APP - here we go again with Israel vs Palestine when will it ever stop

I'm not trying to justify the Palestinian attacks. I'm just saying that Israel is to blame here - they're violating international law, with our support, and seemingly have no intention of stopping. I do not condone the attacks, but they're just retaliating.

And, sure. I hate god. Whatever makes you happy. It doesn't change the fact that you're a mental slave and I'm free to think as I please.

Israel is not to blame for retaliation against Palestinians for violating a ceasefire both sides agreed to. You want to present "international law" and claim they are violating it, but nations are not beholden to any international authority, as a matter of their own sovereignty. So what authority does an international court have over the government of Israel?

The REAL issue here is, what does the dispute over settlements have to do with a ceasefire agreement made, regarding a fight over this very dispute? It's as if, what you want, is for Israel to cease firing on Palestinians and let them have everything they want. That wasn't agreed to by the Israelis, since what they ACTUALLY want is for Israel to not exist and all Jews to be dead.
None of us excuse the behavior of the Palestinians, but Dixie does excuse the criminal behavior of Israel, many Americans do.

There is no criminal behavior happening on part of the Israeli government, in every instance you can find, the details reveal the Israelis are very fair, but also very harsh. The stated "complaint" most recently tossed out by the Palestinians, are these Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel. Well, these people were arrested because they were planning and conspiring to blow shit up and kill innocent Israelis. These weren't just innocent Palestinian people snatched up off the street for looking different or not having their papers in order. They were arrested, tried and convicted. They have been sentenced and are serving their terms. Again, there is no international authority who oversees how a country handles it's system of justice. Israel does have the right to arrest people who are conspiring terrorist acts on them, regardless of anything an "international court" thinks.
There is no criminal behavior happening on part of the Israeli government, in every instance you can find, the details reveal the Israelis are very fair, but also very harsh. The stated "complaint" most recently tossed out by the Palestinians, are these Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel. Well, these people were arrested because they were planning and conspiring to blow shit up and kill innocent Israelis. These weren't just innocent Palestinian people snatched up off the street for looking different or not having their papers in order. They were arrested, tried and convicted. They have been sentenced and are serving their terms. Again, there is no international authority who oversees how a country handles it's system of justice. Israel does have the right to arrest people who are conspiring terrorist acts on them, regardless of anything an "international court" thinks.

138 UN resolutions
Rana, don't bother arguing with this loon. He excuses crimes because Israel is our ally, and due to this bigoted anti-Muslim complex. He calls anyone who disagrees with him an anti-Semite. Dixie is beyond reasoning with.
Rana, don't bother arguing with this loon. He excuses crimes because Israel is our ally, and due to this bigoted anti-Muslim complex. He calls anyone who disagrees with him an anti-Semite. Dixie is beyond reasoning with.

Thanks, I have come to the same conclusion.
They are the only ones which count, and I was just joking about Watermark. Technically, Watermark is borderline misanthropic, anyway...
None of us excuse the behavior of the Palestinians, but Dixie does excuse the criminal behavior of Israel, many Americans do.

I've heard his argument for as long as I've been on forums. There was an AOL poster years ago who insisted that Israel never, ever started hostilities and was always attacked first. A simple reading of history proves that wrong.
Ah, crap, it's just someone trolling Watermark. I knew WM was going with a pro-Marxism pro-Lenin theme lately, and just figured it was him. He's still "No Face" at them moment. :D
I've heard his argument for as long as I've been on forums. There was an AOL poster years ago who insisted that Israel never, ever started hostilities and was always attacked first. A simple reading of history proves that wrong.

Out of curiosity, since it almost never happens, and I can't remember off the top of my head, when was the last time Israel started hostilities? An Irgun or Stern Gang attack pre-1948 War? Perhaps we could include the much more recent air campaign launched against Lebanon to have been an initiation rather than a response?