APP - Himalayan glaciers melting!! Uhhh, not really

Tell me why you thing product specs allow tainted toys.

They allow whatever the toy designer designs. The choice of paint, the choice of small parts. Chinese factories make NO product decisions. Any corners cut are cut together with the company who has specified the product.
Western companies and IN PARTICULAR American companies conduct company audits. They are designed to be comprehensive but if they fail they are the fault of the conductors of the audits.
Sorry. Didn't think I would have to explain that since it was in the press at the time.
They allow whatever the toy designer designs. The choice of paint, the choice of small parts. Chinese factories make NO product decisions. Any corners cut are cut together with the company who has specified the product.
Western companies and IN PARTICULAR American companies conduct company audits. They are designed to be comprehensive but if they fail they are the fault of the conductors of the audits.
Sorry. Didn't think I would have to explain that since it was in the press at the time.
LOL Like the designer specifies lead paint and lead in plastics. :palm:
LOL Like the designer specifies lead paint and lead in plastics. :palm:

It is the buyers responsibility to specify everything he wants included. It is his responsibility to understand all products.
This is how it usually works.
Company, say Toys r us or Walmart have an office in Hong Kong or employ a sourcing agent such as Li and Fung or Tradewinds, to find possible product or product manufacturers. The product is designed according to the resellers requirement. That design and spec is sent, on a CD, to the sourcing company who then visit their shortlist of factories on the mainland. One is chosen. Prices are negotiated, delivery schedules are agreed and samples are made. The samples are examined by the retailer with the help of a testing company like SGS. The product goes into production. Random samples are taken (or should be) by the retailers agents and submitted either to the retailer or to a test lab.
The product is delivered and put on sale. You buy it. If we have Li and Fung shares we make money. We seldom say thank you.
At no time does the retailer not know exactly what is going on... unless of course, he is an idle son of a bitch southern yank for whom raising his sorry arse in the morning is too much trouble.
And the buyer wants a safe, lead free product. Nice try.

Sometimes the buyer is inexperienced. In the case of the toys the buyers were American. You tell me what Americans want.
You do know what a product purchasing department looks like....don't you?
Give it up, old chap. You were just a puppy dog chasing a stick but when you reached it you found it was too heavy for you to pick up. I'll put you down as 'retired - hurt'.
LOL ching chang says it's the fault of the person who orders the paint, not the company that makes the paint! LOL that's fucking hilarious!
LOL ching chang says it's the fault of the person who orders the paint, not the company that makes the paint! LOL that's fucking hilarious!

It has nothing to do with the manufacturer of the paint. Have you ANY idea how products are designed and the various component parts specified?
Tell me, without looking it up, what specification and what assurances you would require from a manufacturer of a epoxy coating if you wanted to coat a flat roof? What concrete mix would you use for a nuclear reactor?
Is it the concrete supplier's responsibility?? Is it the epoxy coating manufacturers responsibility??
You had better put the stick down, too. Its just too heavy for one as inexperienced as you clearly are.
I have told you in very simple terms how trade with China is conducted. I have told you how American companies audit (you DO know what that means in this context, don't you?) overseas manufacturers.
If you wish to continue chasing sticks like a puppy dog, please be my guest.
I honestly thought you had more sense.
I'm sure mattel ordered paint with lead in it. Or melamine in the dog food. You chinese are scum when it comes to business practices.
I'm sure mattel ordered paint with lead in it. Or melamine in the dog food. You chinese are scum when it comes to business practices.

Don't be quite so naive please. Nobody ORDERS paint with lead in it. That is an incredibly immature and silly thing to suggest. Similarly if the buyers at Mattel were not cognisant of the fact that product safety laws in China at the time were not the same as they are in the US then that was THEIR fault. Caveat Emptor. Get it?
As far as food stuffs are concerned I will repeat what I have said several times here. Dont buy Chinese foodstuffs. That is simple enough even for you, huh?
So I'm Chinese now am I? And you, my dear Tinfoil, are proving yourself to be extremely naive and incredibly stupid.
I was under the impression that you were employed. I have to tell you, young man, that were I your boss our relationship would be extremely temporary.
What part of the article did you not read?

I read everything including the information I sourced...of which you either read parts of or nothing at all.

If you're going to regurgiatate the SOS, I'll just link to previous discussions for my answers, because let's face don't think beyond the mantras and rhetoric.
Don't be quite so naive please. Nobody ORDERS paint with lead in it. That is an incredibly immature and silly thing to suggest. Similarly if the buyers at Mattel were not cognisant of the fact that product safety laws in China at the time were not the same as they are in the US then that was THEIR fault. Caveat Emptor. Get it?
As far as food stuffs are concerned I will repeat what I have said several times here. Dont buy Chinese foodstuffs. That is simple enough even for you, huh?
So I'm Chinese now am I? And you, my dear Tinfoil, are proving yourself to be extremely naive and incredibly stupid.
I was under the impression that you were employed. I have to tell you, young man, that were I your boss our relationship would be extremely temporary.

Did you really just make my point that chinese are scum? LOL

Plus, I'm self employed--Something I bet you've never even contemplated
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'cooking the books' seems to be a bit to common, but where is the data that we can rely on

i notice that no one responded to my comment that an ice age could take only one decade to take over - sadly, i got this from one of the science channels and do not have a link

Why would they? You misused 'to' in place of the correct, 'too.' Not being picky and I'm no grammar nazi, you are just way too full of yourself here.
Did you really just make my point that chinese are scum? LOL

Plus, I'm self employed--Something I bet you've never even contemplated

You may make as many points as you wish. I doubt that you know what you are talking about and I doubt that you seriously wish to be informed. As such you are of no consequence. Are Americans scum? Some sure as hell are, if we use your childish definition. Are British people scum? Indubitably. How about Canadians, German, French, Peruvians?
I have been self employed, in as much that I started companies and employed people, for over 25 years. Does that answer your question? I am now well into my retirement, so if you learn nothing else, perhaps you can learn not to make assumptions and not to play with the big boys until you grow a little more.
Now put your tongue back in your mouth, wipe the dribble from your chin, if you have one, and get an early night. You sure as hell need it.
Sometimes the buyer is inexperienced. In the case of the toys the buyers were American. You tell me what Americans want.
You do know what a product purchasing department looks like....don't you?
Give it up, old chap. You were just a puppy dog chasing a stick but when you reached it you found it was too heavy for you to pick up. I'll put you down as 'retired - hurt'.
Ad hom means you lost the debate. No surprise. :)