Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Yurt the Internet lawyer is more concerned with stamping his feet behind every legion troll post than addressing the christian killer.
No one is forcing anything on you.

not yet.....but if you're successful in changing the law to make the rest of us do something other than ignore what you did in 2003 as nothing other than your business, then things will change......your goal is to make your business the business of our businesses.....and don't pretend it isn't.....
not yet.....but if you're successful in changing the law to make the rest of us do something other than ignore what you did in 2003 as nothing other than your business, then things will change......your goal is to make your business the business of our businesses.....and don't pretend it isn't.....
I know that you think that you're the most important object in the room, but it's only illusion. It is no one's goal to include you in any of our personal or legal affairs.....you choose to do so on your own. Why, is a mystery. Most folks go on, live their lives, and are hardly concerned with the lives of others, unless they "intersect". My marriage, way over here, has nothing to do with you, and is actually none of your biz. I long for the day when it will be recognized by the state and the country, and that I will be afforded the same rights and privileges that hetero couples take for granted.
Do you think your marriage affects me? Not a day goes by when you are not the all-consumming issue which drives me. I don't care if she is beating your ass for cheating, or that your dinner is cold, or that you haven't made love this year, or that your brother-in-law and his goat are moving in with you. None of that concerns me. So, likewise stay out of my business, or what I choose to call it.
Now the Norwegian Teabagger has been identified, and his guiding philosophy found to be virtually identical to that of a JPP rightwinger, what does this mean?

Well, perhaps in future we'll see a lot more caution exercised by our domestic terror-Teabaggers before they reflexively assume all terrorists are brown-skinned Muslims.

But I doubt it.

In the meantime, let's enjoy the mass crawfishing of the board conservatards.

I'm reminded of Timothy McVeigh, and Terry Nichols. And David Koresh. And Waco. And the murder of an abortion doctor, in his church. No Muslims were involved.
Yet the Teatards support murder, as long as it's for the "right" reasons, don't they?
I'm reminded of Timothy McVeigh, and Terry Nichols. And David Koresh. And Waco. And the murder of an abortion doctor, in his church. No Muslims were involved.

Lets really get this going and talk about the motivations for the OK City bombings. Immediately following 9/11/01, there were so many people talking about what we had done to deserve the attack.

And was the extreme action against David Koresh warranted? What the killing at Ruby Ridge something that needed to happen?
i claim to be a lawyer on this site? wow....talk about continuing bitchfests that are YEARS old...you have been obsessed with my profession for YEARS...i've even PM'd you to try and resolve your obsession, but alas....the toe licking bent over pott head just can't let it go. find one post on this site where i claim to be a lawyer....

if you don't know what a poet acts like, that is because you're a dumb hill billy who smokes too much crack and weed....

Yes you did.

You referred to yourself as a lawyer and for a time whenever I responded to a comment of yours I would refer to you as "counselor".

A few days later you asked me why I was doing so and I explained, to which you responded that you weren't REALLY a lawyer, but instead a meter maid.

Are you now going to pretend that conversation never took place?
Lets really get this going and talk about the motivations for the OK City bombings. Immediately following 9/11/01, there were so many people talking about what we had done to deserve the attack.
Well, of course we had done much to deserve the attack. Gone to bed with Saudi Arabia, for oil and perks, which pissed bin Laden the fuck off...who was kin to the royal family, and he renounced them and took his beef and money elsewhere, to wage a war against U.S. meddling. Messed around in the affairs of Iran ( The Shah), Iraq ( in its' war with Iran); Afghanistan ( in its' war with the Soviet Union) ; fucked over the Palestinians who were on the shitty receiving end of the stick with Israel, among other things. What? You thought America had "clean hands"????

And was the extreme action against David Koresh warranted? What the killing at Ruby Ridge something that needed to happen?

Subversion, cults , and child abuse and pedophilia don't go over well with law enforcement. Militias are suspect, in any event. Yes. Insurrection needed to be put down.
Subversion, cults , and child abuse and pedophilia don't go over well with law enforcement. Militias are suspect, in any event. Yes. Insurrection needed to be put down.

Suspicion of child abuse and pedophilia are serious, there is no doubt of that. And law enforcement sure taught Koresh his lesson, didn't they?

As for the militia, the massacre at Ruby Ridge was a blatant abuse of power by the federal gov't. Is insurrection such a horrible crime that citizens can be shot on sight by FBI snipers for merely being suspected of it?
Suspicion of child abuse and pedophilia are serious, there is no doubt of that. And law enforcement sure taught Koresh his lesson, didn't they? As for the militia, the massacre at Ruby Ridge was a blatant abuse of power by the federal gov't. Is insurrection such a horrible crime that citizens can be shot on sight by FBI snipers for merely being suspected of it?

Tim McVeigh sure taught the feds a lesson, didn't he? Were Waco and Ruby Ridge such horrible crimes that citizens can be blown up by rightwingers for merely being in a building?
Tim McVeigh sure taught the feds a lesson, didn't he? Were Waco and Ruby Ridge such horrible crimes that citizens can be blown up by rightwingers for merely being in a building?

And Timothy McVeigh was tried, convicted, and executed for his crimes.
Does that prevent his admirers from considering him a martyr?

I don't know anyone who considers McVeigh a martyr. I do know people who consider Vicki Weaver and her son Sammy to be martyrs. And there is good reason for those beliefs.
I don't know anyone who considers McVeigh a martyr. I do know people who consider Vicki Weaver and her son Sammy to be martyrs. And there is good reason for those beliefs.

So because you "don't know anyone who considers McVeigh a martyr" they don't exist? They do. They share your feelings about the Weavers as well.