hmm, does Rep Goode have balls ? We shall see


Villified User
Group Wants Congressman Virgil Goode to Explain Comments About Muslims

Monday, February 19, 2007

WASHINGTON — A Muslim group said Monday it had invited Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., to expand on biting remarks he made last week during debate on a House resolution disapproving of President Bush's decision to send more than 21,000 U.S. troops into Iraq.

The Muslim American Public Affairs Council has "extended this invitation to Congressman Goode to give him a venue to explain his recent comments about Muslims and Islam," MAPAC Executive Director Marc Conaghan said in a statement. MAPAC also asked Goode to share a dialogue with Jamal Badawi, an Islamic and comparative religion scholar.

Goode's position on the invitation wasn't clear Monday evening. Phone calls to Goode's office went unanswered. Most government offices were closed on Monday for observation of the President's Day holiday.

MAPAC, based in Raleigh, N.C., also did not immediately return messages seeking further comment.

Goode's remarks recently have raised eyebrows among U.S. Muslim groups.

Last week, Goode said the nonbinding resolution would provide "comfort and encourage the radical Muslims who want to destroy our country." He also said Islamic jihadists want U.S. currency to say "In Muhammad We Trust," with an Islamic flag flying over the White House and U.S. Capitol.

In December, Goode drew ire from Muslim groups when he sent a letter to constituents questioning Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison's decision to use a Koran for his ceremonial swearing-in photograph. Ellison was born in Detroit and converted to Islam in college.

At the time, Goode also told FOX News that he is "for restricting immigration so that we don’t have a majority of Muslims elected to the United States House of Representatives.,2933,252843,00.html
His comments are about those "radicals" that supposedly the good Muslims reject. Interesting that they claim them right when somebody is also rejecting their ideals.

It seems far more political than religious, IMO.
Political, prejudicial, rascist, etc....
Here in kY the dislike /hatred of Muslims is primarially racist instead of religious.
Iraqi, aka Sand Ni**&^s.....Nuke em all , etc....
Political, prejudicial, rascist, etc....
Here in kY the dislike /hatred of Muslims is primarially racist instead of religious.
Iraqi, aka Sand Ni**&^s.....Nuke em all , etc....
He said nothing of the sort. He said "radical" muslims and "jihadists" which are definitely not all muslims as these people portray.
I agree with the comments that he made if they are word for word what is written in the original post above. I don't see anything wrong there.
if he had any nutz he'd accept the invite, and tell them he thingks the rest of them are addicating their responsibility by saying nothing about the manics who are giving the whole mess of them a bad name. if the majority of the muslims are good people, the why don't they stand up against these meanicas and SHOW the rest of the world where they really stand???
if he had any nutz he'd accept the invite, and tell them he thingks the rest of them are addicating their responsibility by saying nothing about the manics who are giving the whole mess of them a bad name. if the majority of the muslims are good people, the why don't they stand up against these meanicas and SHOW the rest of the world where they really stand???
Yep a Bill Cosby esque type of thing.
cosby's the best.........i liked him when i was a kid with his family comedy! and i always lkike his cosby show in the 80s (till the last couple of seasons were the kids all turn out to be jerks)
Group Wants Congressman Virgil Goode to Explain Comments About Muslims

Monday, February 19, 2007

WASHINGTON — A Muslim group said Monday it had invited Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., to expand on biting remarks he made last week during debate on a House resolution disapproving of President Bush's decision to send more than 21,000 U.S. troops into Iraq.

The Muslim American Public Affairs Council has "extended this invitation to Congressman Goode to give him a venue to explain his recent comments about Muslims and Islam," MAPAC Executive Director Marc Conaghan said in a statement. MAPAC also asked Goode to share a dialogue with Jamal Badawi, an Islamic and comparative religion scholar.

Goode's position on the invitation wasn't clear Monday evening. Phone calls to Goode's office went unanswered. Most government offices were closed on Monday for observation of the President's Day holiday.

