Here’s Your Proof of a Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election

I am so glad that I appointed you the judge.

Hey moron, you asked if I thought it was a coincidence. Then, a few minutes later, you forget you asked. Perhaps you should hang it up and move in with Biden.

You think you had a point? You were raving. The foam in your mouth made some words difficult to discern.

Oh, and let me balance a ball on my nose for you while I'm at it. Please hold your breath until I do.

You insist that Trump claimed to have grabbed women's pussies. Post the fucking video.

Trump said he did it.
You live in an information vacuum.
How would he know that he could grab them by the pussy, if he did not do it? And, is that how you think a president should talk and act?
I am so glad that I appointed you the judge.

Hey moron, you asked if I thought it was a coincidence. Then, a few minutes later, you forget you asked. Perhaps you should hang it up and move in with Biden.

You think you had a point? You were raving. The foam in your mouth made some words difficult to discern.

Oh, and let me balance a ball on my nose for you while I'm at it. Please hold your breath until I do.

You insist that Trump claimed to have grabbed women's pussies. Post the fucking video.


It was rhetorical. I knew it was not a coincidence. There is nobody stupid enough to think all those things happened at the same time in that same place .
Trump said he did it.
Is that what you were ordered to believe while you were too spineless to call bullshit ... or are you going to post the video of him talking about how he grabs pussies?

Use me as an example. You tell me something absurd. I call bullshit. I demand that you provide the video. There, see? That's how you do it.

You, on the other hand, employ a different strategy. Someone tells you something absurd. You ask "over what would you like me to bend" as you offer some optional Vaseline.
Is that what you were ordered to believe while you were too spineless to call bullshit ... or are you going to post the video of him talking about how he grabs pussies?

Use me as an example. You tell me something absurd. I call bullshit. I demand that you provide the video. There, see? That's how you do it.

You, on the other hand, employ a different strategy. Someone tells you something absurd. You ask "over what would you like me to bend" as you offer some optional Vaseline.

What is the point of a video? He said it in his own words. The guy who laughed at what Trump said got fired. He was laughing along with a woman molesting pig.
You are making no sense. Can't you just address what Trump said? There is no one claiming he did not. When he said it, many thought his presidential run would be over. It should have been.
You are off the rails again.
What is the point of a video? He said it in his own words. The guy who laughed at what Trump said got fired. He was laughing along with a woman molesting pig.
You are making no sense. Can't you just address what Trump said? There is no one claiming he did not. When he said it, many thought his presidential run would be over. It should have been.
You are off the rails again.

Are you going to address the evidence I showed you that far more whites are killed by police then blacks?
For once you are correct. We did not vote for that candidate. We elected a decent (although elderly) man with a long history of public service to the nation -- Joe Biden.

You Trumpanzees, on the other hand, did vote for a demented lecherous corrupt grab-em-by-the-pussy treasonous piece of shit. Thankfully there were more of us than of you deluded fools.
I guess you forgot about Biden's 'hairy legs' speech to children, or the way kids try to get away from him or look repulsed and revolted when Biden is near them.
Here are the FACTS:

Results of 2020 presidential election:


Joe Biden: 81,283,501 51.31%

Trump: 74,223,975 46.85%


Joe Biden: 306

Trump: 232

When the assholes of the American right finally face those facts, we can put all this lying bullshit behind us.

There was no electoral vote since at least seven States never chose their electors. The President is not elected by popular vote.
The 2020 election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.

Learn what 'fact' means.
I heard Tucker Carlson say the other day that it's not possible that Biden could have gotton more votes than the democratic hero Obama and almost 10 million more votes than Trump. I would like to respond to him that he may be right that we didn't have 10 million more vote for Biden. But we certainly had well over 10 million voting against your twice impeached shithead Donald Trump!

Trump was impeached once, not twice. It is not possible to impeach someone that is not in office.
The impeachment was thrown out because no impeachable offense was brought forward.

The President is not elected by popular vote.

The 2020 election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Several 2022 elections faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
I'd trust the government numbers...and so would you...if Trump had won.

The pathological liars fucking up our society right now...are people like you, TDK. You people are pathetic...and truly need serious mental health attention.

Argument from randU fallacy. Psychoquackery. Discard of the Constitution of the United States.
The population grows every year. The voting pool grows. You cannot compare election totals every 4 years. In 32 FDR won with under 29 million votes. In 2020 Trump lost with 74 million. He must have been almost 3 times as popular as FDR.

The President is not elected by popular vote.

About FDR:
* unconstitutionally stole the gold and silver and issued fiat currency.
* created several unconstitutional government agencies (some of which were thrown out by the Supreme Court).
* caused the Great Depression to be Great (lasting well into the 50's).
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You are so full of shit, TDK, that attempting to be serious and real with you is almost an absurdity, but...

Every time you post you lie...with that signature of yours.

"There is no way 81 million americans voted for a man they know is a child molester w dementia" an asssertion, is a lie.

"Our enemies ( TV networks, academia, russia and china) knew Pedo Joe would destroy america and they were right."...the first words of your OP an assertion, is a lie.

TDAK has not lied here. Every single event and claim he listed actually happened.
suffice to say that absolutely nothing value-added will be forthcoming from ThatOwlCoward.


Nice meme!