Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Stretch the imagination? Those were the first 5 I googled and it took me all of 30 seconds to copy and paste them. Get real, you're trying to demonize an entire culture of people counting in the billions. It's flat out bigoted on your part.

the first killer was a guy who hated Christians and killed them, the second, a guy angry with his ex wife......perhaps you should have taken more than 30 seconds.....by the way, I've noted 5 instances of honor killings in this thread so far, so you owe me a total of 25....
The Teatards are twisting themselves into pretzels to hide their fear and hatred of Muslims.
So what you're saying, correct me if I'm wrong, is Islam shouldn't get the protection of being a religion because... you don't like it? And therefore its not a religion? Well as an athesist now I think I should ban all the churches because obviously they're so wrong and its all a sham, and if you "claim we're violating the constitutional rights of these people, you can kiss my ass" obviously all the christians and jews are doing it as a tax scam and its not a real religion

In other news four white guys beat an Indian(subcontinent) because, in their words "He looked like one of them towelheads and he had it coming"

It has nothing whatsoever to do with whether I "like it" or not! The religion of Islam has been hijacked by radical extremists, and there seems to be NO EFFORT made by the moderates of the religion to reign them in... no, to the contrary, even the moderates of Islam subscribe to the 5th Century barbarism of Sharia, and think that should be made law of the land, and everyone should be forced to adhere to it. We have to reject that! We can't continue to view Islam as "a peaceful religion" and pretend they are somehow protected in their viewpoints which undermine and contradict our American Constitutional principles. They don't believe in "freedom of religion" ...they believe you either worship Allah, or you deserve beheading and stoning. They don't believe that "all men are created equal" ...they think women are subservient creatures who are required by Allah to serve men. They don't believe in gay rights, they believe homosexuals deserve to die! This is what you are condoning and supporting as a "religious belief" and it's abhorrent and dangerous. That is what Cain's message was, and I agree with him 110%... it's time we put our PC fucked-in-the-headedness in a closet, and do something proactive about this problem. If you just want to bury your head in your ass and defend this sick perverted abomination as a "religion" and claim they have "religious rights" that's up to you, but thank God we're not all idiots like you!
And exactly how would you define "religion", Dixie? Because we have plenty that are protected that are far less religious in their basis. Scientology is a religon, according to our government. And that was created by a science fiction writer and claims we come from aliens. How about Wicca? While some of its practicioners claim it is an old faith, Gerald Gardner basically invented it in the 20th century out of a mishmash of pagan beliefs. How about buddhism? It has no deity at all. How can it be a religion without some sort of God?

Islam is a religion. That is also has tenets that you do not like is not relevant to whether it enjoys 1st amendment protections.

I have no qualms with protecting religion, it's when a religion becomes perverted into something that is no longer religion, that I have a problem. Islam has become more of an ideological teaching, much like Nazism or Neo-Fascism. They openly advocate the destruction of western civilization and culture, death to Christians and Jews, and anyone else who doesn't want to subscribe to their 5th century barbaric edicts. Now..... for the past 10 years, I have defended Muslims left and right... I have posted threads on this very board to defend Muslims right to worship.. I have strongly condemned any prejudice based on race or faith... but I have also patiently waited for the moderate voices of Islam to emerge and reel back in their crazies, and that hasn't happened. More and more, we see the 'moderates' adopting the same philosophies and teachings, advocating the same barbaric extremism, and doing NOTHING to rebuke or denounce the radical elements. I can only surmise they don't really want or intend to reject the radicalism, because deep down inside, it's what they really believe! So, I am DONE with Islam, I am DONE defending them as a religious belief, as far as I am concerned, they are NOT a religious belief any longer, they screwed the pooch on that one by becoming radicalized. I believe we have the right to REJECT something that is NOT religion, but rather an ideology, and I believe our communities have the right to reject them as well.
so the troll is off ignore now? why the fuck do you ask me, more than once, to ignore him? and ask others.....

