
"in the more racist areas of the country: midwest and south."

I think we are considered midwest here. I don't think you can label us all as racists or even call us "more" racist than the rest of the country. I like to give most people here more credit than that. If a candidates stance on issues matches the majority's stance then it has been my experience that these candidates get elected. We have several black politicians in our state level government who wouldn't have been elected if white folks wouldn't have voted for them. Then there is JC Watts.....if this guy ran for president I'd vote for him in a heartbeat, and so would most of Oklahoma. He won several statewide elections and finally decided not to run........didn't get beaten, decided not to run again, to spend more time with family. What it boiled down to (and will with the likes of Obama or whomever it might be) was issues.

Now I am speaking in general here and am not so blind that I don't think racism exists. I just like to give the overal populace a little more credit than what I would give a [small] group of racists that happen to live in populace.

I apologize to the great state of Oklahoma - they are not identified as one of the states where the KKK is active and growing!

ADL has identified the following states as being notable for active or growing Klan chapters:

SOUTH: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas

MIDWEST: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio

GREAT PLAINS: Iowa and Nebraska

MID-ATLANTIC: Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia
I apologize to the great state of Oklahoma - they are not identified as one of the states where the KKK is active and growing!

ADL has identified the following states as being notable for active or growing Klan chapters:

SOUTH: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas

MIDWEST: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio

GREAT PLAINS: Iowa and Nebraska

MID-ATLANTIC: Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia

What percentage of the population do these people represent? Seriously..what impact could these nut bags have on an election?