APP - here we go again with Israel vs Palestine when will it ever stop

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
there are too many young unattached males in Palestine

ERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli warplanes struck targets early Wednesday in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire toward southern Israel, the first air strikes launched by Israel since an informal cease-fire ended eight days of cross-border fighting between Israel and Hamas-ruled Gaza.
An Israeli military statement issued Wednesday said its planes targeted "two extensive terror sites" with "accurate hits."Palestinian officials said no one was hurt in the air strikes and no damage was reported in northern Gaza.
The air raids followed the third successful rocket attack on Israel since the November cease-fire. The military reported that Gaza militants on Tuesday fired at least one rocket toward southern Israel. No one was hurt and no damage was caused. The attack was the first since rockets were fired during President Barack Obama's visit to Israel two weeks ago.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the rocket fire. The Israeli military says it holds Gaza's Islamic Hamas rulers responsible for any attack against the Jewish state.
Rocket fire has been rare since an informal cease-fire was reached last November. During eight days of violence in November, the Israeli military said 1,500 rockets were fired at Israel, including the first from Gaza to strike the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas. The rocket attacks killed six Israelis and wounded dozens. Israeli airstrikes killed 169 Palestinians, many of them militants, and caused considerable damage.
Earlier Tuesday, Palestinian prisoners rioted following news of a fellow inmate's death of cancer, and Israeli prison guards fired tear gas to quell the disturbances, an Israeli official said.
Palestinian officials said Israel was responsible for the death of Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, charging medical negligence. The 64-year-old was serving a life sentence for his role in a foiled attempt to bomb a busy cafe in Jerusalem in 2002.
As news of Abu Hamdiyeh's death spread, Palestinian prisoners in several jails began banging on their cell doors and hurling objects. Later, protests spread to Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank.
Prisons Authority spokeswoman Sivan Weizman said three prisoners and six guards were evacuated for medical treatment after inhaling tear gas.
She said Abu Hamdiyeh was treated well by Israeli specialists and died in a hospital in Beersheba.
Weizman said the prison service asked the parole board for the prisoner's early release after his cancer was diagnosed as terminal last week, but the appeal was still being processed at the time of his death.
Palestinian prisoner affairs minister Issa Karakeh blamed Israel. "This is a serious, ugly crime committed against the prisoner Maysara due to medical negligence and reluctance to release him," Karakeh said.
In Ramallah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he was working to free Palestinians from Israeli prisons.
"We were surprised with the death of our brother prisoner," Abbas said. "We attempted to have him released and take him for treatment, but the Israeli government refused to release him, which led to his death."
Later Tuesday, protests spread to the West Bank city of Hebron, where protesters threw firebombs and rocks at Israeli soldiers. The troops responded with tear gas and other riot dispersal means, the military said.
Tensions are high in Israeli lockups, where thousands of Palestinian security prisoners are being held. Some have held hunger strikes and Palestinians have held large protests demanding their release.
After decades of conflict with Israel, the issue of prisoners is emotionally charged in Palestinian society. Inmates are highly esteemed regardless of the reasons for their incarceration, which range from mass murder to throwing rocks.
Associated Press writer Aron Heller contributed to this report.
To begin to understand the conflict, you have to first understand, there is no such thing as Palestinians. This is because there is no state of Palestine, nor has one ever existed. These are anti-Israel extremist Muslims, who believe they are on a mission from Allah. They are mostly Syrian and Lebanese, some are Egyptian, and many are active members of radical terrorist organizations. Their mission from Allah, as stated in numerous testaments from their leaders, is to run Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, and claim the land now known as Israel in the name of Allah. In other words, trying to convince yourself that anyone can negotiate a "peace" with these people, is foolish, it can't be done. To believe there is a "two state solution" which will change their mission from Allah, is absurd. They have no intention, by their very nature, by the fact that "Palestinians" even exist, to live in peace with Israel. NONE! NADDA!

So the question becomes; Do you give two shits about Jews and their right to exist, or are you an anti-semite?
Whenever Israel stops attacking or Palestine decides to surrender and abandon its hope for statehood.