when i respond to him....i'm feeding him....but when others do so, it is not

Explained in Pm. Let's leave it there.
I have no qualms with protecting religion, it's when a religion becomes perverted into something that is no longer religion, that I have a problem. Islam has become more of an ideological teaching, much like Nazism or Neo-Fascism. They openly advocate the destruction of western civilization and culture, death to Christians and Jews, and anyone else who doesn't want to subscribe to their 5th century barbaric edicts. Now..... for the past 10 years, I have defended Muslims left and right... I have posted threads on this very board to defend Muslims right to worship.. I have strongly condemned any prejudice based on race or faith... but I have also patiently waited for the moderate voices of Islam to emerge and reel back in their crazies, and that hasn't happened. More and more, we see the 'moderates' adopting the same philosophies and teachings, advocating the same barbaric extremism, and doing NOTHING to rebuke or denounce the radical elements. I can only surmise they don't really want or intend to reject the radicalism, because deep down inside, it's what they really believe! So, I am DONE with Islam, I am DONE defending them as a religious belief, as far as I am concerned, they are NOT a religious belief any longer, they screwed the pooch on that one by becoming radicalized. I believe we have the right to REJECT something that is NOT religion, but rather an ideology, and I believe our communities have the right to reject them as well.

First of all, the fact that moderates do not condemn radicals does not remove constitutional protections. That you think it should is lunacy.

Second of all, if there were moderates who spoke out against radicals, would the media show it? Our media is about promoting fear. When people are afraid they watch the news. When they are happy they watch something else or don't watch at all.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with whether I "like it" or not! The religion of Islam has been hijacked by radical extremists, and there seems to be NO EFFORT made by the moderates of the religion to reign them in... no, to the contrary, even the moderates of Islam subscribe to the 5th Century barbarism of Sharia, and think that should be made law of the land, and everyone should be forced to adhere to it. We have to reject that! We can't continue to view Islam as "a peaceful religion" and pretend they are somehow protected in their viewpoints which undermine and contradict our American Constitutional principles. They don't believe in "freedom of religion" ...they believe you either worship Allah, or you deserve beheading and stoning. They don't believe that "all men are created equal" ...they think women are subservient creatures who are required by Allah to serve men. They don't believe in gay rights, they believe homosexuals deserve to die! This is what you are condoning and supporting as a "religious belief" and it's abhorrent and dangerous. That is what Cain's message was, and I agree with him 110%... it's time we put our PC fucked-in-the-headedness in a closet, and do something proactive about this problem. If you just want to bury your head in your ass and defend this sick perverted abomination as a "religion" and claim they have "religious rights" that's up to you, but thank God we're not all idiots like you!

As opposed to the wonders christians exert to reign in their "colleages"(still thinking about northern Ireland and some of the southern baptists in the US) and as for the belief that everyone should abide by our conduct, well isn't that what the christians do? They're just rather better at getting in enforced(Note the resistance THEY have to the gay marriage as well as abortions) most laws in western society conform with christian law and christian traditions( try getting ANYTHING done on christmas, its not gonna happen) think about the effort that goes into trying to convert people and telling them how they're going to "burn in hell because god hates gays" I don't remember the last time American muslims stoned a women in the street and if you're going to talk about conservative muslims(NOT the same as extreme) in the middle east well I could point to some rather horrific and stupid things done by churches too, the South African situation until relatively recently comes to mind

However all that justification doesn't matter, we don't rewrite the most fundamental rule in the constitution because you think that a religion is "backward, horrific and dangerous" (incidentally if even half the muslims hated us as much as the media would like to believe we would be so screwed, its the second largest religion in the world, above 1.5 Billion (with a B) followers. Most of them just try to live their lives without being killed by the newest dictator or when the west drops bombs on him, the hatred bigotry and the "Us versus them mentality only hardens a line that shouldn't be there in the first place, they're both abrahamic religions. For god's sake even CHINA can get its christians and muslims to get along, shouldn't the "great and liberty loving" US be able to accept muslims?