Hillary Clinton, The Next President Of The United States.

Unqualified. Men can lie to her freely and she is incapable of seeing through the lies.

She believed Bill Clinton didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky.

She believed Obama when he said the Benghazi attack was precipitated by a YouTube video.

And from the libtard perspective, she believed Bush about Iraq. lol.

She's not equipped to operate among the world's male leadership.

So you know her on a personal level? A woman knows when a man has cheated, but the stakes were too high for her to react publicly. Think about it if you can.
So you know her on a personal level? A woman knows when a man has cheated, but the stakes were too high for her to react publicly. Think about it if you can.

Hmmm, ok. I thought about it.

She either:

1. believed him
2. lied to the American people about it.

So, which was it?

I love the gymnastics liberals deploy to justify their leaders lying to them. lol.
Hmmm, ok. I thought about it.

She either:

1. believed him
2. lied to the American people about it.

So, which was it?

I love the gymnastics liberals deploy to justify their leaders lying to them. lol.

You really want to discuss acrobats? Iraq has WMD's ... who said that? Who said 47% of Americans are freeloaders and then tried to back peddle?
Tony Blair, every major intelligence agency in the world, and all the Democrats who voted in favor of the Iraq invasion.

I don't know. Who said "freeloaders"?

Wrong! They did not say it, but they were convinced to join in--big difference.
Do your research.
Hillary for President? Why not? If it takes four more years for voters to snap out of it, then I think we can withstand 4 more years of liberal mischief. The real question is, will that happen before the Democrat Party utterly wastes this country?

Do you want to know what's really wrong with the republican party? It's called the Barry Goldwater syndrome. The eastern GOP establishment wants nothing to do with a legitimate conservative candidate and they've been that way even through Reagan's two terms since Goldwater's crushing defeat in 64.

Of course it's important to point out that the eastern GOP establishment didn't support Goldwater back then either even after he got the nomination and this explains greatly Goldwater's lop sided defeat.
Do you want to know what's really wrong with the republican party? It's called the Barry Goldwater syndrome. The eastern GOP establishment wants nothing to do with a legitimate conservative candidate and they've been that way even through Reagan's two terms since Goldwater's crushing defeat in 64.

Of course it's important to point out that the eastern GOP establishment didn't support Goldwater back then either even after he got the nomination and this explains greatly Goldwater's lop sided defeat.

Surely the point is that those who are against the 'GOP establishment' are raving loonies who could never win any election anywhere, ever. The rich prefer power uncontaminated by promises to boring consumers and don't need this crazy ranting.
My bold prediction.

I cannot see the republican establishment running anybody from their eastern candidate pool who can beat her. As I brought up last week, Christie is the guy the inner circle is currently pushing and polishing for the GOP nomination but no one outside the northeast will vote for him being in the primaries among republican voters alone. Rubio meanwhile is on the tea party( Whom the GOP inner circle wishes would just go away) crap list because it were the tea parties who worked diligently to get him elected to the senate then Rubio dropped the illegal amnesty bomb on them and the rest of the party's base while GOP insiders are hoping everybody forgets about it when the election season arrives.

Conservatives like Rand Paul are disliked by the inner circle and the media and any conservative women like Palin ( disliked by the Bush inner circle) will be "Palined" by the media before they even get close to the nomination.
Mitt Romney running with Ted Cruz would win. The Conservative Republicans who did not vote for Romney will this time around because of Tea Part favorite Cruz. Cruz will also help capture the Hispanic vote, and as far as the Black vote goes, no one cares, it is the Hispanic vote that Ted Cruz will bring onboard. This big "package", no pun intended, spells a landslide victory for Romney, everyone can now see what a mistake, a total disaster, that Obama has been, and it was Ted Cruz who predickted how bad ObamaDon'tCare would be and it was, Ted Cruz is a political hero.
Mitt Romney running with Ted Cruz would win. The Conservative Republicans who did not vote for Romney will this time around because of Tea Part favorite Cruz. Cruz will also help capture the Hispanic vote, and as far as the Black vote goes, no one cares, it is the Hispanic vote that Ted Cruz will bring onboard. This big "package", no pun intended, spells a landslide victory for Romney, everyone can now see what a mistake, a total disaster, that Obama has been, and it was Ted Cruz who predickted how bad ObamaDon'tCare would be and it was, Ted Cruz is a political hero.

I agree with you about Cruz but do you think Mitt Romney will get the nomination again? That's interesting but perhaps you're right.
My bold prediction.

I cannot see the republican establishment running anybody from their eastern candidate pool who can beat her. As I brought up last week, Christie is the guy the inner circle is currently pushing and polishing for the GOP nomination but no one outside the northeast will vote for him being in the primaries among republican voters alone. Rubio meanwhile is on the tea party( Whom the GOP inner circle wishes would just go away) crap list because it were the tea parties who worked diligently to get him elected to the senate then Rubio dropped the illegal amnesty bomb on them and the rest of the party's base while GOP insiders are hoping everybody forgets about it when the election season arrives.

Conservatives like Rand Paul are disliked by the inner circle and the media and any conservative women like Palin ( disliked by the Bush inner circle) will be "Palined" by the media before they even get close to the nomination.

My prediction is that Hillary isn't going to run.
I love that idea, run Romney again!

Oh those crazy Rmoneys, what a difference a year makes.

October 18, 2012

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's wife says her husband will not run again if this race doesn't turn out the way they hope.

Ann Romney told ABC's "The View" Thursday that it was "a very hard thing" to put her family through another White House bid after he lost the 2008 Republican primary. She said she agreed because she feels her husband can bring economic prosperity to America, but they "absolutely" will not do it again if he loses.

October 3, 2013

WASHINGTON — Nearly a year after her husband lost his bid for the White House, Ann Romney doesn't rule out the idea there could be another campaign in her future.

Might Mitt Romney run for office again?

"I don't know," his wife of 44 years told USA TODAY's "Capital Download," adding, "I certainly don't believe so," but not shutting the door entirely. "It would have to be an extraordinary experience for us to have to do that again."
