Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...
and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Get it now player. or you still thinking what to reply to me?
Why is it you remind me of that wigger that passed in between me and my black friend, and threw up his hand all funky as he was passing by and said "Yo! Playa!"
OMG, we couldn't get off the floor for at least 5 minutes!

Ho-lee fuck!
Okay, this dude had on red parachute pants, thick silver(ish) necklaces, a red headband, and a red polyester vest with no shirt. Little skinny motherfucker with a Jheri-curl perm, and he's white! The "Yo! Playa!" was so fuckin' over the top!
That spliff we had just smoked certainly didn't help. :X
Good pot or not, that shit was funny AF.
That same friend, in the trunk of his car, has a 2x4 with a handle cut in it.
On that 2x4 it says: "Big Man Stick, for Big Men only"
Now this motherfucker is 6'5", 305 lbs, with fists the size of bricks, literally.
So I look at him sideways and ask "What does this mean, motherfucker?"
He says "That's the question!"

And we laughed good. My boy has a sense of humor.
Oh we had fun times as kids. The day that motherfucker caught the woods on fire with a super nigger-chaser!

Omg, it was like this time of year and the grass was all dry and he lit that thing and threw it up and it took off and everywhere it touched down started
serious fire. It bounced like 12x and next thing you know there's a 6 foot by fifty wall of fire! We ran and I was gonna call the fire dept but they were already on it.
He stayed at my house til dark that day.
This is what happens when kids make money and buy next-day discounted fireworks. Oh! "Jumping-Jack" is the real name of the firework he threw. This one was like 10" long, though.
There were more in that pack. I think we left it right there and never went back. Fifty bucks be damned, that was scary!
We never did that again.