His Dark Materials

Watermark youth has a tendancy to not want to recognise experience. Every piece of the world of education which you rightly value is part and parcel of someones experiences in life.

Us old people have been where you are. Have you every been 50? Have you ever been 35? You are a very bright young man and are well ahead of most of your peers. I have been in the stage you have been in. I have watched my Bros and Sis's walk your same footsteps. I can NEVER know exactly what you are going through but there is a commonality to human experience. To ignore it would be utter stupidity for anyone who seeks to learn and know this little journey we all take.

Do you know what it's like to write a novel or a song?
Books, asshat, you wouldn't be interested.:p

I write books in my sleep.

here's a sample.

"zzzzz. zzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z. zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzz.z zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz ..z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzz.zzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzz zzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzz.zzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz .zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzz.zz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzz.z zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz z.zz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzz."
I write books in my sleep.

here's a sample.

"zzzzz. zzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z. zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzz.z zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz ..z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzz.zzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzz zzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzz.zzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz .zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzz.zz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzz.z zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz z.zz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzz z zzz."

My my, what a clever intellectually stimulating answer.
Do you know what it's like to write a novel or a song?

I have never written a novel , I have written songs , wrote poetry, painted a picture, thrown a pot, made Jewelry,Acted in a play, sculpted in clay along with a few other things.

Art is very theraputic and helps man connect with himself and others in a deeper way.

Man is an artist by nature.
I have never written a novel , I have written songs , wrote poetry, painted a picture, thrown a pot, made Jewelry,Acted in a play, sculpted in clay along with a few other things.

Art is very theraputic and helps man connect with himself and others in a deeper way.

Man is an artist by nature.

I've discovered that if I play my guitar before I go to bed I don't get the terrible anxiety and stress (stress from basically nowhere, as I really have nothing to be stressed about) that used to keep me up hours at a time. It is very therapeutic. It's a big part of our emotional makeup.
Are you being emotional?

Just kidding.

Creating is what made us different from other species. Its in our blood to create. Art is a way to apply this to our modern world where creativity is often sidelined in favor of being a cog in the wheel.

It soothes the creative beast in us all.
Are you being emotional?

Just kidding.

Creating is what made us different from other species. Its in our blood to create. Art is a way to apply this to our modern world where creativity is often sidelined in favor of being a cog in the wheel.

It soothes the creative beast in us all.

Emotions aren't bad just because they're meaningless.