You're right, Rana. I forgot there were no rocket attacks mentioned in the article. It's just that mysterious cycle of violenceat work again:

P attacks I on Monday; I retaliates on Tuesday.
P attacks I on Wednesday; I retaliates on Thursday.
P attacks I on Friday.
I rests on Saturday while P stones a rape victim to death.
I retaliates on Sunday.
To begin to understand the conflict, you have to first understand, there is no such thing as Palestinians. This is because there is no state of Palestine, nor has one ever existed. These are anti-Israel extremist Muslims, who believe they are on a mission from Allah. They are mostly Syrian and Lebanese, some are Egyptian, and many are active members of radical terrorist organizations. Their mission from Allah, as stated in numerous testaments from their leaders, is to run Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, and claim the land now known as Israel in the name of Allah. In other words, trying to convince yourself that anyone can negotiate a "peace" with these people, is foolish, it can't be done. To believe there is a "two state solution" which will change their mission from Allah, is absurd. They have no intention, by their very nature, by the fact that "Palestinians" even exist, to live in peace with Israel. NONE! NADDA!

So the question becomes; Do you give two shits about Jews and their right to exist, or are you an anti-semite?

You are wrong, the name Palestine was assigned to the region in the 2nd century by the Romans. The rest of your post is pure drivel.
You're right, Rana. I forgot there were no rocket attacks mentioned in the article. It's just that mysterious cycle of violenceat work again:

P attacks I on Monday; I retaliates on Tuesday.
P attacks I on Wednesday; I retaliates on Thursday.
P attacks I on Friday.
I rests on Saturday while P stones a rape victim to death.
I retaliates on Sunday.

Israeli warplanes struck targets early Wednesday in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire toward southern Israel...

No mention? It's mentioned in the first sentence.
You are wrong, the name Palestine was assigned to the region in the 2nd century by the Romans. The rest of your post is pure drivel.

Nope.. The Romans referred to the general region by several names, one of them included "Palestinian" but there was never an official Palestine, as a state of Rome or separate country, and as a region, there were never borders established. The rest of my post is also the absolute truth. The people who claim to be "Palestinians" are extremist Muslim terrorists from Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. They are fully committed to Allah, to run the Jews into the sea and win the great battle for the area we know as Israel. It is part of their religious prophecy, and what they believe they must do, in order for their Messiah to return. Ironically, this is also a prophecy found in the Christian Bible for the end times.

In the words of the great prophet, Bob Dylan, "If the Bible's right, the world will explode."
You are wrong, the name Palestine was assigned to the region in the 2nd century by the Romans. The rest of your post is pure drivel.

remember what the Romans did to the Jews. i believe that it was called the diaspora, but it was Romes way of trying to get rid of the Jews by forbidding Jews women to marry Jewish men and distributing the Jews through out the empire, so the Jews made a law that a person was only a Jew by conversion or being the child of a Jewish woman

my exwife is Jewish and by Jewish law both of our children are Jews and eligible for dual citizenship

i kept weapons because i believe in the Jewish adage, never again and we all kept up to date passports

an additional part of the problem is that both Israel and the Palestinians want Jerusalem for their capital and have trouble sharing it so Israel is building housing on the Palestinian side of Jerusalem and plans on claiming as their capital

now if the Palestinians want to recognize Israel things may work out much better, but their government will not, it wants Israel destroyed
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remember what the Romans did to the Jews. i believe that it was called the diaspora, but it was Romes way of trying to get rid of the Jews by forbidding Jews women to marry Jewish men and distributing the Jews through out the empire, so the Jews made a law that a person was only a Jew by conversion or being the child of a Jewish woman

my exwife is Jewish and by Jewish law both of our children are Jews and eligible for dual citizenship

i kept weapons because i believe in the Jewish adage, never again and we all kept up to date passports

an additional part of the problem is that both Israel and the Palestinians want Jerusalem for their capital and have trouble sharing it so Israel is building housing on the Palestinian side of Jerusalem and plans on claiming as their capital

now if the Palestinians want to recognize Israel things may work out much better, but their government will not, it wants Israel destroyed

And Israel wants to bulldoze Palestine, neither side is innocent, but we only get one side of the story in the USA and it us heavily weighted aginst the Palestinins.
Nope.. The Romans referred to the general region by several names, one of them included "Palestinian" but there was never an official Palestine, as a state of Rome or separate country, and as a region, there were never borders established. The rest of my post is also the absolute truth. The people who claim to be "Palestinians" are extremist Muslim terrorists from Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. They are fully committed to Allah, to run the Jews into the sea and win the great battle for the area we know as Israel. It is part of their religious prophecy, and what they believe they must do, in order for their Messiah to return. Ironically, this is also a prophecy found in the Christian Bible for the end times.

In the words of the great prophet, Bob Dylan, "If the Bible's right, the world will explode."

