but fiat money is totalitarianism.
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say because...
The economy isn't working at certain points in history (you can search that online to verify if I am correct)...
When that happens, the money is concentrated to some people only, as the rest people don't have enough money so that the economy can work. (you can search that online as well...although it's not that hard to imagine that, is it really?If it is read the clarification in the end)
And here is the question, can I blame everyone who has money while the economy is not working? No, it doesn't seem to me I can...but...
...at that moment in time, when they all say "the economy isn't working now", some of the ones who have money and can make money again, because they can make money again and again ( otherwise said because they have skills, connections, experience)...
...Shouldn't the ones who are able to make money again and again, show the rest when the economy isn't working, and they...have money...while most...don't have money(a.k.a. "the economy isn't working now"), who among the ones who have money, when the economy isn't working, is really good at making money again and again, and who is just pretending like they don't understand...
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?
In order for humans to do stuff for one another, they need something that they can hope in the future can be fun, so that it makes sense for them to do it. When the economy doesn't work, due to human action:
1. The will of people to work is unlikely to change to "now that the economy doesn't work, let me lose my will to work also..", it will take quite some time keeping the economy not working for this to become likely.
2. The knowledge people have doing the things they do in the economy, also hasn't changed to "now that the economy doesn't work, let me forget all about how I know to work also", it will take quite some time keeping the economy not working for this to become likely.
3. People don't have money, and money is concentrated to some only, or else people have money and they don't want or don't know how to work, but...it will take quite some time keeping the economy not working for people to start not wanting to work or forgetting how to work, and they still won't have money...it will take much longer for that to become possible...
...but do we really have to spend all this time and effort every time the economy isn't working, because some think that money does whatever they want money to do?
Does that really make sense for the general population to consider logical to keep on doing?