hmm, does Rep Goode have balls ? We shall see

"Even the Soviet Union - a SUPERPOWER - didn't have the strength or capacity to actually come across the atlantic ocean, take over our country, and fly the hammer and sickle over the capitol."

Red Dawn could happen could happen!!!

Look, what the dude said was just plain silly, and it was fear mongering.

There's no way in hell a band of "islamic radicals" are going to take over this counrty, fly the islamic cresent over the capital, and put In Allah We Trust on our money. Anyone who thinks that is a logcial and rational statement is delusional.

Even the Soviet Union - a SUPERPOWER - didn't have the strength or capacity to actually come across the atlantic ocean, take over our country, and fly the hammer and sickle over the capitol.

You see is as fear mongering and I see it as important . Where is there a threat? He identified it. There is no doubt that these people would do exactly as he said, all in the name of their radical religious beliefs, if they were able to. No doubt about it. Do I think they are currently able to? No. Do I think they will never be able to? Who knows what is possible?

"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing."
if he had any nutz he'd accept the invite, and tell them he thingks the rest of them are addicating their responsibility by saying nothing about the manics who are giving the whole mess of them a bad name. if the majority of the muslims are good people, the why don't they stand up against these meanicas and SHOW the rest of the world where they really stand???

Like the Christians do when Abortion doctors are shot and clinics are blown up? How do you think Eric Roudolph survived for so many years in the hills of North Carolina?

Personally, I prefer to be talked to like an adult, by leaders of my government.

The idea that islamic radicals are going to storm Capitol Hill, and raise the islamic cresent flag over the capitol dome makes for a good Hollywood movie plot, but its just plain silly.

The REAL threat is that islamic radicals might get their hands on a loose nuke from the former soviet union, that our war in Iraq is aiding their cause, or that our supposed "allies" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are funding and abetting sunni extremists.
Look, what the dude said was just plain silly, and it was fear mongering.

There's no way in hell a band of "islamic radicals" are going to take over this counrty, fly the islamic cresent over the capital, and put In Allah We Trust on our money. Anyone who thinks that is a logcial and rational statement is delusional.

Even the Soviet Union - a SUPERPOWER - didn't have the strength or capacity to actually come across the atlantic ocean, take over our country, and fly the hammer and sickle over the capitol.
And yet Canada had the power to come on down and burn that capital to the ground.

He said that they wanted it, not that it was going to happen. It is simply not actually reading the comments and assuming he said that this was going to happen. He said it would encourage the activities of those who WANT this to happen. Mistating his comments is a political tactic I fully understand, but heck this is a Message Board and the actual statements can be read at leisure and therefore compared to your assertion that he was "fear mongering" by saying that such actions would happen rather than saying that some people WANT it to happen.

Personally, I prefer to be talked to like an adult, by leaders of my government.

The idea that islamic radicals are going to storm Capitol Hill, and raise the islamic cresent flag over the capitol dome makes for a good Hollywood movie plot, but its just plain silly.

The REAL threat is that islamic radicals might get their hands on a loose nuke from the former soviet union, that our war in Iraq is aiding their cause, or that our supposed "allies" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are funding and abetting sunni extremists.
He never said that they were going to, once again, repeating this over and over may make some people who want to believe that is what he said believe it. However we read at leisure that he said it would encourage those who WANT to do that and never even suggested that they were coming in to take over our nation.

Stating inaccurately what others say can be effective in oral communication, but not so easily done on a board where we can read his actual statements and compare to what you are asserting he said.
And the expression of intent, or what one attempts to read into a statement, relies heavily on the leanings of the originator. If one wants them to look bad, one reads something like, "He's saying that Muslims are going to take over the Capital and fly the Cresent!" If one actually simply takes what they say and reads it, we find he said nothing of the sort. It is, as I said, a political tactic that both sides use for different things. It is one, however, that doesn't work as well on such a place.

I can just imagine the false "outrage" over the "statement as assumed in meaning" and the forced laughter accompanying it as they mock the statement he never uttered.
He never said that they were going to, once again, repeating this over and over may make some people who want to believe that is what he said believe it. However we read at leisure that he said it would encourage those who WANT to do that and never even suggested that they were coming in to take over our nation.

Stating inaccurately what others say can be effective in oral communication, but not so easily done on a board where we can read his actual statements and compare to what you are asserting he said.

that he said it would encourage those who WANT to do that and never even suggested that they were coming in to take over our nation.

LR: I'm quite familiar with the sunnin al qaeda-inspired ideology and goals. I've read many of the top books by top experts on the matter.

Please show me one legitimate quote from an al qaeda leader saying that they either "want" to, or intend to take over the United States.

Thanks ;)
that he said it would encourage those who WANT to do that and never even suggested that they were coming in to take over our nation.

LR: I'm quite familiar with the sunnin al qaeda-inspired ideology and goals. I've read many of the top books by top experts on the matter.

Please show me one legitimate quote from an al qaeda leader saying that they either "want" to, or intend to take over the United States.

Thanks ;)

Why'd you address that question to me? I really don't have to look for a quote from anyone. I have studied the extremist religious rhetoric of both Christianity and Islam. There is no doubt that the extremists in the Islamic religion want Islam to be a world religion and that they are willing to use violence and sacrifice their lives to that end. That's enough information for me to know who to look out for.
Why'd you address that question to me? I really don't have to look for a quote from anyone. I have studied the extremist religious rhetoric of both Christianity and Islam. There is no doubt that the extremists in the Islamic religion want Islam to be a world religion and that they are willing to use violence and sacrifice their lives to that end. That's enough information for me to know who to look out for.