MAPAC, based in Raleigh, N.C., also did not immediately return messages seeking further comment.

Goode's remarks recently have raised eyebrows among U.S. Muslim groups.

Last week, Goode said the nonbinding resolution would provide "comfort and encourage the radical Muslims who want to destroy our country." He also said Islamic jihadists want U.S. currency to say "In Muhammad We Trust," with an Islamic flag flying over the White House and U.S. Capitol.

In December, Goode drew ire from Muslim groups when he sent a letter to constituents questioning Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison's decision to use a Koran for his ceremonial swearing-in photograph. Ellison was born in Detroit and converted to Islam in college.

At the time, Goode also told FOX News that he is "for restricting immigration so that we don’t have a majority of Muslims elected to the United States House of Representatives.,2933,252843,00.html

Well, first this in inaccurate and childish fear mongering.

Where are america's real statesmen? The one's who will talk to us like adults, and talk about the real ideology and threat of the al qaeda ideology?

I've never once heard bin ladin say he, or his minions, want to "take over" american, or fly the cresent over the capital.

Any reasonaly well-read and informed person know that the al qaeda-inspired ideology is limited to driving western miliary and economic influence out of the middlle east - primarliy so they can tear down the "apostate" muslim regimes ruling those countries.

I think the american people deserve a mature and realistic assessment of the threat. Not childish and inaccurate fear mongering.
I think the american people deserve a mature and realistic assessment of the threat. Not childish and inaccurate fear mongering.

I am not so sure the American public at large can handle the truth anymore...
The sheeple would not know what to do if they were not herded and led by rhetoric.
I think the american people deserve a mature and realistic assessment of the threat. Not childish and inaccurate fear mongering.

I am not so sure the American public at large can handle the truth anymore...
The sheeple would not know what to do if they were not herded and led by rhetoric.

I don't know which is more disturbing: that a national leader like Virgil Goode simply doesn't understand the goals, strategy, and tactics of our enemy? Or that he does, and is lying about it.
He said nothing of the sort. He said "radical" muslims and "jihadists" which are definitely not all muslims as these people portray.
You don't think he's been trying to stir up fear and hatred for Muslims in general? If so I believe you're not paying close enough attention.
Originally posted by Damocles
He said nothing of the sort. He said "radical" muslims and "jihadists" which are definitely not all muslims as these people portray.

This is exactly what I see also. I've been thinking about this thread for a day or so and I think this guy hit the nail on the head. It is the "radical" fringe he was/is referring to. Note a couple of quotes from their holy book(s):

"When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet sin. So that Allah's word is proven true against them, then we destroy them utterly." (Koran, 17:16-17)

"How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their sins, setting up in their place other peoples." (Koran, 21:11)

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)

'How shall I bear a child,' she [Mary] answered, 'when I am a virgin...?' 'Such is the will of the Lord,' he replied. 'That is no difficult thing for Him...God forbid that He [God[ Himself should beget a son!...Those who say: 'The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son,' preach a monstrous falsehood..." (Surah 19:12-, 29-, 88)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

I know you can find stuff from the Christian Bible that would be about as bad but the point I make and the point I see this Goode guy making is that it is the "radical" element we are concerned with. I think that is a "realistic" assessment of what is going on and who we have to worry about.

I worry and am concerned about the "radical" element of both Christianity and Islam. Both do much harm. We have the radical element of Christianity blowing up abortion clinics and we have the radical element of Muslims blowing up whatever they think will advance their cause. Both are extreme and both are dangerous.
Look, what the dude said was just plain silly, and it was fear mongering.

There's no way in hell a band of "islamic radicals" are going to take over this counrty, fly the islamic cresent over the capital, and put In Allah We Trust on our money. Anyone who thinks that is a logcial and rational statement is delusional.

Even the Soviet Union - a SUPERPOWER - didn't have the strength or capacity to actually come across the atlantic ocean, take over our country, and fly the hammer and sickle over the capitol.