Here is a list of your messiahs lies, all proven

That's ridiculous. No one thinks Obama is still the president, but only a deluded fool would claim that an ex-president has no influence in Washington. That or a liar.

Then why bring it up? What would you think of some LWer who made a post about "Bush lied" and ranted for half a page about all of Bush's fuckups?

Would you remind them Bush is no longer President and only a fucking moron would rant about it when there are so many more important, current things to bitch about?
Don't worry about CFM. He's on a path back to prison. Probably a second or third strike too.


The sorry-ass peckerwood sure does have issues, doesn't he?

The sorry-ass peckerwood sure does have issues, doesn't he?

Agreed. Like anyone, no matter how fucked up, how much money they have or how they were raised, he still has freedom of choice. He can choose how he wants to lead his life. If he wants to lead a life filled with hate, no one can make him change his mind. All society can do is put him back in prison if he screws up too badly.
Then why bring it up? What would you think of some LWer who made a post about "Bush lied" and ranted for half a page about all of Bush's fuckups?

Would you remind them Bush is no longer President and only a fucking moron would rant about it when there are so many more important, current things to bitch about?

It was brought up to point out what a world class America hating piece shit President Obama was. And that this was the kind of person democrats want in power for some unknowable senseless reason.
It was brought up to point out what a world class America hating piece shit President Obama was. And that this was the kind of person democrats want in power for some unknowable senseless reason.

Bullshit. Be honest, there's an ass legion of sock puppet cowards who love to throw any piece of shit they can find just to distract from Trump's failures. You know Trump? The asshole that's still President? Not some has-been from four years ago.
You're not going to be allowed to remain in the kiss the black BOY's ass club with talk like that about him.

Why would I? What are you going to do when you're back in prison sucking black cock for cigarettes?
Bullshit. Be honest, there's an ass legion of sock puppet cowards who love to throw any piece of shit they can find just to distract from Trump's failures. You know Trump? The asshole that's still President? Not some has-been from four years ago.
Post some. I love seeing fake news links. You guys are famous for them.