Into the Night
Verified User
False authority fallacy. You cannot use a Democrat blog as a 'proof'. Attempted proof by Quotation.
The audio is in the hands of the government and trumps lawyers, fuck face. Now prove it doesn't exist as you said!
You lose again, its getting habitual.
Still hallucinating, eh?
that's what you say when you lose again. I am always right, and you are a pig
And yet in your idiocy above you ignore the 3 court cases that say you are wrong and stupid.
In all 3 cases Trump verbally said or wrote that certain doc's were declassifed.
In your view that is it. Case closed. They are all declassified, and no one can contest that.
And yet Mark Meadows and WH did contest it. They went to a judge and said 'Trumps statements and writings are NOT enough'
The court agreed. And none of them were declassified.
So in your idiocy you can proclaim all you want no one else has any say but Mark Meadows and WH Counsel already proved you wrong.
And your stupidity continues.
I cited the actual cases above.
Trump SUBMITTED HIMSELF to the courts for their rulings and then not only did he accept them, the media did.
In all 3 cases if Trumps words alone or even his writings alone, after he proclaimed something 'declassified' in public was enough and no court could dispute it, then why did Trump send his lawyers and Mark Meadows to dispute it?
I want you to get someone with a grade 3 education to read that to you again and explain to you the big words.
It was TRUMP who went to court (his WH laywers and Meadows) and THEY ARGUED, that POTUS words or writings alone with no follow up in Step 2 (process) do not declassify shit and thus the media should be denied getting the material via their FOIA request.
The courts examined Trump's team arguments and the Medias arguing the other side and they determined that in FACT nothing was declassified via Trump words or writing alone IT THE PROCESS was not completed after.
Trump accepted the court ruling as a win, as did the Media.
YOu, a derp, can repeat all you want that no court has a say, but you are factually wrong via the Trump Admin submitting themselves to the Courts to hear their say.
As usual, you cant prove anything. You are just as fullofshit as always.
Didn't i tell you to get someone with at least a Grade 3 education to help you read and with the big words?
You are showing your idiocy again.
This already ENDED well. It ended in court findings of fact as my links all show if you simply READ them and read the embedded or connected or cited court doc's if you do not like the summaries and want the original court docs.
What is FACT is this has ALREADY been litigated. And what you do not understand is that simply because something is a Constitutional right does not mean it goes unbounded and without process.
All Constitutional rights (1st, 2nd et al) have boundaries and process that LEGALLY can be applied to them. You CANNOT yell fire in a crowded theatre. You CANNOT buy guns without the seller considering some rules. And gov't classified doc's cannot be declassified without following some rules.
So while the POTUS has the power to decide what is and is not going to be classified or remain classified, that does not exempt them from the process. NO one can defy the POTUS and if he demands something be classified or declassified, and then instructs the process to be done to make it so, it MUST happen. But if the POTUS and no one in his admin carries thru, if Trump just waves a document on TV and says 'I am not classifying this', but he does NOTHING after, or vice versa, he says 'these are declassified' and he and his administration does NOTHING after, then Part 1 is meaningless.
How do we know that? Because Trump and his admin went to court already, 3 times and got the Court to agree with them.
Trump and his Administrations position in court was 'if we do not do Part 2, and follow thru with the process of declassification, then the words said by Trump or the writings he made stating things were declassified DO NOT matter'.
The court agreed, 3 for 3, and Trump and his Admin won.
(I know, i know, you will read that and say they cannot do what they did and it will not end well for me if i repeat what happened in history)
He may be the chief executive, but Congress has passed laws that we all must live by, even Trump.Those laws deal with how classified documents are handled, and they are not allowed to be taken home and shown off to friends.
Trump has zero right to retain docs, and that's why he has been indicted.
Well my dear, I guess you know more than the Justice dept and FBI.
Please show us where trump has the right to retain any documents he wants. I will wait for your prompt reply.
Prove it! Link! Your personal opinion means nothing.
Already have. So have others. RQAA.
Neither of them have ever been close to being guilty of anything. El Presidente Trump had every opportunity to return the stolen documents. He refused, despite advice of his lawyers, he will pay a steep penalty.
Once again I asked you to document your lies, but you cant. You know its all bullshit, for the rubes on the various message boards you post this dreck on.
No need to reply again to the lies of yours.
one lie after another.