Here's what the problem with money is

so what's your point?

cashless fiat currency is the most convenient and therefore best?

My point is that there is a difference when people know what money does and when they don't.

When people don't know what money does, they have to spend more time and effort to do whatever it is that they want to do together as...

...they are stuck with idiots and their endless money stories...

...the rest answers to your questions, are already in the text I shared with you originally...this time read it carefully and think, or... you really have to spend your time and effort with a stranger on the internet if the stranger doesn't make sense to you?
Hey, what do you think those bankers are going to do after Biden pushes the US off of the petrodollar pedestal?

I can't imagine. They had Khadafi assassinated to stop it from happening, so ...

Well, I guess that was to stop the African Union from moving off the petrodollar to a gold standard so it's not exactly the same thing, but...

Oil is bought and sold in dollars, rubles, yen, juan, pesos, rupies, gold, and even Bitcoin.

What the fuck is a 'petrodollar'?
reduce the world to poverty, buy up most assets,

a new global dark age.

That's the plan.

of course they will fail.

they don't need be defeated and killed.

THey just need to be reminded of their lane.

nobody gives a shit if they're rich.

they just can't murder the rest of us with fake death jabs from nazi pharmaceuticals.

Who are 'they'? The Illuminati??
There's two kinds of economic analysts. ones which tell the truth. and ones who lie.
No. There are as many opinions about the economy as there are economists. They are really little more than fortune tellers.
fiat currency has always failed, in human history.
ALL types of currencies have failed in human history. Fiat currency is no different in that regard. The use of gold has failed, the use of diamonds has failed, the use of pretty seashells has failed, the use of stones with holes in them has failed, the use of silver has failed.
Keynesians are totalitarians.
Nothing to do with fiat currency or any other type of currency, but you are correct.
He's trying to make an argument for new world order cashless fiat dollars.
Never saw this argument from him. There is a world fiat currency, but it's not called 'dollars'. It's called a Special Drawing Right (SDR). It's value is compared against a basket of major currencies in use (which all happen to be fiat currencies).

I don't think the SDR is going to replace dollars, much as the World Bank wants it to. People are already pretty tainted on the use of fiat currencies. They are already looking around for something else as a currency. As far as I've seen, there is little interest in adopting the SDR.

he's just doing a bad job, mostly because it's a shitty idea.
I agree. It's a shitty idea. I'm not sure it's HIS idea though.
When one can't trust another, another has to borrow from one, or in other words another owes one in the future.

When one can trust another, one has to invest on another, or in other words both try to build a common future, and one has to put in the money

When both are trying to build a common future, and one has to put in the money, another has to try to not waste the time and effort for both now, and in the future...

Get it,

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get if genius?

Borrowing and lending require a certain amount of trust.

The lender trusts the borrower will pay back the loan with interest.
The borrower trusts the lender will conform to the loan agreement.
Borrowing and lending require a certain amount of trust.

The lender trusts the borrower will pay back the loan with interest.
The borrower trusts the lender will conform to the loan agreement.

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?
Never saw this argument from him. There is a world fiat currency, but it's not called 'dollars'. It's called a Special Drawing Right (SDR). It's value is compared against a basket of major currencies in use (which all happen to be fiat currencies).

I don't think the SDR is going to replace dollars, much as the World Bank wants it to. People are already pretty tainted on the use of fiat currencies. They are already looking around for something else as a currency. As far as I've seen, there is little interest in adopting the SDR.

I agree. It's a shitty idea. I'm not sure it's HIS idea though.

Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player. or you still thinking what to reply to me?
The dollar is already largely cashless. Only a small percentage of dollars are actually printed as paper money. Most dollars are just bits in various computers.

If your bank refuses you for political reasons it's nice to be able to cash out.

always be able to unplug neuralink too.
Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?
Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

I guess you're just a convenience-oriented stereotypical african american, then.

Nice character work.
Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...

and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade…

as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...

Get it now player. or you still thinking what to reply to me?

Why is it you remind me of that wigger that passed in between me and my black friend, and threw up his hand all funky as he was passing by and said "Yo! Playa!" :laugh:

OMG, we couldn't get off the floor for at least 5 minutes! :laugh: Ho-lee fuck! :laugh:

Okay, this dude had on red parachute pants, thick silver(ish) necklaces, a red headband, and a red polyester vest with no shirt. Little skinny motherfucker with a Jheri-curl perm, and he's white! The "Yo! Playa!" was so fuckin' over the top!


That spliff we had just smoked certainly didn't help. :X

Good pot or not, that shit was funny AF.

That same friend, in the trunk of his car, has a 2x4 with a handle cut in it.

On that 2x4 it says: "Big Man Stick, for Big Men only"

Now this motherfucker is 6'5", 305 lbs, with fists the size of bricks, literally.

So I look at him sideways and ask "What does this mean, motherfucker?"

He says "That's the question!" :laugh: And we laughed good. My boy has a sense of humor.

Oh we had fun times as kids. The day that motherfucker caught the woods on fire with a super nigger-chaser! :eek: Omg, it was like this time of year and the grass was all dry and he lit that thing and threw it up and it took off and everywhere it touched down started

serious fire. It bounced like 12x and next thing you know there's a 6 foot by fifty wall of fire! We ran and I was gonna call the fire dept but they were already on it.

He stayed at my house til dark that day.

This is what happens when kids make money and buy next-day discounted fireworks. Oh! "Jumping-Jack" is the real name of the firework he threw. This one was like 10" long, though.

There were more in that pack. I think we left it right there and never went back. Fifty bucks be damned, that was scary!

We never did that again.
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Next time player that you read something on the internet that is nonsense, remember that you can ignore it...
That I can. I don't though, as too many people believe the nonsense.
and player, you can keep on ignoring nonsense, unless people forget that...
My choice to ignore or pay attention to any nonsense on the internet has nothing to do with whether people remember or forget anything.
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
It certainly can, which is why people tend to use money. Money is a very useful intermediary of trade.
as then... we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Not sure of what you mean by this statement. You keep making it, so it must be important to you. Can you clarify?
Get it now player, or are you still wondering what to reply to me?

You are making some good arguments here and there, but it's often interspersed with apparently meaningless phrases. You need to clarify.