Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Makes me sad, lets get a bunch of white christians together to slam islam again and again, complaining about slavery, sorry guys the bible makes alot of room for slavery, it also goes with the let's take over the world theme, ("go therefore and make disciples of all nations" sounds alot like go out and make subserviant all nations), it definitely has the gender issues. But I forgot, a tiny number of people who claimed to be muslims killed americans, so obviously they're all part of a huge conspiracy and want to kill us
Makes me sad, lets get a bunch of white christians together to slam islam again and again, complaining about slavery, sorry guys the bible makes alot of room for slavery, it also goes with the let's take over the world theme, ("go therefore and make disciples of all nations" sounds alot like go out and make subserviant all nations), it definitely has the gender issues. But I forgot, a tiny number of people who claimed to be muslims killed americans, so obviously they're all part of a huge conspiracy and want to kill us

I find that people who made idiotic statements like this one know absolutely nothing about Christianity or Islam. Absolutely nothing.
yurt what does a poet act like
you don't act like a lawyer which you also claim to be

i claim to be a lawyer on this site? wow....talk about continuing bitchfests that are YEARS old...you have been obsessed with my profession for YEARS...i've even PM'd you to try and resolve your obsession, but alas....the toe licking bent over pott head just can't let it go. find one post on this site where i claim to be a lawyer....

if you don't know what a poet acts like, that is because you're a dumb hill billy who smokes too much crack and weed....
And you can argue with yourself and claim the victory. You have the honor of being the second person I'm placing on ignore. I refuse to deal with dishonest posters.

lol...that was easy to find the troll in this one. there was nothing dishonest in what i said and your automatic placing me on ignore proves your trolldom....
yurtskin u know u claimed it on us message boards. A lot of eighties like bravo without college are ashamed to say. I think the same is true of you. Faggot
yurtskin u know u claimed it on us message boards. A lot of eighties like bravo without college are ashamed to say. I think the same is true of you. Faggot

the obsessed loser with no education who lives in a trailer is still obsessing over my post to a law student YEARS ago on ANOTHER board. i don't run around the internet claiming to be a lawyer, i merely gave a law student some advice that was asked for (iirc) and you have continued to this day to shit on that. you, on the other hand, run around the internet claiming to have an MBA to anyone who will listen. your insecurity, as evidenced by your constant need to tell everyone your resume, is freaking hilarious.

you're poor, have no education, a member of the KKK and you worship hitler......especially when you're on your knees in front of your pott dealer begging for your ounce of brick weed.
I wonder if the people of Norway feel like banning some mosques today?

Poor Alley-ass....

The aftermath of the massacre looked like a war zone. The incident itself has turned out to be one of the worst mass shootings in modern history.

A Norwegian man, who dressed up as a police officer gunned down at least 84 people at an island youth retreat in Norway Friday.

The shootings followed a large explosion in nearby Oslo that killed at least seven and that police say was set off by the same suspect. He is described as a right wing Christian fundamentalist with some anti-Muslim views based on postings the man made on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Saturday morning at a news conference Oslo police said they had arrested a man named Anders Behring Breivik...

There is not a new definition of marriage being imposed. In peoples' recalcitrant minds does the view of marriage remain so "narrow" and so limited. Do you really care if two people spend their lives together and "call it marriage", or are you against two people reaping the same benefits found in "traditional marriage". If you do , that defines a bigot. How much will the "marriage" of two individuals affect you personally? Not in the slightest....so, you're just walking around with a chip on your shoulder for no reason other than to be a jerk.

why shouldn't I think it's a new definition of marriage......it is.......and the fact you want to change it so we will be legally obligated to pay your mate insurance is not a good enough reason for forcing that change on us.......so who's wearing the chip?.......
why shouldn't I think it's a new definition of marriage......it is.......and the fact you want to change it so we will be legally obligated to pay your mate insurance is not a good enough reason for forcing that change on us.......so who's wearing the chip?.......
Excuse me? But do you pay insurance for the mates of heterosexuals, or do they pay those premiums themselves? You, obviously, speak the same voodoo in myriad forums, but to no avail.
The definition of marriage, as the definition of anything else is subjective. The color blue, means different things to different people. You and your minions don't own the institution of marriage.
I was married in a mass ceremony at a local MCCR church, back in 2003. We sleep together, eat together, pay bills together, worry together, make love together, work together, go through sickness and health together. From any angle, it looks, tastes and feels like a marriage...because it is..and only months or scant years of being recognized by the State of Texas, and the nation, because, like it or not, that is what the trend is.
No one is forcing anything on you. Don't like gay marriage. Don't marry any gays. Furthermore, turn away from the tv or the news featuring it, and you'll be just fine. I really don't get the insurance angle...you'll have to explain that one. I don't like my tax dollars going for the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan...but go they do..and I have to "lump it". Such as life. "We don't always get what we want...but if we try sometimes, we get what we need"-Rolling Stones.
You obviously don't have a life. Find one.
Is this what rightwing hate of Muslims and gays leads to?

Jonathan Evans, the Director-General of Britain's MI5 Security Service, cited a notorious far-right militant in a passage describing the security outlook for the country.

"Determination can take you a long way and even determined amateurs can cause devastation. The case of the neo-Nazi David Copeland, who attacked the gay and ethnic minority communities with such appalling results in 1999, is a good example of the threat posed by the determined lone bomber."

Copeland struck three targets in London with nail bombs. Three people were killed and scores were wounded at a gay bar in Soho. It followed attacks against the Muslim community in Brick Lane, east London, and a market in Brixton, south London.

In an unclassified 2011 national security outlook published by the Norway Police Security Service (PST) in February 2011, the service said it saw a picture of "increased uncertainty."

Part of that was due to what it called an expected increased level of activity in 2011 by far-right militants.

"Norwegian far-right extremists are in contact with Swedish far-right extremists, as well as with other far-right extremist groups in Europe. Contact also takes place between Norwegian and Russian far-right extremists," it said.

"An increased level of activity among some anti-Islamic groups could lead to increased polarization and unease, especially during, and in connection with, commemorations and demonstrations."

Now watch the Teatards claim that governments want to "ban conservative thought/websites" with NO evidence to support their hate-filled fear-mongering.

How many times are you going to post this one story about one lone nutjob in Europe, and pretend it represents everything right of Karl Marx?

You'd like to stop the news getting out, wouldn't you?

Let's review:

He was a fundamentalist Christian.

He hated Muslims.

He was angry about immigration.

He was a confirmed rightwinger.

Now, who does that resemble?
How many times are you going to post this one story about one lone nutjob in Europe, and pretend it represents everything right of Karl Marx?

(\(\(\/)/)/)/legion not only repeatedly makes threads about this, but he repeatedly bumps his own threads with posts about this

instead of being sad, legion troll is having his first orgasm over these tragic deaths because the killer is a right winger.
I haven't seen any JPP conservatives decry the mass murder perpetrated by their fellow rightwinger in Norway...