinton is on numerous flight manifests to underage girl rape island.
rush or trump was not.
You lying doesn’t make it true
you are lying, he has never been on Epstein's island.
Clinton is on numerous flight manifests to underage girl rape island.
rush or trump was not.
That infers many trips assdweller
Those are one trip to Africa turdbonnet
Produce your evidence dick cozier
After Jeffrey Epstein’s latest arrest on sex trafficking charges, some famous people may be squirming. His notorious little black book and private-jet manifests contained a long list of boldface names, including Victoria’s Secret mogul Leslie Wexner and former president Bill Clinton.
now you show a single time trump was on it. why you defend a rapist scumbag like clinton is beyond my comprehension.
So the fuck what
Trump had hotels to party in
He owned the security there idiot