His Dark Materials

You can not separate emotions from the human experience even if they are bad.

Which pretty much means they cant be meaningless.
This reminds me of art in the soviet union, where anything that was too complex and not optimistic enough was denounced as "formalistic" and the creator hung.

Like the paintings of the factories. There was a famous one with a long title - something like dawn hangs over the factory...
This is an issue of point of view. Only from some elitist abstracted point of view are humans meaningless. This is the psychosis of genocidal elitism.
This is an issue of point of view. Only from some elitist abstracted point of view are humans meaningless. This is the psychosis of genocidal elitism.

I actually agree with you about the shittiness of postmodern art. Art used to stiumlate society and culture, and was not considered acceptable or praiseworthy (or even art) if only the artist could "relate" to it.

In a culture drifting further towards nihilism, its only going to get more pervasive. Just another reason why the future looks bleak...
This is an issue of point of view. Only from some elitist abstracted point of view are humans meaningless. This is the psychosis of genocidal elitism.

I'm not genocidal. And how is it elitist? You just randomly try to pin down negative labels on things you dislike, this is how you replace logical argument.
I'm not genocidal. And how is it elitist? You just randomly try to pin down negative labels on things you dislike, this is how you replace logical argument.

No. Im sure your own personhood and existence is meaningful to you. From what point of view is your existence meaningless? Perhaps from another's point of view your existence is meaningless. But from what point of view is all of humanity meaningless? A non human point of view. That's the answer. Bifurcation the species is an asshole thing to do.
I actually agree with you about the shittiness of postmodern art. Art used to stiumlate society and culture, and was not considered acceptable or praiseworthy (or even art) if only the artist could "relate" to it.

But not only the artist can relate to it. There's just a group of people who are extremely interested in art, and they go to extremes to try to create emotions and feelings that aren't necessarily the norm in society. The people who truly enjoy art follow them there, because by that time they are tired of the cliches and common things that are part of normal popular art. The rest of society is happy with hearing the same repeated cliches over and over again. It's an amiable cycle.

Expecting a normal person to pick up a piece of postmodern art and understand it is like expecting them to look at a book on string theory and understand it. But you shouldn't parade your ignorance and pretend that string theory doesn't exist just because you can't understand it. You should just state that you choose to live in ignorance and you're happy there.
No. Im sure your own personhood and existence is meaningful to you.

In the way that things can be meaningful to people, sure.

From what point of view is your existence meaningless? Perhaps from another's point of view your existence is meaningless. But from what point of view is all of humanity meaningless? A non human point of view. That's the answer. Bifurcation the species is an asshole thing to do.

If a non-human point of view is truth truth it still is.
But not only the artist can relate to it. There's just a group of people who are extremely interested in art, and they go to extremes to try to create emotions and feelings that aren't necessarily the norm in society. The people who truly enjoy art follow them there, because by that time they are tired of the cliches and common things that are part of normal popular art. The rest of society is happy with hearing the same repeated cliches over and over again. It's an amiable cycle.

Expecting a normal person to pick up a piece of postmodern art and understand it is like expecting them to look at a book on string theory and understand it. But you shouldn't parade your ignorance and pretend that string theory doesn't exist just because you can't understand it. You should just state that you choose to live in ignorance and you're happy there.

So, you find pomo to be creative and intelligent? That would seem a bit of a reach for you, to me...
So, you find pomo to be creative and intelligent? That would seem a bit of a reach for you, to me...

Well I'm trying to describe a lot of things I really don't understand either. Those post-modern books don't make sense to me either. However, I assure you that people aren't just making up the emotions they feel whenever they read it. Even if the material is actually completely formalistic and meaningless, it's kind of what desh said, art is what it means to you, and the emotions it draws out in you. Of course, if it only brought out emotions in the author, no one would talk about it. The fact that complex works are talked about, to me, indicates that someone felt something when reading it. Which is a good thing.

And if you can do the same thing with a more populist feel, and inspire a lot more people, all the power to you. There's no problem with that. Art isn't necessarily better just because it's complex, even though there's a lot of things to be found exploring complex art.
Well I'm trying to describe a lot of things I really don't understand either. Those post-modern books don't make sense to me either. However, I assure you that people aren't just making up the emotions they feel whenever they read it. Even if the material is actually completely formalistic and meaningless, it's kind of what desh said, art is what it means to you, and the emotions it draws out in you. Of course, if it only brought out emotions in the author, no one would talk about it. The fact that complex works are talked about, to me, indicates that someone felt something when reading it. Which is a good thing.

And if you can do the same thing with a more populist feel, and inspire a lot more people, all the power to you. There's no problem with that. Art isn't necessarily better just because it's complex, even though there's a lot of things to be found exploring complex art.

So, who's better? Joe Schmoe who dumps paint onto a tarp or Leonardo da Vinci?