APP - here we go again with Israel vs Palestine when will it ever stop

I suggest that Israel needs to abide by the rules.

And Palestinians are allowed to continually violate the rules?

Because, that's what is happening now. We work out peace, the two sides agree, and then Palestinians break the agreement and attack Israel. So you are saying, Israel should abide by the agreement, even though the Palestinians aren't?

Let me ask you something, if you had to spend every waking minute of every day, wondering if missiles and bombs are about to go off around you, from extremists who do not value human life and hate your kind, how long would you patiently abide by an agreement they are breaking and have always broken?
And Palestinians are allowed to continually violate the rules?

Because, that's what is happening now. We work out peace, the two sides agree, and then Palestinians break the agreement and attack Israel. So you are saying, Israel should abide by the agreement, even though the Palestinians aren't?

Let me ask you something, if you had to spend every waking minute of every day, wondering if missiles and bombs are about to go off around you, from extremists who do not value human life and hate your kind, how long would you patiently abide by an agreement they are breaking and have always broken?

Israel is just as guilty, but you not read about the atrocities they committ aginst the Arabs. I do. You, like many in the US get your news from our slanted sources.

How long should the Arab endure the abuses. 79 UN resolutions! And counting...
Israel is just as guilty, but you not read about the atrocities they committ aginst the Arabs. I do. You, like many in the US get your news from our slanted sources.

How long should the Arab endure the abuses. 79 UN resolutions! And counting...

The story is posted above, it's not from some propaganda outlet, it's a legitimate news report. It states that Israel was attacked first. So are they allowed to retaliate or not? Should they just sit there and be attacked? What the hell are they guilty of? Defending themselves from those who attack them? The Palestinians have never abided by any peace plan or resolution, so what difference will another one make? Their objective is the elimination of Israel's existence. Should Israel not be opposed to that???
The story is posted above, it's not from some propaganda outlet, it's a legitimate news report. It states that Israel was attacked first. So are they allowed to retaliate or not? Should they just sit there and be attacked? What the hell are they guilty of? Defending themselves from those who attack them? The Palestinians have never abided by any peace plan or resolution, so what difference will another one make? Their objective is the elimination of Israel's existence. Should Israel not be opposed to that???

Do you not read why they are attacked, do you deny they are in violation of 79 UN resolutions? I don't say the Arabs are blameless, I say we ignore the tragressions of Israel, just like you constantly do. Israel is not blameless, but we ignore their cimes. We need to be more neutral in the ME.

79 resolutions and counting...
Do you not read why they are attacked, do you deny they are in violation of 79 UN resolutions? I don't say the Arabs are blameless, I say we ignore the tragressions of Israel, just like you constantly do. Israel is not blameless, but we ignore their cimes. We need to be more neutral in the ME.

79 resolutions and counting...

Are you actually saying that it's perfectly acceptable to attack sovereign nations who violate UN resolutions? Is that now your argument? Because it sounds like what I am hearing. Seems like it wasn't too long ago, it wasn't a good reason at all to attack a sovereign nation, just because UN resolutions were violated, now it's all the reason needed?

The overwhelming majority of "transgressions of Israel" are pure propaganda from radical Muslim fundies, and you've accepted it as legitimate. We are Israel's ally, we're not going to ever be neutral.
Are you actually saying that it's perfectly acceptable to attack sovereign nations who violate UN resolutions? Is that now your argument? Because it sounds like what I am hearing. Seems like it wasn't too long ago, it wasn't a good reason at all to attack a sovereign nation, just because UN resolutions were violated, now it's all the reason needed?

The overwhelming majority of "transgressions of Israel" are pure propaganda from radical Muslim fundies, and you've accepted it as legitimate. We are Israel's ally, we're not going to ever be neutral.

No I am actually saying there are two sides to the story and the only one being heard here is Israel's.

I am saying that if this were Iran or North Korea the US would be in support of sanctions, but because of some misguided notions about Israel we allow them to committ crimes against the Arab and solely blame the Arabs.

If there s to be each both sides need to cooperate in the process. Israel needs to follow the rules, not just the Arabs.
I know we don't see eye to eye on this but I thank you for your respectful debate, you have always been one of my favorites! Hugs

thank you, hugs back

usually i see no reason not to be polite, especially with people i like and are also polite, it was a good exchange, i wish there were more
No I am actually saying there are two sides to the story and the only one being heard here is Israel's.

I am saying that if this were Iran or North Korea the US would be in support of sanctions, but because of some misguided notions about Israel we allow them to committ crimes against the Arab and solely blame the Arabs.

If there s to be each both sides need to cooperate in the process. Israel needs to follow the rules, not just the Arabs.

But there is not two sides to the story. Israel continues to negotiate peace treaties with Palestinians who continue to break them. It's the same story, over and over again, there isn't a different side. If we ignore bogus UN sanctions passed by enemies of Israel, it's because we realize Israel in under attack from every side, and have the right to defend themselves from attack.

