Scut Farkus
No, that's for a judge to decide and all 60+ judges who looked at your shitty evidence all determined that evidence was shitty.
That's why you still refuse to post the evidence here.
Because if you did, it would get torn apart and you'd be left holding the remains with no one to help you defend it.
What is this evidence, specifically? Why haven't you posted it? Because it doesn't exist and you're lying about it.
Data dumps? You mean votes.
Votes that you didn't want to count before election day because you were trying to get those votes thrown out.
So the "data dumps" are your evidence, then? Evidence of what? Those were ballots YOU DIDN'T WANT TO COUNT BEFOREHAND.
in addition to the data dump graphs, theres the video of poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots from under a table and processing them when the counting was supposed to be halted for mystery reasons, cheating reasons.