Hillary slips to +5 in RCP

well...she also has a massive out-reach pogram in terms of get out the vote.

Being in Florida (swing state) I've already seen (way too much of ) her ads. Invariably they focus on Trump malapropos / crappy use of language.

But it's enough because of sites like WaPo that gin it up and re-feed back as newz.
IOWs she's running a fear based campaign, not a pro-Hilary one

The good news is we will see if its enough or not... Ill mark this post to check after the election. I think HRC's numbers (at this point) far outweigh the enthusiasm gap.
What about HRC's ability to murder people without being investigated by police?
The gap is closing! Remember Ralph Nader got 90,000 votes in Florida and stopped Al Gore getting into the White House. Jill Stein may well do the same.

Well Jesus God that wasn't exactly a fucking blessing. Granted Gore is obnoxious and effete but it's hard to imagine that even he could have been the inept, incompetent and overwhelmed fuck up that George W. Bush turned out to be. The electoral college had the unintended consequence of royally fucking over the American public in that election.
The good news is we will see if its enough or not... Ill mark this post to check after the election. I think HRC's numbers (at this point) far outweigh the enthusiasm gap.
when it comes right down to it, it's still a massive campaign of who's got the highest negatives.
I'm sure there are some enthusiastic Clinton supporters - the young & dumb.
But most are anti-Trump votes.

Trump does have more enthusiasm, but many Republicans loathe Trump too.
There were plenty British versions of you saying that the Leave campaign had no chance, right up to the last minute when they won. I think I might just make a bet anyway on the result. I remember Watermark telling that all the bookies were giving really short odds on Brexit, needless to say they lost a bundle on the 24th June.

Brexit was actually ahead at one point. It wasn't 5-6 points behind...
Go vote for Britain First, little Englander. You destroyed your country. In twenty years the Kingdom of England will be a third world country.
Yet I have travelled all over the world and been to every continent bar Antarctica and South America, where have you been? Yep we have destroyed our country so much that the LSE has had its best August since the financial crisis of 2008 caused, I might add, by the likes of Bill Clinton, George Bush and Goldman Sachs to name but three.

We are now in the process of removing the albatross of the EU from around our necks and if I had my way, we'd tell the whining Jocks to shut the fuck up or fuck off. Joseph Stiglitz who has been advising them on economic policy has told them that it would be suicide to either join the Euro or use the pound if they gained independence. Mind you, with them running up a £15 billion deficit (10% of GDP) last year and only receiving £60 million in taxes from oil, it looks like we are stuck with them.


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On paper in many ways the Republican should be ahead, but Trumps bombastic and unstable personality has caused many Americans serious pause. Many would rather someone they believe is corrupt but stable over someone who is likely seriously mentally ill and unstable.

I thought compulsive lying was a mental illness.....if so, Hil-liar-y is more than simply corrupt.......did you hear?......today they uncovered thirty emails about Benghazi that were never released to investigator.......
Republicans have been saying that as far back as I can remember. Remember George Bush, Sr.'s slogan... "annoy the media, vote for Bush"?

Trump has displayed many symptoms of a lack of touch with reality. He clearly illustrates symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Look it up and see if you agree! The guy is not dumb, but he keeps self sabotaging which is also indicative of mental illness. I am concerned about the self sabotaging when his success is tied in with the success of the United States.

breathless hyperbole is not limited to the media....any mindless liberal can do it......
Darth, the math is impossible. There simply aren't enough uninformed rednecks to get Trump elected. :)

perhaps, but he currently leads Hillary by 17 points among independents in Ohio.....and there aren't enough uninformed Democrats there to give her your electoral points either........