High School - 1957 vs 2009

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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I enjoyed it when Savage read it on his show and attributed it to an email that he received. *shrug*

Then I am sure you enjoyed it this time as well.

If someone tells you a joke and doesn't tell you where they heard it, do you assume they made up the joke?

Yes, the posting of this was technically plagiarism. If you would like to pursue prosecution have at it.

I will continue to laugh at the effort. You must be one miserable individual, to spend as much time as you do seeking ways to launch personal attacks.
Hitting your children? Yes, child abuse.

good lord....then you can not spank your child....but you have no right to tell me i can't spank my child

pretty soon it will be child abuse if you take away your kids tv/video game time because it will scar them for life
It was still written by someone else. *shrug*
So are almost all "Two chicks and a biker dude" jokes. As well as Wyoming Sheep jokes, Pope and a rabbi jokes, midget jokes... Well, I think we get the idea.

Did anybody here really think it was written by WinterBorn?

BTW - Great avatar of the volley ball chick hugging the Pres...
So are almost all "Two chicks and a biker dude" jokes. As well as Wyoming Sheep jokes, Pope and a rabbi jokes, midget jokes... Well, I think we get the idea.

Did anybody here really think it was written by WinterBorn?

BTW - Great avatar of the volley ball chick hugging the Pres...
I hope that you're not comparing water cooler conversations with postings. A simple 'sent to me in an email' would suffice.

Thanks about the avatar. Hard to beat a 6'+ babe with such a well rounded derriere.
I hope that you're not comparing water cooler conversations with postings. A simple 'sent to me in an email' would suffice.

Thanks about the avatar. Hard to beat a 6'+ babe with such a well rounded derriere.

If Damocles is not bothered by my post then its settled. No problem with my humorous contribution.
Yeah he's the ultimate judge of what constitutes plagiarism or not. :rolleyes:

He is the ultimate judge of what must be removed from this website. As he said, there is no copyright on the material at the link you gave and I did not represent it as my own original work.

Since I did not credit it to an email I received it is plagiarism. But if this is the biggest issue you see wrong today you have a pretty cuchy life.

Methinks you are trying to cause me trouble and are not succeeding. More of the personal attacks you seem to be so fond of.
He is the ultimate judge of what must be removed from this website. As he said, there is no copyright on the material at the link you gave and I did not represent it as my own original work.

Since I did not credit it to an email I received it is plagiarism. But if this is the biggest issue you see wrong today you have a pretty cuchy life.

Methinks you are trying to cause me trouble and are not succeeding. More of the personal attacks you seem to be so fond of.
It's only a personal attack if you perceive it as such. I prefer to think of it as "education".
It's only a personal attack if you perceive it as such. I prefer to think of it as "education".

So you are claiming that you thought I did not know what plagiarism was?

Its funny that you claim to be bringing "harsh light of truth, from high above". But you never seem to bring any of that harsh light down on other rabid conservatives. Only on people you have had disagreements with. And often it involves rather crass remarks instead of comments conerning the topic.

And the "from high above" part is even funnier. Its obvious you consider yourself above so many here. Delusional is often funny.
STFU Southern Man.

About the spanking bit, two years ago I was in the common room of my college campus apartment, and there was a brief cultural exchange between two black guys and two of my fellow pansified white brothers regarding spanking. Granted, the black guys advocated taking it too far for my taste, but the look of horror on the white guys' faces was priceless. They agreed with WM, of course...