In your worldview, the only meaningful dissent can be, Israel has no right to exist. To me, that is exactly the same as saying that I cannot dissent from US foreign policy, in any meaningful way, unless I also claim that the US has no right to exist.
Therefore, there can be no real debate with you. I believe Israel has a right to exist, just as I believe the Palestinians have a right to a state. I would never say Israel has no right to exist.
I think we're done. I don't see anything fruitful coming of this conversation.
No. I question the value of israel's existence to america, and how many american lives and dollars it is worth.
I understand you can only converse with me by painting me into little black and white boxes you can process more easily. Think about what I actually say instead of searching your brain for your pre-programmed thought boxes and then filing accordingly. Throw away your prejudices and free your mind. You might like it.