High School Censors Football Coach, Bans Post Game Prayer.

The theocrats are immoral and dishonest, which is proven by their tactics they use on such issues as abortion. They are looking to create a wedge with which they can sneak through other concepts and slowly whittle away at the secular state and the advances it has made for liberty, freedom and equality.

This case is not that big a deal. The prayer seems sort of harmless and it is easy to portray those complaining as unreasonable. But there needs to be a clear line between church and state. Here the line is that the coach, as an official representing the school and therefore the state, should not participate in prayer with the students. He is free to practice his faith outside of those duties, as he likes. There is nothing unreasonable about that.

You allow the coach to engage in prayer with the team and then what is the big deal about him leading the prayer, if he asks the players to pledge themselves to a God, an Abrahamic God, the Christian God, the Christian God as presented by a specific sect and on and on?

You can see that many theocrats want much more in the case I posted about the Louisiana Sheriff and Jindal.

Why is it a big deal that the coach engage in prayer with the team? Why is the coach being so unreasonable?