APP - Himalayan glaciers melting!! Uhhh, not really



FTA:Growing glaciers, however, are not exactly good news. According to Hewitt, ‘Surging glaciers are dangerous because they store water. The Hunza River has declined by 20 per cent due to the advance of glaciers in the area. These glaciers are storing ice… This is a different problem and needs to be investigated’.

LOL we are supposed to worry about them melting or forming!!

FTA:Growing glaciers, however, are not exactly good news. According to Hewitt, ‘Surging glaciers are dangerous because they store water. The Hunza River has declined by 20 per cent due to the advance of glaciers in the area. These glaciers are storing ice… This is a different problem and needs to be investigated’.

LOL we are supposed to worry about them melting or forming!!

try greenland and alaska

glaciers advance and retreat due to global climate change
try greenland and alaska

glaciers advance and retreat due to global climate change

what's your point? Are you aware of natural cycles like, well say for instance, ICE AGES?

How does melting glaciers prove humans are responsible? Would they not melt if humans were not on the earth?

The data that was used to underpin the CO2 theory has been found to be manipulated and the raw data is fucking missing. Which part of that do you still find convincing?
Originally Posted by tinfoil

FTA:Growing glaciers, however, are not exactly good news. According to Hewitt, ‘Surging glaciers are dangerous because they store water. The Hunza River has declined by 20 per cent due to the advance of glaciers in the area. These glaciers are storing ice… This is a different problem and needs to be investigated’.

LOL we are supposed to worry about them melting or forming!!

try greenland and alaska

glaciers advance and retreat due to global climate change

He's still operating on the erroneous literal translation of the term "global warming" from a few years ago. :palm:
what's your point? Are you aware of natural cycles like, well say for instance, ICE AGES? That IS his point.....YOU were trying to imply that there is no such thing as global warming because of this particular glacial growth. He's pointing out that your simplistic attitude is based on the erroneous literal translation of the phrase "global warming" of a few years ago.
How does melting glaciers prove humans are responsible? Would they not melt if humans were not on the earth? The question you should ask is, "would they melt at the current rate?
The data that was used to underpin the CO2 theory has been found to be manipulated and the raw data is fucking missing. Actually, only ONE particular theory was found in error....NOT all the evidence or theories. Which part of that do you still find convincing?
All that which YOU patently ignore, deny or trivialize.
what's your point? Are you aware of natural cycles like, well say for instance, ICE AGES?

How does melting glaciers prove humans are responsible? Would they not melt if humans were not on the earth?

The data that was used to underpin the CO2 theory has been found to be manipulated and the raw data is fucking missing. Which part of that do you still find convincing?

here's one for you - recent data analysis shows that ice ages form much faster than we though - like one decade from 'normal' weather to ice age

perhaps we are stalling off the next ice age with our co2 emissions...

the real problem is that we do not know enough about global climate changes and we really need to know what causes them so we can prepare for them...regardless of the cause

so lets stop arguing and start collecting as much data as possible and analyze it thoroughly as part of an international effort...or on our own

we are analyzing ice cores to try to track global climate changes and more recent climate changes - looking through recorded history

this is one case where we cannot afford to be wrong because the consequences are just too dire

global climate change is here and now and we need to know more
here's one for you - recent data analysis shows that ice ages form much faster than we though - like one decade from 'normal' weather to ice age

perhaps we are stalling off the next ice age with our co2 emissions...

the real problem is that we do not know enough about global climate changes and we really need to know what causes them so we can prepare for them...regardless of the cause

so lets stop arguing and start collecting as much data as possible and analyze it thoroughly as part of an international effort...or on our own

we are analyzing ice cores to try to track global climate changes and more recent climate changes - looking through recorded history

this is one case where we cannot afford to be wrong because the consequences are just too dire

global climate change is here and now and we need to know more

I could go along with your suggestion, if the governments stop acting like they know man/carbon/whatever is causing it. When they KNOW that would be a different thing.

What we have NOW is that it appears that those most responsible for government/world data, possibly cooked the books, to make the science 'arguably' settled. It's no where close to settled.
I could go along with your suggestion, if the governments stop acting like they know man/carbon/whatever is causing it. When they KNOW that would be a different thing.

What we have NOW is that it appears that those most responsible for government/world data, possibly cooked the books, to make the science 'arguably' settled. It's no where close to settled.

'cooking the books' seems to be a bit to common, but where is the data that we can rely on

i notice that no one responded to my comment that an ice age could take only one decade to take over - sadly, i got this from one of the science channels and do not have a link
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
All that which YOU patently ignore, deny or trivialize.

You idiot! I'm pointing out how we get false information about global warming

Sorry bunky, but like I said you take ONE incident of botched information and try to generalize for ALL aspects of proof regarding the global warming issue. As the chronological posts of this and other threads show, you're wrong. My previous statement stands regardless of your insipid stubborness and dishonest revisions to the contrary. Carry on.
Sorry bunky, but like I said you take ONE incident of botched information and try to generalize for ALL aspects of proof regarding the global warming issue. As the chronological posts of this and other threads show, you're wrong. My previous statement stands regardless of your insipid stubborness and dishonest revisions to the contrary. Carry on.

What part of the article did you not read?
You "warmists" crack me up. First the world is getting cold, then its getting hot, now its either or. LOL

Who gives a shit. If you don't want to accept your personal and your nation's responsibility to the planet it's up to you. I guess you get a free ride... but that's what you people like, right?
Who gives a shit. If you don't want to accept your personal and your nation's responsibility to the planet it's up to you. I guess you get a free ride... but that's what you people like, right?

Just like a typickal warmer.
When you have nothing to back your whine, you attack the oppositon. :palm:
Who gives a shit. If you don't want to accept your personal and your nation's responsibility to the planet it's up to you. I guess you get a free ride... but that's what you people like, right?

Appeal to emotion? WTF?
We already clean up our environment. It's your country that has a problem. Tainted fucking toys ring a bell?