His Dark Materials


It really was quite a bit more radical than I thought. The story hinges on Eve eating the apple of knowledge being a good thing, and a God that appointed himself and reigns in tyranny over everyone else and tries to eradicate all knowledge.

But like Narnia, it's best whenever the author doesn't try to bash you over the head with his theology. And it is really no more anti-Christian than Narnia was anti-atheist. You all have to admit that the last of the Narnia series, where C.S. Lewis sentences Sarah to hell for becoming a women and being interested in guys and sex and blesses everyone else by killing them in a trainwreck, was by far the worst of the series. It took no imagination, it was all hellfire, brimstone, and Lewis's personal philosophy. The rest of the books were much better, because if you ignore the theology, you see an extremely creative mind. Similarly, the best part of Pullman's books isn't the theology.

It's absolutely idiotic to try and mix art and reason. Art is meaningless.
Some art is meaningless. That's called post modern formalist trash. Some art reflects deeper truths of the human soul in a beautiful way. That is good art. You just have no taste.
I like the books. They aren't bad at all. I look forward to the next movie, if they ever make it.
I like the books. They aren't bad at all. I look forward to the next movie, if they ever make it.

The movie is an extremely diluted version of the book. It's has dialogue that's basically just a bunch of Hollywood soundbites that summarize and simplify Pullman's message* until it's acceptable to evangelicals.

That's a problem. They also needed at least three hours to make a film from such a large movie, and they tried to fit the movie into two.

*Not an original WM opinion.
Art moves you. Art stirs something inside you.

If it doesn't, it isn't art. No matter how pretty or pretentious it is.
If you say this than you dont truely understand what it is to be human.

Art is not meaningless it is just beyond the scope of your life at this momment.

Desh, I know more about art than you do. Don't try to act pretentious with me, you're not going to get far. Art is nothing but emotions; it is meaningless.
You seem to be in the same stage my son is in. He wants so much to understand the world arround him and is unsatiable in his efforts to learn things about the world that he in the process tries to ignore a part of the mystery which is the human experience "emotions".

They are not your enemy they are a tool to navigate the world of humans. Music is Art, it is emotion expressed with math, sound and technical skill.

Now are you going to tell me Music is meaningless?
You seem to be in the same stage my son is in. He wants so much to understand the world arround him and is unsatiable in his efforts to learn things about the world that he in the process tries to ignore a part of the mystery which is the human experience "emotions".

They are not your enemy they are a tool to navigate the world of humans. Music is Art, it is emotion expressed with math, sound and technical skill.

Now are you going to tell me Music is meaningless?

"music is, by its very nature, essentially powerless to express anything at all." - Igor Stravinsky
And what did he mean by that my friend?

He meant the expressing happened by means of communication between the human writing the music and the listener and that was the important thing.
Dude you will come to grips with this someday.

Right now you are in your rational phase. Its a good phase and there is much to learn there. The thing about emotions is you cant ignore them forever or they sneak up and bite your ass. Learn about your emotional self too. Allow others to be emotional beings.
Emotion was the catalyst for many great things humans have attainted in all the fields of thought and the physical world.

BTW art can act as political speach and protest and has done alll through history.
Dude you will come to grips with this someday.

No, YOU will.

Right now you are in your rational phase. Its a good phase and there is much to learn there. The thing about emotions is you cant ignore them forever or they sneak up and bite your ass. Learn about your emotional self too. Allow others to be emotional beings.
Emotion was the catalyst for many great things humans have attainted in all the fields of thought and the physical world.

BTW art can act as political speach and protest and has done alll through history.

"Art is meaningless" was sort of a trivial quip. You don't have to go and attempt to decipher my entire belief system from it.
Ever thought that those painting you think are just dumb do in fact stir you if you understood them? I doubt it. Populism is the enemy art.

I think you are trying to be profound and cynical. In the future you will see how much that was worth, despite what you think now.
Watermark youth has a tendancy to not want to recognise experience. Every piece of the world of education which you rightly value is part and parcel of someones experiences in life.

Us old people have been where you are. Have you every been 50? Have you ever been 35? You are a very bright young man and are well ahead of most of your peers. I have been in the stage you have been in. I have watched my Bros and Sis's walk your same footsteps. I can NEVER know exactly what you are going through but there is a commonality to human experience. To ignore it would be utter stupidity for anyone who seeks to learn and know this little journey we all take.