Yes, but it was called Palestine, you just admitted it. The rest of your post is just word salad, you like to write a lot of nothing.
And Israel wants to bulldoze Palestine, neither side is innocent, but we only get one side of the story in the USA and it us heavily weighted aginst the Palestinins.

on the contrary, the Palestinian propaganda machine works quite well, just as does the Israeli propaganda machine
on the contrary, the Palestinian propaganda machine works quite well, just as does the Israeli propaganda machine

Don, you are rather blind in this respect, sorry, the Media as well as our government heavily favors Israel. 79 UN reolutions against them. If it were an Arab country, we would have invaded or applied sanctions to keep them in lie, instead, we send them money.
Don, you are rather blind in this respect, sorry, the Media as well as our government heavily favors Israel. 79 UN reolutions against them. If it were an Arab country, we would have invaded or applied sanctions to keep them in lie, instead, we send them money.

are you advocating that the u s engage in warfare with any country that we disagree with?

besides, Israel is the reliable ally that we have in the middle east...even Saudi Arabia is not really an ally, they are more a fair weather friend and are a dictatorship or should i say a monarchy with sharia law

by the way, how many times have the Arab countries waged war or supported Palestinian terrorists against Israel - like Iran

if another nation (say mexico) decided that the u s should not be allowed to exist and supported terrorists against us or lobbed missiles into us what would you have us do?

remember that we annexed (and paid for some) land from mexico and there is a movement in the u s to return those lands to mexico. what should we do about that?

Israel will not 'officially' negotiate with the Palestinians until they recognize Israel's right to exist.

we have a de facto situation where Israel will not quit and the Palestinians will not quit.

so should we support a nation that is friendly toward us or a the Palestinians that are not friendly towards us - not they do not have some reason to be unfriendly.

what would you suggest as a solution?
are you advocating that the u s engage in warfare with any country that we disagree with?

besides, Israel is the reliable ally that we have in the middle east...even Saudi Arabia is not really an ally, they are more a fair weather friend and are a dictatorship or should i say a monarchy with sharia law

by the way, how many times have the Arab countries waged war or supported Palestinian terrorists against Israel - like Iran

if another nation (say mexico) decided that the u s should not be allowed to exist and supported terrorists against us or lobbed missiles into us what would you have us do?

remember that we annexed (and paid for some) land from mexico and there is a movement in the u s to return those lands to mexico. what should we do about that?

Israel will not 'officially' negotiate with the Palestinians until they recognize Israel's right to exist.

we have a de facto situation where Israel will not quit and the Palestinians will not quit.

so should we support a nation that is friendly toward us or a the Palestinians that are not friendly towards us - not they do not have some reason to be unfriendly.

what would you suggest as a solution?

I suggest that Israel needs to abide by the rules.

I suggest we stay out of the conflict and I suggest that if we were more balanced in our approach that we would not bring down the terrorist on the US.

Israel was an ally we used during the cold war for obvious reasons.

Did anyone really expect good results and peace by establishing a Zionist nation so close to Arab nations? Land was offered in South America, but because of some silly notion that God gave the land to the Hebrews, they settled in this hot spot.

The US would be more respected if they made Israel follow the law, and if when they don't then we should apply sanctions just like we do with Iran, and North Korea, but because of the very large pockets of the Jewish lobbyists we ignorebIsrael's infractions, all 79 of them.

We think it is bad when the Arab nations stick together, but don't bat an eye at the US and her allies and our own infractions, might makes right.
I suggest that Israel needs to abide by the rules.

I suggest we stay out of the conflict and I suggest that if we were more balanced in our approach that we would not bring down the terrorist on the US.

Israel was an ally we used during the cold war for obvious reasons.

Did anyone really expect good results and peace by establishing a Zionist nation so close to Arab nations? Land was offered in South America, but because of some silly notion that God gave the land to the Hebrews, they settled in this hot spot.

The US would be more respected if they made Israel follow the law, and if when they don't then we should apply sanctions just like we do with Iran, and North Korea, but because of the very large pockets of the Jewish lobbyists we ignorebIsrael's infractions, all 79 of them.

We think it is bad when the Arab nations stick together, but don't bat an eye at the US and her allies and our own infractions, might makes right.

your last few words are quite true

it was the western allies that oked Israel being formed from Arab land, mainly because they were mad at the Arabs for supporting the Nazis...
your last few words are quite true

it was the western allies that oked Israel being formed from Arab land, mainly because they were mad at the Arabs for supporting the Nazis...

I know we don't see eye to eye on this but I thank you for your respectful debate, you have always been one of my favorites! Hugs