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This is a perfect example of a libertarian frenzied circle jerk. Every time you disparage Ron Paul, they instantly rip off their clothe, stand around the guilty party, and do reach-around until the guy in the center gets weirded out and run away. They then cum on each other and do a line of coke off the back of the dude in front of them, give a slap on the butt, and go back to drinking koolaid.
This is a perfect example of a libertarian frenzied circle jerk. Every time you disparage Ron Paul, they instantly rip off their clothe, stand around the guilty party, and do reach-around until the guy in the center gets weirded out and run away. They then cum on each other and do a line of coke off the back of the dude in front of them, give a slap on the butt, and go back to drinking koolaid.
A perfect example of a neo-Prog circle jerk, the moment you mention R. Paul they immediately rush in, rip off their clothes, and perform reach-arounds until the R. Paul guys get tired and leave.

A perfect example of a neo-Prog circle jerk, the moment you mention R. Paul they immediately rush in, rip off their clothes, and perform reach-arounds until the R. Paul guys get tired and leave.

Nicely said...I knew very little about R.Paul before he was brought up in here...however after reading his bio I found him interesting...albeit I do not agree with him on the Iraq issue he makes alot of sense on domestic issues!
A perfect example of a neo-Prog circle jerk, the moment you mention R. Paul they immediately rush in, rip off their clothes, and perform reach-arounds until the R. Paul guys get tired and leave.

Yeah, isn't it funny how they accuse us of being the one's to 'Rush-in' yet it was usc and ib1 to be the first to respond to the originator. Basically just to say 'I'm not listening, im not listening' and tug on each others cock.
Yeah, isn't it funny how they accuse us of being the one's to 'Rush-in' yet it was usc and ib1 to be the first to respond to the originator. Basically just to say 'I'm not listening, im not listening' and tug on each others cock.

Thanks for keeping me out of that.
He voted 75% with the republican machine during the current congesss congress. Darn cons have such short memories.
That only shows that Libertarians are more Conservative than Liberal, I've said this for years.

He is not a neocon at all though, he has opposed the Iraq war from the outset and unlike Liberal Democrats he opposed the war in Kosovo too.
This is a perfect example of a libertarian frenzied circle jerk. Every time you disparage Ron Paul, they instantly rip off their clothe, stand around the guilty party, and do reach-around until the guy in the center gets weirded out and run away. They then cum on each other and do a line of coke off the back of the dude in front of them, give a slap on the butt, and go back to drinking koolaid.
That's a very vivid fantasy ib1, you certainly had that one well thought out...
I can, and have in other threads. I don't want to here, because everything that has to be said already has been said. By people more interesting than you.

I didn't read the article, I don't care about it. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my opinion on Ron Paul.

He's a bug-eyed lunatic, not Jesus Christ, get over him guys.

You don't understand it. It's too complicated for you. That's obvious.
Yeah, isn't it funny how they accuse us of being the one's to 'Rush-in' yet it was usc and ib1 to be the first to respond to the originator. Basically just to say 'I'm not listening, im not listening' and tug on each others cock.
I have to ask a question: Did you also vote for Rioss Perot? he was a fruitcake too.
Next time, don't post the author. uscit would be, "Right. It's the businesses own fault for taking such a risky venture!"
If this had a Paul Krugman tagline on it, there would be much genuflection, bowing, obeisance, and licking of shoesoles. Were he the author, the lefties would be sucking this up, no doubt.