Scut Farkus
The point of a credit card is to make payment more easy. For instance, you are expected to payoff the entire American Express bill every month. It can be used to borrow money, but is also used to just speed money along.
With more and more goods and services being delivered, cash payments are difficult, and credit cards are becoming the norm.
Credit card companies love people who take out huge, high interest loans, and pay them back. But they also like people who do not take out loans, and just have a lot of cash flow. I get insane numbers of credit card offers, and have a line of credit of over a $100k.
What credit card companies hate is people who take out huge loans, and then walk away from them. I already proved I am not that type of person.
you're as dumb as Alexandertsolis.
convenience trumps all.
catering to that mindset is like being a crack pusher to children.