There is no doubt that the extremists in the Islamic religion want Islam to be a world religion and that they are willing to use violence and sacrifice their lives

You'd be wrong there, LR. With all due respect. Are there some whacked out muslims out there - somewhere - who dream of invading the United States and forcing islam on us. Probably. Its a big planet, with over six billion people.

As far as the al qaeda-inspired movement and ideology, it just not so. Their leadership have very specific political goals, non of which involve taking over the United States. Goode showed himself to be a fool, who doesn't understand the basic fundamentals of the group we're trying to fight.
The avowed goal of Al Qaeda is to "unite all Muslims and establish a government which follows the rule of the Caliphs." The underlying rationale is the overthrow of what it perceives as the corrupt and heretical regimes of the various Islamist states, and their replacement with regimes that are based on the rule of Shariah (Islamic law). Al Qaeda is vehemently anti-Western, with the United States of America perceived as an enemy of Islam. Al Qaeda seeks to overthrow nearly all Muslim governments, because bin Laden regards most of them as being corrupted by Western influences. Another rallying aspect for the Al Qaeda network is the ‘liberation’ of Islam's three holiest places -- Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia as also Jerusalem.

Are these the specific "political" goals of which you speak?

"Over the past five years, the Al-Qaeda has evolved from being a regional threat to US troops in the Persian Gulf to a global threat to US as also other countries it perceives as being enemies of Islam."

They may not want to take over the US but they definitely want to do us harm.

I would also point out that I am talking about all [Islamic] extremists here, not just Al-Queda. Again all one has to do is study the nature of the religion and how it is woven so tightly into their government to see what is desired. Anyone who is for some sort of Christian government over here really needs to take a long look at what the religious extremism has done over there.
The avowed goal of Al Qaeda is to "unite all Muslims and establish a government which follows the rule of the Caliphs." The underlying rationale is the overthrow of what it perceives as the corrupt and heretical regimes of the various Islamist states, and their replacement with regimes that are based on the rule of Shariah (Islamic law). Al Qaeda is vehemently anti-Western, with the United States of America perceived as an enemy of Islam. Al Qaeda seeks to overthrow nearly all Muslim governments, because bin Laden regards most of them as being corrupted by Western influences. Another rallying aspect for the Al Qaeda network is the ‘liberation’ of Islam's three holiest places -- Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia as also Jerusalem.

Are these the specific "political" goals of which you speak?

"Over the past five years, the Al-Qaeda has evolved from being a regional threat to US troops in the Persian Gulf to a global threat to US as also other countries it perceives as being enemies of Islam."

They may not want to take over the US but they definitely want to do us harm.

I would also point out that I am talking about all [Islamic] extremists here, not just Al-Queda. Again all one has to do is study the nature of the religion and how it is woven so tightly into their government to see what is desired. Anyone who is for some sort of Christian government over here really needs to take a long look at what the religious extremism has done over there.

They may not want to take over the US but they definitely want to do us harm.

Thanks for posting something that backs up everything I said.

Al Qaeda does NOT want to take over the United States, but they do want to drive our military and economic influence out of the middle east, so that the apostate arab regimes will fall and be replaced by theocratic nation-states.

And by attacking us, their goal is to drive us out of the middle east. Its got nothing to do with taking over capitol hill, and printing in Allah We Trust on our money.

Anyone who is for some sort of Christian government over here really needs to take a long look at what the religious extremism has done over there.

Our nation is like 2% muslim. I see no chance - other than in a paranoid hollywood movie plot - that muslims are going to take over our country and our government. That's why Virgil Goode is off his rocker.

But, you and I do agree that the threat we face from al qaeda-type groups, is NOT that they want to "take over" our country. Its that they want to drive our influence out of the middle east.
Cypress, I took leanings statement to mean any govt run by any religion will probably suck.
Was I wrong leaning ?
that he said it would encourage those who WANT to do that and never even suggested that they were coming in to take over our nation.

LR: I'm quite familiar with the sunnin al qaeda-inspired ideology and goals. I've read many of the top books by top experts on the matter.

Please show me one legitimate quote from an al qaeda leader saying that they either "want" to, or intend to take over the United States.

Thanks ;)
So, you think Al Qaeda is the only group out there? You think that "jihadists" do not want to convert the world? So, anyway, this is inane.

You said he actually stated that these people were going to take over the capital building. He did not. Your statement was inaccurate to the facts. Please provide one quote from this gentleman that states he thinks these people WILL take over the nation and I'll apologize publicly and put it in my sig even.

Otherwise all you are doing is repeating for effect. He didn't say what you stated he said. Plain and simple you are attempting political tricks that work best in a oral conversation, not at a time and place when readers can easily go back and read the quotes.
They may not want to take over the US but they definitely want to do us harm.

Thanks for posting something that backs up everything I said.

Al Qaeda does NOT want to take over the United States, but they do want to drive our military and economic influence out of the middle east, so that the apostate arab regimes will fall and be replaced by theocratic nation-states.

And by attacking us, their goal is to drive us out of the middle east. Its got nothing to do with taking over capitol hill, and printing in Allah We Trust on our money.

Once again, you promote the idea that Al Qaeda is our only problem, this is minimalistic and inaccurate of itself.

This guy spoke of "jihadists" who promote that the only end result is the conversion of the world. They won't get there, but they certainly want it. His statements are accurate, yours are self-serving to your predisposed opinion on the subject, and an attempt to use a political tactic best used in a different format.