

Villified User
S. Carolina Black Leaders Back Clinton

Feb 13, 3:18 PM (ET)


COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - Two key black political leaders in South Carolina who backed John Edwards in 2004 said Tuesday they are supporting Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

State Sens. Robert Ford and Darrell Jackson told The Associated Press they believe Clinton is the only Democrat who can win the presidency. Both said they had been courted by Illinois Sen. Barack Obama; Ford said Obama winning the primary would drag down the rest of the party.

"Then everybody else on the ballot is doomed," Ford said. "Every Democratic candidate running on that ticket would lose because he's black and he's at the top of the ticket - we'd lose the House, the Senate and the governors and everything."

"I'm a gambling man. I love Obama," Ford said. "But I'm not going to kill myself."
State Sens. Robert Ford and Darrell Jackson told The Associated Press they believe Clinton is the only Democrat who can win the presidency. Both said they had been courted by Illinois Sen. Barack Obama; Ford said Obama winning the primary would drag down the rest of the party.

"Then everybody else on the ballot is doomed," Ford said. "Every Democratic candidate running on that ticket would lose because he's black and he's at the top of the ticket - we'd lose the House, the Senate and the governors and everything."

"I'm a gambling man. I love Obama," Ford said. "But I'm not going to kill myself."

I am impressed by the lack of racism!

I am unimpressed by the assumption of racism.
Quoted for truth.

Interesting that the subject was introduced.

actually, I just got finished debating SR on this stuff.

SR said blacks were unsophisticated voters, and that they just knee-jerk support any candidate who has black skin.

I had to point out to SR that John Kerry crushed Al sharpton in the 2004 Washington DC primary - a city with an 80% black population.
actually, I just got finished debating SR on this stuff.

SR said blacks were unsophisticated voters, and that they just knee-jerk support any candidate who has black skin.

I had to point out to SR that John Kerry crushed Al sharpton in the 2004 Washington DC primary - a city with an 80% black population.

SR is easy to debate. All he has in his sleeve is slippery-slope, straw man.. you know, the regular slew of obvious logical fallacies.

The one you happen to be using here is the red herring.

The race issue here was introduced by Alex. SR is immaterial.
please beefy.

Let's not pretend that anybody here is perfectly color blind, and doesn't think about race.

We all do.

I use to hear republicans say they would support Condi Rice, cause she's might peel black voters from the Dems.

And every person on this board has wondered how Obaman's skin color will be percieved by potential voters - white and black.

It shouldn't be that way. We should be colorblind. But none of us are.
please beefy.

Let's not pretend that anybody here is perfectly color blind, and doesn't think about race.

We all do.

I use to hear republicans say they would support Condi Rice, cause she's might peel black voters from the Dems.

And every person on this board has wondered how Obaman's skin color will be percieved by potential voters - white and black.

It shouldn't be that way. We should be colorblind. But none of us are.
How can we be colorblind when the laws addressing it are not? Directing positive or negative action due to race is a racist policy, it focuses the society on race. We can never fix the problem as long as we focus on such a small difference between us. Skin pigmentation, it really is such a tiny difference.
I'm just saying we should be honest.

We ALL think about race. That doesn't mean we're racist.

Everyone has thought about how race would impact a presidential run by Obama or by Condi Rice. We're lying to ourselves if we claim that race "never occured to us".

I don't know why jarod got slammed. I too have wondered how Obama will be percieved by voters, both white and black. We're in uncharted territory here. Its the first black candidate with a credible chance to be president. I think that's a wonderful thing.

But, I'm not going to lie to myself and say I don't think about racial politics and race.
I wasn't slamming Jarod, I was pointing out the assumptive racism in the remarks of those people. It is more than saying that we all think about "race" and how it will effect the Presidential run, it was saying that it was so detrimental that it would kill every Democrats chances all the way down to the House just because there was a guy running for President who was black.

That is very much more than just admitting to noticing skin pigmentation and wondering how it would effect the Race.
I wasn't slamming Jarod, I was pointing out the assumptive racism in the remarks of those people. It is more than saying that we all think about "race" and how it will effect the Presidential run, it was saying that it was so detrimental that it would kill every Democrats chances all the way down to the House just because there was a guy running for President who was black.

That is very much more than just admitting to noticing skin pigmentation and wondering how it would effect the Race.

Oh so realizing that rasicsm exists and acting accordingly is rascist in itself ?
I admit I assumed people would be more racist than this poll says they are. I expected a lot of black people to automaticly support Obama BECAUSE he is black and for no other reason. I am happy to find out it appears I was wrong.

It makes me feel better about the people of our nation.
Oh so realizing that rasicsm exists and acting accordingly is rascist in itself ?
It is racist to assume that it would kill every Ds chance all the way down to the House because of it. It assumes that it is so very prevalent that just having one run for the President would cause such a backlash that people would vote against what they believe just to end such a chance.

I do not believe that it would happen as they say, their assumption is racism pure and simple.
Well Damo no offence intended, but I feel that black politicians are more qualified to make that judgement than you are.
Well Damo no offence intended, but I feel that black politicians are more qualified to make that judgement than you are.
I don't. That is ridiculous. The idea that it would infect the rest of all the races all across the nation is patently ridiculous. The idea is a negative stereotype that they have made of all white voters, including you...

Just because they are politicians doesn't mean that they are not being racist with their assumptions about others based on their skin tone.
I wasn't slamming Jarod, I was pointing out the assumptive racism in the remarks of those people. It is more than saying that we all think about "race" and how it will effect the Presidential run, it was saying that it was so detrimental that it would kill every Democrats chances all the way down to the House just because there was a guy running for President who was black.

That is very much more than just admitting to noticing skin pigmentation and wondering how it would effect the Race.
You assume that it is assumptive. It would be bigotry to assume that Obama's condidacy would hurt Democrats but it would not be bigotry to conclude same. It all depends upon the process by which they arrived at such a belief and about that we know little.
I stand by my statement Damo.
And I by mine. It is ridiculous to assume that others have no racism because they have a different pigmentation and are politicians. If they hadn't said, "We'd prefer he won, but he'll kill all Ds chances all the way down to the house." then I wouldn't be pointing out the assumptive nature of their reasoning.

If they had said, "Well, Hillary is just providing better ideas and promoting our agenda better." I would not be saying anything other than what Jarod is saying. Instead they promote the idea that America would be so put off by a Black candidate that no Democrat would stand a chance because of it.

Regardless of them being black politicians it doesn't change the presumptive nature of their prognostication.