Here is a list of your messiahs lies, all proven

You don't have a standpoint.

Not one that anybody gives a shit about anyway.

You're an embarrassment, Nomad, to the entire non-trumpanzee population.
But are you really a non-trumpanzee?

Yes, you get all huffy because I laugh and look down at you as the intellectual inferior that you obviously are,
just as the trumpanzees do,
and thus far,
I see more similarities than differences between you and the troglodytes.

You're a clown, but more the pathetic kind than the funny kind.
You're an embarrassment, Nomad, to the entire non-trumpanzee population.
But are you really a non-trumpanzee?

Yes, you get all huffy because I laugh and look down at you as the intellectual inferior that you obviously are,
just as the trumpanzees do,
and thus far,
I see more similarities than differences between you and the troglodytes.

You're a clown, but more the pathetic kind than the funny kind.

Is that really the best smack talk you could come up with, ShiftyShitlick? :palm:

The fact that you think I give one iota of a shit about you or your opinion of me or anything else, just shows what a delusional fruitcake you are.
Is that really the best smack talk you could come up with, ShiftyShitlick? :palm:

The fact that you think I give one iota of a shit about you or your opinion of me or anything else, just shows what a delusional fruitcake you are.

He's a NL just like you, Kunta.
He's a NL just like you, Kunta.

Nothing like the kind you were when you were on your knees in front of them in the jailhouse shower or bent over your bunk inside your cell with your big, black cellmate behind you.
Is it just me or did the Jakemax troll do a 180? Didn't I see him arguing the other side a little while ago? Or was that another troll?
Nothing like the kind you were when you were on your knees in front of them in the jailhouse shower or bent over your bunk inside your cell with your big, black cellmate behind you.

You're confusing me with the niggers that "took care" of your mother at the nursing home.
You're confusing me with the niggers that "took care" of your mother at the nursing home.

I would never confuse a piece of shit like you with actual humans.

And BTW, the only black people who worked at the nursing home my mom was in, were women.
I would never confuse a piece of shit like you with actual humans.

And BTW, the only black people who worked at the nursing home my mom was in, were women.

No, they dressed up like women so they could get better access to your whore mother.
I guess because she was such a drunken lush, she always too drunk to recognize you.

When you change the posts, BOY, all you're doing is admitting what I actually posted is true. You're too goddamn stupid to realize it. It's why unannounced will be so much fun.
I'm a dirty, low-life, ignorant peckerwood piece of shit just like my whore mother, my skank-whore wife and gay faggot drag queen father and the rest of my family.

All you're doing is admitting what I actually posted is true. You're too goddamn stupid to realize it. It's why unannounced will be so much fun.
All you're doing is admitting what I actually posted is true. You're too goddamn stupid to realize it. It's why unannounced will be so much fun.

And the proof keeps coming.

It will be fun for me. For you, not so much.