Hi -- New here.

I'm half Apache half white does that count as a victim? I would love to see how it feels to have victim status.

Only if you vote Democrat.

I was debating on FB a while back and some asshole told me that since I was a white guy I had no sense of what it meant to be a victim of racism. So I relayed a story about how an older black neighbor grabbed my bike when I was a kid and threw it across the street, screaming at me because I was white, another when me and friends were chased out of a black neighborhood because we were driving while white, how one of my HS friends, who happened to be black, turned 'hood on us when in college and would no longer acknowledge me because I was white, how there were certain subway routes that could not be traveled by a white dude....
Unionized work places have that requirement, but for the vast majority of us, discussing salaries is often a punishable offense. Precisely for the reasons you mentioned.... can't get away with paying Jill less than Jack for the same work if Jill finds out about it.

I think people would also be outraged by the overall pay structure if they really understood it. People have a vague notion about CEOs being paid obscene amounts -- e.g., $40 million for a year's work. But I think most haven't really considered the way the pay structure is shaped beneath that level... how, for example, single-digit percentage bonuses for most people at the company give way to three-digit percentage bonuses for the c-level execs. If people better understood that their boss may be making twice what they do for doing a lot less, they'd be more vocal about the inequity of it all.

Off the topic, but this had me thinking about a pet theory of mine -- about why Trump-supporters in the blue-collar middle class are more pissed off about the possibility of some undeserving poor people getting a few bucks of welfare than about high-level corporate exec getting millions of dollars of benefits from corporate welfare; and why they're more outraged about the possibility of a food-stamp recipient scamming a t-bone steak than about someone like Trump scamming people out of millions.

I think it's because familiarity breeds contempt, and they're a whole lot more familiar with the low end of the income structure than the high end. They have old classmates and cousins and the like who are members of the lower class, that so they're aware, first-hand, of some unsavory people at that level. They allow themselves to think of the whole class in those terms. The lazy nephew they have who has been nursing a fake injury for 10 years to live off disability becomes their vision of all poor people.... often made all the more toxic when they then layer racial prejudices on top of that when they think of poor minorities. By comparison, they just don't run in the same social or professional circles as the economic elite, so they are taken in by the mythology about them owing their success to great personal merit. Meanwhile, young professionals like me actually run in the same professional circles as the elite. We personally interact with the c-level execs. We know they tend to be con-men and third-class intellects who get ahead through a sociopathic willingness to use others as traction. We do their work and watch them take the seven-figure paydays for our successes, while making sure we get the blame for the failures. So, familiarity breeds contempt there, too. I don't know Donald Trump personally, but I do personally know several men of his sort, and so his mythology has never worked on me.
I'm half Apache half white does that count as a victim? I would love to see how it feels to have victim status.

Here's a suggestion. Try moving to Okinawa. I recently had a white American friend move there, and he tells me that, thanks to a combination of anti-white racism among the Japanese, and some more specific hatred against Americans stemming from misconduct by US military personnel in the area he's working, he's facing a lot of discrimination. For example, some restaurants will turn him away just based on his white face or the assumption he's an American service member. In other words, if you want to see how it feels to have victim status, you could go somewhere that you'd actually be victimized. For the most part I haven't faced much of that, in my life, but it sure doesn't sound fun.
Remember "Rockin' Vegan Cupcake?" "She" ticked all but one of the boxes, and IIRC, also claimed to be from NYC.

This new sock substituted "Asian" for "Black."

Must be sock diversity in action.

I don't know if this forum is searchable, but if so, it shouldn't be hard to spot sock puppets. Most people write with tell-tale patterns -- particular quirks of spelling, grammar, structure, word choice, etc. I, for example, have a tendency towards parenthetical interjections early in sentences (such as "I, for example...") If you think I'm some other user, just compare and see.
Yes, I do. Do you think I'm from a foreign land? If so, what has given you that impression?

You have no credibility, sock. Nobody but you knows where you are posting from. Nobody but you knows your true origins. Nobody but you knows your true occupation. Nobody but you knows your true ethnicity, your gender, or indeed any of the "facts" about yourself you have deigned to share with the gullible.

There's no point in trumpeting personal "details" in light of that fact.

A classic sock error is to "reveal" such things, and you made it.
I don't know if this forum is searchable, but if so, it shouldn't be hard to spot sock puppets. Most people write with tell-tale patterns -- particular quirks of spelling, grammar, structure, word choice, etc. I, for example, have a tendency towards parenthetical interjections early in sentences (such as "I, for example...") If you think I'm some other user, just compare and see.

Nice try, sock. Your denials ring as hollow as your other claims.
Here's a suggestion. Try moving to Okinawa. I recently had a white American friend move there, and he tells me that, thanks to a combination of anti-white racism among the Japanese, and some more specific hatred against Americans stemming from misconduct by US military personnel in the area he's working, he's facing a lot of discrimination. For example, some restaurants will turn him away just based on his white face or the assumption he's an American service member. In other words, if you want to see how it feels to have victim status, you could go somewhere that you'd actually be victimized. For the most part I haven't faced much of that, in my life, but it sure doesn't sound fun.

Cool story, "sis."

How fascinating. You're another unother unverifiable anecdote merchant.

A Story for Every Occasion™.
Here's a suggestion. Try moving to Okinawa. I recently had a white American friend move there, and he tells me that, thanks to a combination of anti-white racism among the Japanese, and some more specific hatred against Americans stemming from misconduct by US military personnel in the area he's working, he's facing a lot of discrimination. For example, some restaurants will turn him away just based on his white face or the assumption he's an American service member. In other words, if you want to see how it feels to have victim status, you could go somewhere that you'd actually be victimized. For the most part I haven't faced much of that, in my life, but it sure doesn't sound fun.

How do you spell Bullshit? I know many service men and women who have been stationed in Okinawa, and they don't report the crap you are mentioning. It shows how little you know about living abroad. BTW I spent 12 yrs living and working as well as touring overseas.
O N E U L I.

And You have won the coveted Bullshit sock identifier Bee Trophy!


Hell you of all people would know. After all you are privy to that information. :innocent:
It’s why I’m asking you for your evidence. I see no evidence of her being a sock, so I wouid like your observations on why you believe she is, thanks
Hell you of all people would know. After all you are privy to that information.

No, she isn't. She guesses. In fact, she employs the "method" described by the new sock.

Most people write with tell-tale patterns -- particular quirks of spelling, grammar, structure, word choice, etc.

It's telling that she only seems to employ skepticism when a new poster leans right, isn't it?
You have no credibility.....

Well, everyone here is anonymous. For all we know you're a Kremlin contractor sitting in a troll farm in Moscow. There's no way to be sure. But people can decide for themselves whether my posting is consistent with my stated biographical details or not.