
You are right Whites are much more knowlegable than blacks on rascism :rolleyes:
Right, nobody but black politicians can understand racism.... :rolleyes:

This is like those people who believe that somebody of a different pigmentation could not possibly represent them. It too is a racist idea.
Right, nobody but black politicians can understand racism.... :rolleyes:

This is like those people who believe that somebody of a different pigmentation could not possibly represent them. It too is a racist idea.

Sounds like you are catching on now.
Sounds like you are catching on now.
It sounds like you should be catching on.

Not even close to most people think that way anymore. Hence the reason that people like Ken Salazar can be elected in a State like mine dominated by white people...

So, I stand by my statement. They are being racist by promoting a negative stereotype of those of a different pigmentation.

If they believe Obama is the best candidate they should support him, instead they made a point that they were settling for their second choice because of their negative stereotype.
Of course I am sure there is no basis at all for black politicos to feel that way ;)
Damo I have spent time in CO, OR, ID, WA and you are making a big mistake if you are judging the rest of the country based on CO.
Move to Birmingham, AL or Moultrie , GA for a few years. Or even Lexington , KY.
Of course I am sure there is no basis at all for black politicos to feel that way ;)
Damo I have spent time in CO, OR, ID, WA and you are making a big mistake if you are judging the rest of the country based on CO.
Move to Birmingham, AL or Moultrie , GA for a few years. Or even Lexington , KY.
Even those are not every Race in this election.
You guys are still on this?

Again, thinking about race is not neccessarily the same as being racist.

I think Obama can win. But, I don't think it's illegitimate to wonder whether a black candidate - espeically a black liberal candidate - is a net plus or a net minus, in the more racist areas of the country: midwest and south.

Its no different than wondering about the electability of a presidential candidate with a wierd and funky Polish or Serbian name. These are just a reality. Our country is not perfect yet, and there are biases against people who aren't white males with anglo-saxon names, for a presidential nomination.
You guys are still on this?

Again, thinking about race is not neccessarily the same as being racist.

I think Obama can win. But, I don't think it's illegitimate to wonder whether a black candidate - espeically a black liberal candidate - is a net plus or a net minus, in the more racist areas of the country: midwest and south.

Its no different than wondering about the electability of a presidential candidate with a wierd and funky Polish or Serbian name. These are just a reality. Our country is not perfect yet, and there are biases against people who aren't white males with anglo-saxon names, for a presidential nomination.
Again, this was more than just the Presidential nomination that they spoke of. That it would have ramifications to every single race across the nation making it so no D could be elected at all is far more than that.
"Then everybody else on the ballot is doomed," Ford said. "Every Democratic candidate running on that ticket would lose because he's black and he's at the top of the ticket - we'd lose the House, the Senate and the governors and everything."

Every race, everywhere...
Every race, everywhere...

Well, that's stupid, and I'm sure he meant it as hyperbole.

The basic point is, that who you put at the top of your ticket does effect down ballot races. Surely you know this, since you are deeply involved in elections and politics.
I still feel the black politicos are better judges of that than you or I are Damo.
They have their specialties and I have mine. They can keep their darn fingers out of my code though.
I still feel the black politicos are better judges of that than you or I are Damo.
They have their specialties and I have mine. They can keep their darn fingers out of my code though.
I spend way too much time with politicos to suggest the idea that they have any more expertise than a well-educated citizen on such a subject.
Well, that's stupid, and I'm sure he meant it as hyperbole.

The basic point is, that who you put at the top of your ticket does effect down ballot races. Surely you know this, since you are deeply involved in elections and politics.
Right... Hyperbole. It was not presented that way. It was basically stated that they like Obama better but will settle on their next choice because he is doom because the entire nation would reject a black man so strongly that every race would be lost.

Yes, it is a stupid statement, I agree with that. I totally disagree with the sentiment. If Obama is the best candidate then they should support him regardless. I know I would.
Mike Dukkakis was a weak candidate.

but, I bet he lost a few million votes - and perhaps hurt down ticket Dem candidates in the South - by having a wierd Greek name.

I've live in the south. They aren't at all used to wierd-sounding foreign names. There is a real bias there.
It is all about winning Damo. you pick the most likely candidate to win with ideals closest to your own.
Idealism has no effective place in our current political system in the USA.
"in the more racist areas of the country: midwest and south."

I think we are considered midwest here. I don't think you can label us all as racists or even call us "more" racist than the rest of the country. I like to give most people here more credit than that. If a candidates stance on issues matches the majority's stance then it has been my experience that these candidates get elected. We have several black politicians in our state level government who wouldn't have been elected if white folks wouldn't have voted for them. Then there is JC Watts.....if this guy ran for president I'd vote for him in a heartbeat, and so would most of Oklahoma. He won several statewide elections and finally decided not to run........didn't get beaten, decided not to run again, to spend more time with family. What it boiled down to (and will with the likes of Obama or whomever it might be) was issues.

Now I am speaking in general here and am not so blind that I don't think racism exists. I just like to give the overal populace a little more credit than what I would give a [small] group of racists that happen to live in populace.