They are constantly under attack by people who do not wish for them to exist, they want all Jews dead. Since you have adopted their "side" in this argument against Israel, we can assume that you also wish Israel didn't exist, and all Jews were dead. Unless that is what you fundamentally believe, there is no other reason to support these people.
And Palestinians are allowed to continually violate the rules?

Because, that's what is happening now. We work out peace, the two sides agree, and then Palestinians break the agreement and attack Israel. So you are saying, Israel should abide by the agreement, even though the Palestinians aren't?

Let me ask you something, if you had to spend every waking minute of every day, wondering if missiles and bombs are about to go off around you, from extremists who do not value human life and hate your kind, how long would you patiently abide by an agreement they are breaking and have always broken?

The International Court of Justice - the highest world judicial authority - condemned Israel's actions as crimes. You absolutely cannot evacuate that country's leadership from guilt.
The International Court of Justice - the highest world judicial authority - condemned Israel's actions as crimes. You absolutely cannot evacuate that country's leadership from guilt.

What court? Under what authority? Condemned what actions? Yes, until you present some details and facts we can discuss, I can evacuate whatever the fuck I please. You people keep throwing out this same shit, and the people who are "condemning" are anti-semites who want all Jews killed. If we dig down into the details of their complaints, Israel is in the right and did nothing wrong. But it's easier for you to accept propaganda fed to you by socialists who hate Jews.
What court? Under what authority? Condemned what actions? Yes, until you present some details and facts we can discuss, I can evacuate whatever the fuck I please. You people keep throwing out this same shit, and the people who are "condemning" are anti-semites who want all Jews killed. If we dig down into the details of their complaints, Israel is in the right and did nothing wrong. But it's easier for you to accept propaganda fed to you by socialists who hate Jews.

This court:

And here's an article to reporting on the ruling:
Several United Nations resolutions have stated that both the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law, particularly UN Security Council resolutions in 1979 and 1980. UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the appropriate legal instrument. It calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup.

Although Israel maintains that the Fourth Geneva Convention does not apply to the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War because of a lack of a legal sovereign of these territories, the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all stated that the Fourth Geneva Convention does indeed apply.

In 2004, an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice determined that Israel had breached its obligations under international law by establishing settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. It also concluded that Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defense or on a state of necessity in order to preclude the wrongfulness of imposing a régime which is contrary to international law. The Court also determined that the Israeli régime violates the basic human rights of Palestinians by impeding the liberty of movement of the inhabitants of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (with the exception of Israeli citizens) and their exercise of their right to work, to health, to education and to an adequate standard of living.

And, maybe with the exception of Daoism, I view all religions as culturally inhibiting. I don't care what you worship. You still worship, which is an attack on creativity the development of thought.
This court:

And here's an article to reporting on the ruling:

And, maybe with the exception of Daoism, I view all religions as culturally inhibiting. I don't care what you worship. You still worship, which is an attack on creativity the development of thought.

You continue to post disputes which were known at the time of the ceasefire agreements the Palestinians violated. I asked if the Israelis had the right to defend themselves against attacks made in violation of the ceasefire, and the response you are presenting as justification, is the evidence there was a dispute over settlements which both sides were aware of before the ceasefire agreement.

Now, it seems you have somehow confused the meaning of "ceasefire" and "surrender." You seem to think that Israel agreeing to a ceasefire, means that Israel surrenders to the Palestinians. Because according to your stated justifications, Palestinians are within their rights to keep fighting Israel over these unresolved issues, in disregard of the ceasefire.

Ahh, you're a God-hater! No wonder you have no regard for the Jewish people or human life in general.
You continue to post disputes which were known at the time of the ceasefire agreements the Palestinians violated. I asked if the Israelis had the right to defend themselves against attacks made in violation of the ceasefire, and the response you are presenting as justification, is the evidence there was a dispute over settlements which both sides were aware of before the ceasefire agreement.

Now, it seems you have somehow confused the meaning of "ceasefire" and "surrender." You seem to think that Israel agreeing to a ceasefire, means that Israel surrenders to the Palestinians. Because according to your stated justifications, Palestinians are within their rights to keep fighting Israel over these unresolved issues, in disregard of the ceasefire.

Ahh, you're a God-hater! No wonder you have no regard for the Jewish people or human life in general.

I'm not trying to justify the Palestinian attacks. I'm just saying that Israel is to blame here - they're violating international law, with our support, and seemingly have no intention of stopping. I do not condone the attacks, but they're just retaliating.

And, sure. I hate god. Whatever makes you happy. It doesn't change the fact that you're a mental slave and I'm free to think as I please.
I'm not trying to justify the Palestinian attacks. I'm just saying that Israel is to blame here - they're violating international law, with our support, and seemingly have no intention of stopping. I do not condone the attacks, but they're just retaliating.

And, sure. I hate god. Whatever makes you happy. It doesn't change the fact that you're a mental slave and I'm free to think as I please.

None of us excuse the behavior of the Palestinians, but Dixie does excuse the criminal behavior of Israel, many Americans do.