Hey libs...maine,usc,cypress et al...

Gaffer and bubblebutt will fit right in over there.... Damo's site is infinitely better!

sir evil is on some bizarre power trip.... I highly recommend that all the neocons and Bush ass lickers go over there where they can hang out with their own kind.
Oh pa-lease...

yeah...that debate policy site is really something...it is run by sir evil...the bozo who was laughed off this site.... he banned me within minutes of arriving...for no reason.... yeah....you neocons have a great time over there jacking each other off.... what a joke.

bubblebutt and sir evil giving each other reach arounds.... no place I'd like to hang out, that's for sure!

Stop with the lies already...Sir Evil did not ban you...and by the way damo and evil are close friends...and I like both sites...you just don't like sites that don't cater to your BS!
Stop with the lies already...Sir Evil did not ban you...and by the way damo and evil are close friends...and I like both sites...you just don't like sites that don't cater to your BS!


You and gaffer beg liberals to come over there, and then when they do you immediatly start threatening to ban them, you edit their profiles, and delete their posts.

No thanks. I like the way Damo runs things. Free speech for all, and no fear of dissenting view points.
[edited out URL and name of other board per request of admin at that board.]

well its a growing board usc, and its filled with conservatives. guess you don't want to go where you would be heavily outnumbered. Without a gang of back patters your nothing.

Ummm....who's being cowardly? When some libs did show up over there at your request the admin and posters almost immediatly threatened to ban them, to delete their posts, and started editing their profiles.

And then, we see here that the url you provided to the site was removed here "at the request of the site admin at the other board".
Stop with the lies already...Sir Evil did not ban you...and by the way damo and evil are close friends...and I like both sites...you just don't like sites that don't cater to your BS!

sir evil did indeed ban me. I wouldn't make that up.

Stop with calling me a liar when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
He even banned my college age son who tried to log on to the site. My son is very politically savvy and enjoys political banter.....

yeah...this sir evil is a psychopathic motherfucker!

He even banned my college age son who tried to log on to the site. My son is very politically savvy and enjoys political banter.....

yeah...this sir evil is a psychopathic motherfucker!

You are such a fraud maineman you went into the other board and used a second ID***QuinnipacMan***then started agreeing with yourself as if it were another person..now who is the message board joke...maybe just maybe ...Pvt Gomer!!!...I'm not so sure about your Naval credentials at this point...at the Naval Academy fraud and cheating is a banable offense...!:argue: :FootMouth:
He banned....

sir evil did indeed ban me. I wouldn't make that up.

Stop with calling me a liar when you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

your second ID***QuinnipacMan*** not Maineman...albeit he could since you used a fraudulent second ID...!

your second ID***QuinnipacMan*** not Maineman...albeit he could since you used a fraudulent second ID...!

don't feel bad maineman...I got banned forever by the dumpy darin dmp...forever on this board...I only went in to sucker punch y'all ..albeit I had to suffer the wrath of the little pervert nerd!!!...LMAO
he banned maineman (me) and he banned my son Ben, who is a sophomore at Quinnipiac and just came home this week.

Ben was sitting here with me and wanted to join in the fun..... that's a fact bubblebutt.... but you know all the answers, or so you think.

you're just as big of a prick as Sir Evil...

my GOD, the asshole bans a college kid who didn't do a thing wrong!
yeah...Sir Evil IS a prick, and if you had anything to do with getting ME banned or my son banned, then YOU are also a prick. That it pretty cut and dried.
getting someone fired from a job in real life because of a beef in cyberspace???

OOh yeah.... you are a major league prick.

go on back to that other site with your pal Sir Evil....you assholes were made for each other!
Not really...

getting someone fired from a job in real life because of a beef in cyberspace???

OOh yeah.... you are a major league prick.

go on back to that other site with your pal Sir Evil....you assholes were made for each other!

I may have retired...but still work pro bono from time to time...it's in the blood...!Darin is a abuser of work hours and he made his own bed!!!:rolleyes:
Well...this was...

certainly a interesting dialog...tried to make the dude feel better and now he is crying again...I love cyberspace and all...not really...only when I am bored!