Now about the thread
Hillary Clintons Popularity has plummeted for a variety of reasons the number 1 being everyone and I mean EVERYONE including her supporters are sick and tired of her blaming everyone else for her loss
She has blamed from Obama to comey, to trump to deplorables to deplorables wives that "MUST" so she says do what they are told. People left and right have finally realized shes a shallow, self aggrandizing pile of dung

Hillary Clintons Popularity has plummeted for a variety of reasons the number 1 being everyone and I mean EVERYONE including her supporters are sick and tired of her blaming everyone else for her loss
She has blamed from Obama to comey, to trump to deplorables to deplorables wives that "MUST" so she says do what they are told. People left and right have finally realized shes a shallow, self aggrandizing pile of dung